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Jumping back in, headfirst

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Hello to all, I found this site and it looks as though it will be helpful. I'm excited to be in Scouting again. My son was a Tiger Cub this year, and I was the den leader. As of the end of June, I'll be the new Packmaster. I came through through the scouting program, joined as a Cub, worked my way right through to Boy Scouts and my Eagle Award. I was an Assistant Scoutmaster for my troop, went to a National Camp School, and was on the summer camp staff for a few years. But that was all about 15 years ago. I'm here looking for some updating of whats been going on while I was out of touch. I'm really excited to be a part again, and I want to bring some of my skills, enthusiasm and experience to my pack. They really need some new ideas. Same program is followed every year, which seems to cause the older boys to loose interest. I'm looking to change that. I'm hoping to hear from you all. VinceC.

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Welcome to the forums. You can learn a lot here but you need to be careful. I fondly remember my years (years that I serve? sorry, inside joke) as cubmaster. I sure miss the cubs. Remember, it's only one hour a month. ;)

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Hello Vince---



It's great to hear about your enthusiasm for the program.


Here are a few things I would concentrate on:


1) Are a high percentage of parents participating in leadership positions in the Cub Pack? If so, you should have the resources available to have a rich program to keep the Scouts interested.


If you don't you will often have a stretched organization, with a feww people doing too much with can lead to the collapse of the pack when people get tired of being exploited.


2) Do you have a good Pack Committee Chair? This is the person who should be getting parents to participate in the organization and seeing to it that a lot of important jobs (like recruiting new boys) are done.


If not, you need to be pushing the Cub Pack Committee to find a GOOD Pack Committee Chair.


3) to answer your question about what to do to keep boys interested --- that's easy. Go on see 'n' dos, go hiking and go camping. Hikes shouldn't just be walks, they should involve opportunities to learn Scouting skills and do things boys want to do.


Pack Overnights, Pack Family Camping, Summer Daycamps run by your District and Cub Scout Resident Camps run by your Council are all good things to emphasize and get boy outdoors.


Also, get yourself trained and encourage Den Leaders to get trained as well. That generally leads to a higher quality program.



Seattle Pioneer

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  • 3 months later...

Also jumping back in headfirst. Scout from Bobcat thru Eagle...then ASM (also Explorer). Later ASM for nephew's troop...then WL for Cub Pack started by a friend. When my boys finally got to Cubs, I was just a helpful parent. NOw my older son moved up into Boy Scouts. I've signed on as SA...and have taken Advancement Chairman duties. Forutnately, my son is loving it (much more than Cubs). All my kids have been campers since birth. Married to a former Girl Scout. :-) My younger son is a 1st year Webelo.


Adjusting to the culture shock - from the 70's to the 21st century...where PC transcends CS (Common Sense). Working on getting myself up to speed - so I don't get sued or arrested for making cross-eyes at the wrong scout. The thread on push-ups dragged me into this site. Tell me, what's the difference between push-ups and KP? Both are work - with positive results. As far as a form of punishment - it depends on the scout. For a weak scout - painful. For a hyper-active scout...piece of cake - but at least it burns some of the extra energy - and keeps him occupied for a few minutes.


If society keeps going in the direction it's headed, we might as well throw Scouting in the crapper - as it will be outlawed. Saw one post about how we want our kids to "have it better than we did". I'm hoping my son's scouting experience will be at least half as good as mine. It was the focus of my teen life.


So...that's a little about me. :-p



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Welcome back. Yes, it's a little more PC than the 70's, but the program is still there. In fact, there are so many more opportunities for high adventure and other fun activities that just didn't exist back in "our day". I miss some of those things we used to do, but I enjoy these new things even more. Have fun and enjoy the ride with your son.

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