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First Aid and MP3 player


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Hi All,


In my internet travels I stumbled upon an ambulance service in the UK that provides free downloads for some basic first aid advice as MP3 files for your MP3 player.


Here is the link:



Not the way I would want to see the scouts taught initially, but, it might have some uses...


Maybe review, maybe used for kids that are auditory learners...

I wouldn't mind maybe seeing other information available this way...maybe some history of scouting.


Of course we might end up with kids trying to justify the MP3 player on a camp out as one of their 10 essentials...:)


What do you think??



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"Of course we might end up with kids trying to justify the MP3 player on a camp out as one of their 10 essentials..."


It seemed to me that the BSA as an organization was late seeing how big an impact computers and computer type technology was going to have on Scouting.

Scoutnet was a joke when it first came along, only it wasn't funny.

Like it or not kids and many adults, even old codgers!! Are "Into" all of this type of stuff.

Training podcasts?

We have them for leaders.

I'll bet training podcasts for Scouts and Cub Scouts will be here soon.

I really don't want too start another ten page thread about Cell Phones!!

But I'll bet along with the new jeans, book-bags and haircuts cell phones and i-pods were high on the list of things that kids just had to have to go back to school.

OJ wanted a new laptop (Number 3!!) I thought I'd get off cheap with something around $500.00 -Boy was I wrong!!

I got hit for a new Apple Notebook, the extended warranty was almost $300.00!!

Young adults and young people love all this high tech stuff. If we don't move with them we will get left behind.


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Not sure what iPods and cell phones have to do with school? My office is collecting school supplies for our adopt-a-school which is in a low-income area. I was thinking pencils, paper and maybe a glue-stick. Perhaps the little darlings will be sorely disappointed?


I have been using the same computer for at least 5 years. Sure, it's not the latest and greatest, but it does what I need it to do. For school, they need Microsoft Office student edition, and Internet access. That can be had for under $500. (Unless of course they are computer science or engineering majors)...


At work, they have the same mentality...we just threw out our year old 20 inch LCD monitors and replaced them with 24 inch which cost at least $450 each. Your tax dollars at work.

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