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But there lies the problem does anyone "earn" the James West?


As I understand the requirements;


1.Be a registered Scout or Scouter


2.Make, or made in your name, a contribution of $1000 or more to the local council's West Fellowship Fund.


Am I missing something here?

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My local district committee has a tradition of taking up a collection every year to make a West donation in the name of a Scouter who has gone above and beyond in their dedication to Scouting. The planned recipient is not told of the honor, and all discussion happens via emails sent seperate from any meetings. This seems to me about as close to "earning" a James West knot as you can get. I'm one of the newest committee members, so I don't have any expectations of getting one, but if it did happen to me sometime in the future I would gladly accept the recognition and add the knot to my uniform. I haven't been around long enough to know what happens if they can't find a worthy recipient or if they fail to raise the funds needed.

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I think the West award as a recognition is fantastic. If you want to purchase it - that is fine too. Scouting costs money - hopefully that endowment money gets back to the council it was donated at. My old OA lodge used to do West awards if the budget allowed for it. To see a dedicated youth or adult arrowman recognized when they already have the Vigil Honor or the Founders Award was nice.


While I don't have the West knot, I don't see any problem with it. I enjoy seeing them on Professional uniforms because it means they are contributing too.

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The West award is for supporting the Council endowment fund - an often overlooked fund. Generally speaking, the endowment funds are setup to never consume the principal but instead to serve as a basis for future income via interest, dividends, etc. - thus providing Scouting to future generations.


Scouting costs money. It's not uncommon for people to overlook the Councils when deciding where to make financial contributions - it's pretty natural to say "I'll give this money to my pack/troop/crew". Who wouldn't say that? The expenses that a Council incurs, though, are vastly different (and deeper) than those that an individual unit may face.


How about the Bechtel family? Did they buy the naming rights for the Jamboree and the newest High Adventure camp? Seriously, I can't understand why they would do that. lol. Yeah, $50M is a ton of cash. They could put their name on the side of my house, kids, and dog for that kind of money.


Yes, I wear the West knot. I made a contribution and continue to do so because I think it makes a big difference - and I think the Council will be better stewards of the money that individual units. People ask me all the time what the knot is for and I use that as the opportunity to tell them that Scouting costs money and there are a number of ways that they can help.




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  • 2 weeks later...



While some give b/c they know how important scouting is, there are some who are knot hungry. I know a guy who paid $4000 so that his entire family would all be West Fellows and wear the knot. I kid you not!


Then there is the 50+ year SM who was honored with a West Fellowship by the troop members and alumni for everything he did for the troop over the years.


Funniest West story, and one that probably all but 5 of the West Fellows don't even realize they are Fellows is the following. We had a very wealthy and generous donor pass away, leaving a very large sum to the endowment. The SE and DFS wanted to be #1 in James E West Fellowships and got permission to give the 5 full time support staff 1 support staffer who had just retired, and everyone who earned Eagle Scout that year a West Fellowship. Bet the 150+ Eagles don't know they can also wear the West Knot :)-

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While some give b/c they know how important scouting is, there are some who are knot hungry. I know a guy who paid $4000 so that his entire family would all be West Fellows and wear the knot. I kid you not!


Then there is the 50+ year SM who was honored with a West Fellowship by the troop members and alumni for everything he did for the troop over the years.


Funniest West story, and one that probably all but 5 of the West Fellows don't even realize they are Fellows is the following. We had a very wealthy and generous donor pass away, leaving a very large sum to the endowment. The SE and DFS wanted to be #1 in James E West Fellowships and got permission to give the 5 full time support staff 1 support staffer who had just retired, and everyone who earned Eagle Scout that year a West Fellowship. Bet the 150+ Eagles don't know they can also wear the West Knot :)-

That is suppose to be a smiley with the tongue sticking out.
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The West award is for supporting the Council endowment fund - an often overlooked fund. Generally speaking, the endowment funds are setup to never consume the principal but instead to serve as a basis for future income via interest, dividends, etc. - thus providing Scouting to future generations.


Scouting costs money. It's not uncommon for people to overlook the Councils when deciding where to make financial contributions - it's pretty natural to say "I'll give this money to my pack/troop/crew". Who wouldn't say that? The expenses that a Council incurs, though, are vastly different (and deeper) than those that an individual unit may face.


How about the Bechtel family? Did they buy the naming rights for the Jamboree and the newest High Adventure camp? Seriously, I can't understand why they would do that. lol. Yeah, $50M is a ton of cash. They could put their name on the side of my house, kids, and dog for that kind of money.


Yes, I wear the West knot. I made a contribution and continue to do so because I think it makes a big difference - and I think the Council will be better stewards of the money that individual units. People ask me all the time what the knot is for and I use that as the opportunity to tell them that Scouting costs money and there are a number of ways that they can help.



Your information is incorrect....Dan.....That endowment fund is used to make up shortfalls in the budget.......


I believe it was Eamon, who is the forum member whom I consider to be the expert on council level scouting, he said that the west money is used for more than just an endowment. I wish the blasted search function worked I would provide a link to the thread

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While some give b/c they know how important scouting is, there are some who are knot hungry. I know a guy who paid $4000 so that his entire family would all be West Fellows and wear the knot. I kid you not!


Then there is the 50+ year SM who was honored with a West Fellowship by the troop members and alumni for everything he did for the troop over the years.


Funniest West story, and one that probably all but 5 of the West Fellows don't even realize they are Fellows is the following. We had a very wealthy and generous donor pass away, leaving a very large sum to the endowment. The SE and DFS wanted to be #1 in James E West Fellowships and got permission to give the 5 full time support staff 1 support staffer who had just retired, and everyone who earned Eagle Scout that year a West Fellowship. Bet the 150+ Eagles don't know they can also wear the West Knot :)-

I guarantee that it ended up on their resume...


While your laughing about it......Using the endowment in that manner is inappropriate and shameful

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While we're ragging on the West knot' date=' did anyone else doubletake when they saw it on this freshfaced kid's shirt? From BSA's Facebook


I have seen this in my District. If folks want to donate money more power to them. But to have recognition for donating money defeats the purpose of scout-based altruism.


@BD: The *difference* between ragging on rich people because their unit can do more than yours and ragging on rich people getting some scouter bling for donating money should be obvious. Rich units are not rubbing their wealth in people's faces or seeking recognition for their wealth...though I will grant you some units do just that. This award, however, is nothing more than someone who can afford to give money like that being give somehting to wear that shows they gave money. Big difference.


It is like the Paul Harris Fellowship in Rotary: Give money, get a plaque. What's the point? I'd rather give the money and leave it at that....and I have done that.

What if that kid spent the summer cutting lawns and decided to donate some of his pay to his local council?
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While we're ragging on the West knot' date=' did anyone else doubletake when they saw it on this freshfaced kid's shirt? From BSA's Facebook


I have seen this in my District. If folks want to donate money more power to them. But to have recognition for donating money defeats the purpose of scout-based altruism.


@BD: The *difference* between ragging on rich people because their unit can do more than yours and ragging on rich people getting some scouter bling for donating money should be obvious. Rich units are not rubbing their wealth in people's faces or seeking recognition for their wealth...though I will grant you some units do just that. This award, however, is nothing more than someone who can afford to give money like that being give somehting to wear that shows they gave money. Big difference.


It is like the Paul Harris Fellowship in Rotary: Give money, get a plaque. What's the point? I'd rather give the money and leave it at that....and I have done that.

How did I miss this.......


Nike....I have yet to meet the young man who makes a grand mowing lawns.....


So Krampus, why $1000 and not $100????? We have Dennis99ss or something like that who flys his troop to summer camp. We have that gay denied eagle scout from san fransisco whose troop travels to Alaska and hawaii... We have another troop that post to this forum that flew to Valley Forge from Texas for a weekend event.....Who and the heck does that with a Troop??? Obviously your not hauling patrol boxes and tents.......So how does that contribute to the program.


At what point does it become man scouting and not boy scouting...........The boys can learn leadership at the local camp better than jetting off to Half Dome or Mt. McKinley.


We got an email from our summer camp....The CD has relented and they rich boys are bringing their golf carts and gators again this year........great.......I am glad we will not be going back there, ever if I have my way. But yet I cannot bring my mountain bike to ride on the roads.......

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Noticing the knots below....


Could it be instead of giving the kid another Cross pen, some over-priced dust collector from Scout Stuff or another gift he really didn't need, someone choose to honor this kid's Eagle by making a contribution to Scouting in his name? I'm having a hard time finding the problem with this.

I don't generally have an extra $1k laying around to give to anyone....Just sayin.
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While some give b/c they know how important scouting is, there are some who are knot hungry. I know a guy who paid $4000 so that his entire family would all be West Fellows and wear the knot. I kid you not!


Then there is the 50+ year SM who was honored with a West Fellowship by the troop members and alumni for everything he did for the troop over the years.


Funniest West story, and one that probably all but 5 of the West Fellows don't even realize they are Fellows is the following. We had a very wealthy and generous donor pass away, leaving a very large sum to the endowment. The SE and DFS wanted to be #1 in James E West Fellowships and got permission to give the 5 full time support staff 1 support staffer who had just retired, and everyone who earned Eagle Scout that year a West Fellowship. Bet the 150+ Eagles don't know they can also wear the West Knot :)-

If the SE and DFS didn't spend the time and extra few bucks to present those JWFs they should have been charged with 150+ counts of fraud/larceny.
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Interesting stories. The bottom line is, if somebody takes the time to nominate you for an award, you should at least have the decency to wear it, if nothing else to honor the person who thought enough to nominate you.

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  • 3 weeks later...


While some give b/c they know how important scouting is, there are some who are knot hungry. I know a guy who paid $4000 so that his entire family would all be West Fellows and wear the knot. I kid you not!


Then there is the 50+ year SM who was honored with a West Fellowship by the troop members and alumni for everything he did for the troop over the years.


Funniest West story, and one that probably all but 5 of the West Fellows don't even realize they are Fellows is the following. We had a very wealthy and generous donor pass away, leaving a very large sum to the endowment. The SE and DFS wanted to be #1 in James E West Fellowships and got permission to give the 5 full time support staff 1 support staffer who had just retired, and everyone who earned Eagle Scout that year a West Fellowship. Bet the 150+ Eagles don't know they can also wear the West Knot :)-

Base, While I agree it's an abuse, I rather that than the guy buying West Fellowships for the family.


2 Cub, Oh they made sure people knew the Eagles were West Fellows, their names were added to the council's plaque. But I don't remember the certificates and knots being issued.

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