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Dont forget the Advancement Commitee Chair

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It is at our Spring Pot Luck/COH that any mention of thanks is made to the adults. Generally as ScoutMaster, I ask any adult who coordinated the logistics for a campout, come on a campout, sat in the committee, participated in a BoR, driven boys to a campout, and so on to please stand up. Then I turn to the boys and remind them that even though Scouting is run by the boys, a lot of work is put in by the adults as well. The boys generally then give those standing a standing ovation. (one advantage in this I don't overlook anyone by name.) Also throughout the year I make an effort to thank each adult privately for their time and the work they do. Because surely I can not do all the work myself.

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During most of my time as Scoutmaster, my wife was the advancement chair (I've seen official BSA publications with Advancement Chair and Advancement Coordinator).


Yes, she was appreciated, I just wish she would have gotten over her computer phobia and learned TroopMaster better!

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"Set a deadline and hold your ASM's and SM to it - period. We are all adults and have deadlines in every other aspect of life. If CoH is on the 15th, then ALL awards must be in to the AC NLT the 10th. You call on the 11th, then THAT ASM gets to explain to the scout in question WHY he will be waiting until next month to get his award."


Actually, she did exactly that this last go 'round...and you should have seen all howling...


And regardless of Troopmaster, it still takes quite a while to organize 450 MB's, patches, pins etc.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)

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You'll get some howling the first couple months, because they are being held to a stardard they were not used to before. You just calmly explain that because of the size of the unit and the lead time needed to procure and process awards, the deadline has to be firm.


It would be nice if the SM and committee would back the AC on this, but if not - then maybe the SM and committee should be told to go find themselves a new AC, one that will allow such abuse of their time and talents.


One of my Father's favorite sayings when I was growing up...

"Lack of planning on your part, does not constitue an emergency on my part."


Sounds like that applies in this case.

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I think I'd be inclined to offer the howlers the opportunity to become the Asistant Adavancement Chair for Tiger Tiger Cub Dens, Wold Dens, Bears or Webelos.


You could explain to them that that might involve 100 awards or so. Ask them how much advance notice they figure they would need to organize and purchase those awardsw and arrnage for them to be presented at a Pack meeting.

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