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50 years ago, BSA allows girls into Explorers


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Fifty years ago,  the Oct. 21, 1968 edition of the Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster,PA) reported that the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow girls in Explorer troops (ages 14-18). Locally, the program got mixed reviews. Some students were enthusiastic about welcoming girls to science groups, dances and parties, but not sports activities or hiking. Explorers would admit girls “by special interest” beginning on Jan. 


Edited by RememberSchiff
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I guess there were early adopters back in the day too. :)

Girls were allowed to join Explorer programs as “participants” in 1969, while required to be members of Girl Scouts or Camp Fire. Explorers went completely co-ed in 1971.


In April 1971,  young women became eligible for full membership in Exploring...


For months, the Girl Rangers operated as a kind of shadow Explorer troop, neither Boy Scouts nor Girl Scouts. Then, in April 1971, the national BSA Explorers officially went coed. The South Carolina Girl Rangers registered as an official Explorer post and became the first all-female troop in the nation..




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