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A few guys from the local VFW volunteered to help the Ship out with drill.

I had a car load of male Sea Scouts last Monday.

I thought for a minute that I was at the perfume counter in a department store!

These Lads must have bathed in some kind of smelly stuff!

I can stand the smell of a group that hasn't showered for week or so, but this was over-powering.

I gave them all a good sniff.

The younger Scouts seemed to smell worse than the older guys!

Am I just unfortunate in having a group that has bought shares in Axe? Or is this a trend?

Not sure I could take this on a very long drive!!

Might need to stuff a few of my smelly socks in the seats to counteract it all (Joke!)


I did ask them about it.

They informed me that it was their way of attracting girls and that girls want to bury their heads in their t-shirts! -They didn't say if they were wearing the shirts or not! I didn't ask.(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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Time to fight fire with fire! :)

Tell them that you are so impressed with them trying to smell good, that you yourself will follow that fine example:


Then get out the Aqua Velva or Brut. Maybe the Old Spice that comes in the glass whistle or cannon or car shapes.


My dad used to use that stuff and you could tell the instant he put it on - even if he was inside an airtight container and you were half a mile away in the pouring rain! LOL! :)

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Don't remember if you have a co-ed ship, but the only way the boys will stop is if enough girls tell them that Axe stinks and that girls won't get within 20 feet of a guy drenched in it.

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Don't remember if you have a co-ed ship, but the only way the boys will stop is if enough girls tell them that Axe stinks and that girls won't get within 20 feet of a guy drenched in it.

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Don't remember if you have a co-ed ship, but the only way the boys will stop is if enough girls tell them that Axe stinks and that girls won't get within 20 feet of a guy drenched in it.

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"the only way the boys will stop is if enough girls tell them that Axe stinks and that girls won't get within 20 feet of a guy drenched in it."


First let me say I never use that stuff. I can't stand it's smell. Now, in my old ship the girls there specifically said that they liked the axe smell as long as it wasn't completely overwhelming.

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To be really honest, I think it's funny.

All part of growing up.

Lord knows that the journey from boy to man has enough hurdles.

I think that I really must be getting old. I'm having a hard time remembering what it was that I did to attract members of the opposite sex when I was about their age.

Sure I remember the "Brute 33".

I remember that the Beatles were singing Long and Winding Road the first time I seriously kissed a girl.

Of course I was dressed to impress, with all the right gear.

In the end it was all a waste of time, I met HWMBO at a Boy Scout Camp.

I was wearing green shorts and red tennis shoes! It was my sexy knees that made her fall for me!

At the time I was broke and let her pay for everything.

How things have changed, Now I'm still broke because I have to pay for everything!


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