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Hi my name is Phil and I'm a engineering student in central Illinois. The reason I'm here is because I want to get some advice. I grew up in California and became an Eagle scout. However, now the troop I came from is not doing too well. When I served as senior patrol leader, we had about 40 people, but now it is down to about 10. There has also been talk of it disbanding.


I want to use some of my spare time to see if I can help it, as I don't think I would be where I am today without them.


Also my name means "Modern" in Russian (Yes, it's also the name of a Russian destroyer). I'm interested in learning the language.

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Hi Phil, and welcome to the forum! I hope you'll stick around and share your experiences and perspectives.


Sorry to learn about your old troop. The same thing happened to my old troop about 5 years after I earned my Eagle. It was sad.


If you were still local you could be an Asst SM or SM, but being 2,000 miles away it'll be sort of hard for you do do much. Find out who the Unit Commish is and give him a call. See what he thinks. Maybe there is something specific you can do from Illinois. Maybe not.


You don't point to a specific problem as causing the decline. A small unit can survive and grow if it has good leaders who are trained and are willing to work at the job. But, sometimes units do just fade away with the slack in their recruiting territory bein taken up by other healthier units. Good luck. Let us know how it works out.

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I forgot to suggest that, regardless what happens with your old troop, you should get involved with a unit where you are now. (I wish someone had given me that advice!) Of course, being in a university town, there may well be a glut of Eagle Scouts looking to get involved. What a great "problem" that would be!

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Light the corner where you stand. If your old Troop goes under, it is not the same as you and your memories going under. It is the way of Scouting or any other entity. Everything dies.


What can you do to make something happen so you can return to others what was given to you though Scouting is a better perspective. As long as you have life, you can return many times over the experience given to you.


If you have intentionally returned to your unit, then get trained and use that training. Do your best to help and if it still goes under, try another unit. The unit numbers do not matter.




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