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Almost tenderfoot


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Hi. I have 1 more requirement to do before I go to SM conference. I have to identify poisonous plants and tell how to treat for exposure to them. The second part is easy. I'm not sure what to do about the firs part since traditionally we go skiiing in Jan which meansI'd have to wait until Feb or Mar to meet that requirement on a camping trip. Can't I just identify them by describing what to look for?

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I think that you should pose this question to your SPL.


IMO, if you would verbaly describe the plant, it's common habitat(where/how it lives), and then show pictures (internet), you should be fine.


However, I am not the one signing your book! Ask them.


BTW - You can be working on requirements for your next rank even though you have not yet received (or finished) Tenderfoot. A skiing trip sounds like a good time to work on those first aid skills. ;) So, if you have to wait until Feb or March, it will not exactly be time wasted!



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I would sugest that you and your patrol go on a patrol hike and take a couple of leaders with you and you can find them that way. Even if it's in one of your backyards. You could also do it at a patrol meeting. If that doesn't work talk with your SPL or SM.


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don't know what area of the country you 'hail' from but here in the Old Dominion, we can find poison ivy, sumac and the vines of poison oak by just looking around...year round...we encourage our guys to take samples (from private not public lands ) bag them in zips and display to SPL etc...all without 'catching' the rash... (forceps -wash afterwards and gallon size zips work well for this)...depending on your area a short patrol hike can furnish what you need...

good scouting

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