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Replacing MB's


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I don't know what happened-but we lost a bag that had 7 of our son's merit badges in them before they were able to be sewn to his sash. He still has the blue cards and I assume they have a record through BSA that this was awarded to him. How do you go about replacing a badge--and are they costly. I assume we would pay this out of pocket, although our troop usually covers these costs so I am not familiar.

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I don't know what happened-but we lost a bag that had 7 of our son's merit badges in them before they were able to be sewn to his sash. He still has the blue cards and I assume they have a record through BSA that this was awarded to him. How do you go about replacing a badge--and are they costly. I assume we would pay this out of pocket' date=' although our troop usually covers these costs so I am not familiar.[/quote']


I would talk to your troop first, but I assume they will tell you to do what Koolaidman said and take the blue cards in and get them on your own dime. Most troops allot only a certain amount for MBs and replacements. HOWEVER, some troops end up with some left over stock of unclaimed MBs...so maybe they might have a few they can spare if they have them. If not, as BD said, go in and ask...they usually replace them without blue cards. Some councils may ask for a report from your troop as confirmation. If you use Troopmaster or some other software, your records person should be able to run a quick report on what our son has earned and been awarded.


Happy sewing!!

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Just a side note, if (and this is a big IF) the council keeps good records, there is also a record there and if all else fails (usually it's the council records that fail around here) you can rely on those. However, as BD noted, they'll probably just hand them over if you've got the cash in hand. Always worked for me.

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