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No Skill Camporee


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What do scouts like to do?


The idea, is to come up with games that no one has ever seen,and keep them a secret till the camporee.These games will require the whole patrol to participate, or they won't complete the task.


Criteria; scouts like to run, jump, break things, yell, all without having to think to much.


Safety is a concern but kids are flexible???


Octagrab is one such game.

Materials needed,10 five gallon buckets, most bakeries have a supply of extras. A piece of bungy cord with the ends fastened together long enough to wrap around the bucket. six to eight 12 foot cords tyed to the bungy so it can be stretched to fit the top of the bucket. loop the end of the cord for hand holds. the bungy & ropes look like a spider when laid on the ground.

The patrol members each take a hand loop. Now stretch the bungy out and grab a bucket. Now stack the buckets in rows on top of one another.4 then 3 then 2 and one.

That top one is a killer.

Very good at teaching a work together mentality.


I have 20 such games. What can you come up with?

When the day was done we had boys sitting at our campfire talking about all the games they had played. Thanking us.

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I'm not looking for other peoples ideas, I was wondering if anyone had ever put on a camporee like a mini JLT outdoor program?

I think scouts get tired of the same old activities, and don't go to district outings, because they have been there.

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Oddly, they don't get tired of playing basketball every weekend. Why is that? There's a challenge because they get better every year and so do the opponents.


I think that most Scout activities offer only frustration because the Scouts don't do Scout stuff on a regular basis so when they need to do it, they don't know how.


I recently had an idea that I have yet to run past the PLC. Tent building. Give each patrol a tarp, some cord, a handfull of pegs and some poles.

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We did this at the fall camporee, it was 35 degrees overnite. Water does sound like fun!


My wife would bring home stuff from yard sales and we would build a patrol oriented game around it. She drug home 80 tennis balls from walmart this year. She paid $12 for the lot. Now I got to figure something to do with them???

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I take it all 80 tennis balls are the same color, even if not, this will still work. Take one tennis ball and mark it up distinctive from the rest, maybe spray paint it black. Put the black ball on the bottom of a small garbage pail and add on top all the other balls. Tell each patrol the object is to find the one ball that is different from all the others and the only rule is they have to leave the area the way they found it and time how long it takes for them to find the black ball.


The definitive way is to turn the bucket upside down, spill all the balls out and spot and grab the black ball and then the members of the patrol all help pick up the balls and return them to the pail. Odds are though most will do all sorts of things not to make a mess even though the only rule is they cant leave it a mess. Cleaning up at the end is such a foreign concept it will be interesting to see what they come up with.


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OGE That would be a mad scramble, I love it.


Eagledad, A night camporee?? Now thats a new twist?? I'll email that one to my sadistic conterpart, He has them lash together 16 foot tall tripods, that they pull upright using a pully rigged 25 feet in a nearby tree. It weighs 125 LB and is really awkward.


We figure if the two of us can do it, a whole patrol can.


80 balls in a garbage can. LOL. lookout Oscar the grouch.

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