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Paperwork Found! Request Approved!


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I was ready to choke myeslf or others a couple days ago when I posted that Council lost a boy's paperwork - it was a request for Alternate Requirements, specifically the First Class (BSA Swimmer Test) Requirement.


First I had major run-around that I posted about, trying to get the request in the proper form with all the necessary signatures. Then I got all the stuff in to the Council Advancement Committee. A few weeks went by and we called on it. First we were told there was "a problem" with the paperwork. Then we got a call back that said nevermind, they were talking about the wrong kid and there was no problem with our paperwork, but they couldn't FIND the packet.


Then yesterday we got a call back - they FOUND the packet and it has been approved! Thank God! Now his alternate for the BSA Swimmer test has been ok'd and the boy can move along in rank. He had been waiting for a decision since March 2007!


Whewww! What a whirlwind!

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