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Margaret said "I will not be so foolish again"

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I may not think like many of the rest of those on the forum, so be it. Either I'm an idiot or a enlightened ray of hope. I really don't care which way I'm taken. But with that being said, I have moderated forums on the internet for over 10 years now and they all basically follow the same patterns of discussion with the same styles of personalities regardless of the subject of forums. What makes it a valuable resource is that no one really thinks alike and for that reason one can glean out information that can sometimes push one's ideas off of square #1.


I don't have all the answers except for those that pertain to me. I don't have an axe to grind, nor do I serve any purpose. I can't solve your problem because I'm busy dealing with my own. But if I do offer up some little gem of insight along the way, what bothers me the most is that some will view this in a positive manner and either accept the idea or politely ignore it. On the other hand there are always those that find it necessary to debate every point being made and often times distort what I said to the point where even I don't agree with what I said.


As far as what others do, It's basically none of my business and what I do is basically none of theirs. But when we share ideas, we share new insight that others can adopt as their own and make it their business.


You have a small adult led troop? If it works for you, great. You have a large adult led troop? If it works for you, great! etc.


However, if you have a situation where you are not satisfied with what you have and wish to change it, here's where the forums come in handy. There are others out there who are basically doing it differently than you and can offer you pros and cons as to what you may need to do to change. This is where real learning and change happens. If the first words out of one's mouth are judgmental and condescending, the person needing help is tuning it out and moving on to a post that offers some real help. I bet I'm missed a ton of good ideas because I quickly tune out and skip on to the next post when the poster get's on a rant.


If everyone did it the same, this forum would vanish overnight. Viva la differance! I'm not expecting anyone to change to accomodate me, but, don't expect me to change to accomodate you. :^) I wonder what we will have missed out by all the good scouters that have become disenchanted with the forum and found other resources? One shouldn't have to wear a bullet-proof vest when visiting with friends.





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On the other hand, one might ponder the expectations of a person that would walk off at the first suggestion of alternative elucidations. Perhaps it was discovered that Scouter.com is a discussion forum as opposed to a Q&A site.

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After reading the thread I can sympathize with Margaret. Ive seen members (intentionally or not) be tough on and sometimes really beat up on someone who doesnt agree with them. I personally dont like it and would rather avoid it. I limit my posts now because of it. I think there would be more participation on this forum if we followed the 5th point of the Scout Law.

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