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A Rambling History of Scouting Thoughts

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Once upon a time, over a century ago, some old guys came up with a grandiose plan to help boys grow into strong men of character.


Fueled by the plight of boys that had grown accustomed to an easy, mechanized, urban life, these visionaries formulated and led a countercultural revolution that gave boys everywhere a renewed sense of purpose, an opportunity to commune with the natural world and a chance to reach deeper levels of self-knowledge as they successfully met new challenges. The early years were most certainly hard on the men that were recruited to join this fledging movement. Society must have thought them very strange indeed, giving up their precious free time to hike and sleep in the cold, damp outdoors with a bunch of young hooligans. But, they persevered in spite of the snickers of the high-brow types. Why? Because, they knew that what they were doing was incredibly important. Helping a boy learn a new skill, teaching him to be self-reliant, sharing with him in a community of brotherhood and friendship is no everyday, mundane task. Rather, it is an act of historical and cosmic significance. I like to think that each of those early scouters understood the unfathomable force that was being unleashed, as the boys in their charge would eventually grow into men of substance who would, in turn, share the extraordinary, life-changing, benefits of scouting with future generations. There must have been many a day when the lack of guidance, the zealousness of the boys and the pressures of society caused these scouters to question their continued involvement. Yet, with the heart of a revolutionary, they persisted so that we, as their progeny, may carry the torch for todays youth.


What started as a countercultural revolution, eventually evolved into the mainstream. No one can pinpoint an exact date, it was simply a slow realization by moms and dads everywhere that scouting was indeed a good thing. Where before, boys were preferably neither seen nor heard, eyes were slowly opened to the incredible energy and helpfulness that is in each boys heart. Surely, the good turn showed the neighborhood and the world the worth of the boy and the value of his association with scouting. The amazing struggles of the depression and war years, may have been the crucible in which the fire layed by scoutings pioneering generation blazed to its highest heights. It was our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, imprinted with scoutings ethic, that would show their metal as Americas greatest generation. Long before they won the war and quietly built our country, they were mere boys hiking in the woods, working on badges and helping little old ladies across the street. It was in their youthful memories of scoutings promise and their stoic resolution to build a better life for their families, that they embraced in untold numbers the scouting movement. It was good to be a scout. It was good to be a scouter. We were a force. We were mainstream.


Although its been forty years now, the social upheaval of the 1960s still resonates today with an even greater intensity. The desire of our fathers (and some of us) to shed the past for a bright new future left many of the countrys most cherished institutions in shambles. The idea that everything old was bad and everything new was good, was cloaked in the righteous indignation of the quest for progress. Scouting took it on the chin, as the hope of the young left little room for their fathers memories and stories of simpler times. Nevertheless, the flame would not be snuffed out. Boys continued to be drawn to this strange world of khaki and green. Maybe not in the same numbers as in scoutings glory years, but certainly with the same enthusiasm, need for belonging and want of self-discovery. It was a time of wandering in the desert, remembering what scouting used to be, while wondering what it would become. Many of us were forged on this anvil of bewilderment. As our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers before us knew as absolute fact, that scouting was a positive force in an individual life and in society, we took their word for it as the world made us wonder if it were really true.


Today, we live in a complex world that is moving so much faster then we were ever meant to run. The promise of progress has left us empty and longing for meaning. Once again, our boys are under attack by a world that treats them as expendable and callously looks away from the horrors of suicide, homicide, addictions, depression, hopelessness, academic failure, low self-esteem, etc. etc. etc. Still, in this cold, dark place there is a distinct and familiar scent blowing ever so still. Its calling todays generation to a sense of purpose, an opportunity to commune with the natural world and a chance to reach deeper levels of self-knowledge. After a century, the fire is burning. Once again, it is the time for countercultural revolutionaries, known simply as scouters, to stand apart for the sake of growing strong men of character.


Thank you for your service to boys everywhere in the name of scouting.









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Semper my friend, that was one of the best things I've read in a long time. With a relatively rough week of "issues" on the scouting front, I found this uplifting. I hope you are okay with me sharing it with my leaders. (I'll give you all the credit.)


The article needs a good name... How about "Scouting, A Counter-cultural Revolution"?

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Semper. Thank you for your post. As I head into the weekend, it has given me the lift I needed. Like EagleInKY, I too had a disappointing and discouraging "scouting" week.


Looking forward to next week and another chance "to stand apart for the sake of growing strong men of character."


Have a great weekend everyone!


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