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No Recognition for Merit Badge Councelors

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Does this rational apply to a Scout who submits a completed merit badge application? Does asking to be recognized for the work he has completed demonstrate a lack of humility? Do your Scouts wait in humble silence hoping someone will notice that they've completed the requirements for an advancement and present them with the badge? Are the Scouts aware that it is "unseemly" for them to ask for credit toward second class, star or life for a service project?


Whether you call it applying, being nominated or annointed, in my district if you want a training knot, you keep up with your own records and submit the application yourself. By doing so are we fishing for compliments?


(This message has been edited by Twocubdad)

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Certainly you can see the difference yourself?


In one situation a scout challenges himself to reach specific goals for a specified rank. Not unlike a college student working toward a degree.


The other is a VOLUNTEER begging to be given a reward for VOLUNTEERING to give service to others.


Sorta like Mother Theresa saying "yeah sure helping the poor and starving is nice, and having a place in heaven is OK, but what I really want is for the Pope to give me certificate or a medal."


Sorry, but if getting the opportunity to be a positive influence in the lives of young people isn't reward enough then you should never have volunteered to begin with.

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I am a Merit Badge Counselor for 10 different merit badges. I assisted with Astronomy MB on Monday at the invitation of a Troop with 8 boys who were interested in the subject. They were thrilled to see craters and mountains on the moon with my 4 1/2 inch reflector. It was great.


I wear 8 square knots on my District Committee Chairman uniform. One for Arrow of Light as a Cub, one for Eagle as a Boy Scout, the Den Leader Award, the Cubmaster Award, the District Award of Merit, the Scouter Training Award, the Scouter's Key and the James E. West Memorial Award. In our Council, when the requirements for the Leadership Awards are completed, the Scouter can complete the Progress Record and submit it to the District Training chair who is responsible for submitting it to Council. I want my fellow Scouters at the District and Council levels to know what I have done to get where I am.


As a new Advisor to a Venturing Crew, I wear the Arrow of Light and Eagle square knots in addition to the District Award of Merit on my uniform and no others. I considered not putting any of them on this uniform as I questioned their relevence to my new position.


I agree with the sentiments expressed in this thread that, for MB counselors, the reward is the joy of helping the Scout complete the badge. I see no reason to have a square knot for this activity. There are so many other ways to achieve recognition and "earn" a square knot, AND we need the help!

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