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GoodKid FINALLY got Life Rank after appeal to Council

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For those who responded to my posts below (SM trying to change son's personality and Situation worse), tonight Good Kid had a special BOR in front of the Council Advancement Committee, including various Council and District people. It was short and friendly and he was approved for Life Rank.


He's already been attending meetings of a new troop because of the problems with the SM and CC from the old troop, and his rank will be presented by the new SM.


It was a long and frustrating summer - 5 months after his first SM conference when the ALC ignored him and didn't do his BOR, and over 3 months from his BOR in the troop when we filed the appeal. I thought the council would backdate his rank to the date of the original BOR, but they didn't.


In hind sight maybe he should have just jumped through the SM's hoops (he had added requirements) and he would have been done long before now, or he should have switched troops months ago and done the BOR there, and he would have been done. It was stressful for him and us. I guess at least this way the conflicts with the SM and the SM's lack of adherence to policy etc are on record. We still have to write the COR about why we're leaving the troop.


Anyway, it's done, Good Kid finally has the rank he had earned in May, and he can formally transfer to his new troop that he likes and that likes him.


Thanks to all for your earlier suggestions and support!


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I'm glad it finally worked out. Congratulations to you all for sticking to the high road and doing the right thing.


I am, however, confused by "We still have to write the COR about why we're leaving the troop."


Is this a real BSA requirement? I've never encountered it, but don't have much experience in this area.


If this is not a BSA requirement, I'd give the COR a quick phone call and leave it at that. Your family has been through the wringer already and I seriously doubt the COR has been kept in the dark.


Good luck in the new troop!



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No, it's not a requirement . We hadn't cc'd COR in the appeal letter written months ago, and were advised to let him know - in writing - why we're leaving the troop. Leaving the troop has little to do with the need to file an appeal for rank, but it might look that way if we don't clarify the real reason. The highly edited version is that SM is not a good role model ......no need to expand on that here, though some of the details are in my l-o-n-g posts earlier.



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I echo all the things that have been posted.

I really do hope that he will be happy in this new troop.

With all your dealings in the Advancement Dept. You might want to offer your services to the District Advancement Committee. We have a couple of parents that sit on our District Advancement Committee they have been a great addition to the District Committee. There are times when we forget that out youth members do have parents!! Even though we are all parents. I think I remember you posting that Mr Goodkid had been active on the committee of the "old" troop. I'm guessing that he has taken early retirement?? from that position.

It's just a thought, you could sign up and attend the next New Leader Essentials course when it is offered. Then you would be all set and ready to go. The Council or the District does also offer training for Committee members. We don't as a rule get a big turn out, so we only offer this once a year as a Council training.

Again my very best wishes to you all in your new troop. In the wise words of Tony the Tiger I hope it's Grrreat.


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Great suggestions, Eamonn. GK has been going to the new troop's meetings for about a month and a half already, and the new SM plans to have him work on a troop website and probably be troop guide next time the leadership positions change (it's a young troop). Mr. GK (Love it!) will be on the new troop's adult committee and so will I, and new SM has already gotten us to sign up to be MB counselors. I love your suggestion of being on the District advancement committee, EXCEPT that the old troop's CC is also the District Advancement Chair. If/when that changes, I think I'll follow up on your idea!



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I hadn't thought of that.....but I kind of doubt it, as he's been the District Advancement Chair and Troop Committee Chair forever. Nobody even remembers when his own son(s?) were in scouting. He really hasn't seemed like a bad guy most of the time......and we do admire those who volunteer all that time long after their own kids turn 18.


I wish I could be a fly on the wall when/if anyone from the Council talks to him and SM about their advancement procedures. I hope it's "when", and not "if".

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Last year, my son successfully appealed a Gold Eagle Palm to Council and was awarded the recognition. The SM Conference which denied advancement was on February 23. The Appeal was heard on May 25. The Palm was dated February 24, and he was immediately eligible for the Silver Palm- 3 months had elapsed.


I think your son should have had his Life rank dated the day after the SM Conference- the next date that the BOR could have been held. It is too bad that the Council Advancement Committee could not see the "justice" in this. This would have also given the District Advancement Chairman a clear message that he was wrong in the course he took with your son.

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Yes, Boleta, I agree completely. Because of your son's experience that you related in earlier posts, I stated in the appeal that it be backdated. I felt that we were asking for the earlier decision to be overturned and corrected, and though the date has no practical significance, it is a matter of principle.


I was surprised when the council advancement committee scheduled GoodKid a new BOR rather than just responding to what we said had been wrong with the old one (and the old SM conference for that matter). If we had wanted a new BOR we could have done that in the old troop or new troop and probably been done with it earlier!


After the CAC BOR this week I asked about backdating it, butthey said it had to be dated on the day it occurred, and that THIS was the actual BOR. GoodKid was just happy to have it over with and didn't care about the details, and was pressing me to not complain.


In hindsight, I guess I should have talked to Council Advancement Chair about the process and potential outcomes. Oh well, it's over, and GoodKid is happy and already signing up for several upcoming outings with his new troop.



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Your son learned that there is merit in the PROCESS even when the final outcome is not perfect and not what we might desire. He stood up for the principle of earning the rank with the activities that he had completed and was told he was correct.


My son goes to a pretty good public school. At times I think he might be smarter than some of his teachers. Someday he might have a boss that he disagrees with or that he is smarter than. He will have to learn to deal with it. He might as well get used to it now.


Your son learned some pretty good lessons through this experience. I congratulate him on his perseverence. Let us know when he completes the trail.

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Seems to me several lessons can be drawn from this episode. I admit to being an SM sometimes known for being a bit crusty and tactless, especially with immature boys; sometimes parents complain. Often though it is the cranky, demanding adults that push us to grow, not the politically correct SM checking off boxes on a form and handing out Eagles. We do not hea

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(got cut off) We do not hear his side. I'll bet in his 20 yrs he has pushed a lot of boys to excel, maybe get out from under mom's skirts and make their way in the world. The SM could have taken the path of least resistance, stamp the form, and avoid a hassle. If GK ever gets to college and ends up practicing some sort fo profession I bet it will be experie

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