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Cyber chip for 5th graders in Troop

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We have some webelos who crossed over before the end of their 5th grade year without Cyber Chip.

They need to earn Cyber Chip in order to get Scout Badge.


If they earn the Cyber Chip for their grade in school, isn't the 5th grade cyber chip curriculum linked to the blue cub scout Cyber Chip card with appropriate pledge on the back?

But it has a spot for the cubmaster to sign off not unit leader. 


If we award the green Boy Scout Cyber Chip card, it is designed for the 6-12 grade and has different words in the pledge from that level of online curriculum.


So What do you think, which cyber chip should we award them?


This is a fluffy question, I'm really not thinking this hard about it. lol

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More seriously, I think to hew to the spirit of requirement 4 (Discuss with your unit leader the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices, such as phones and games, at your meetings and other Scouting events.), I'd make sure someone responsible to talk to each crossover about troop rules regarding electronics.

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