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National Youth Leadership Society


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This past week I was at the BSA National Meeting, and attended a session on the new National Youth Leadership Society. This is new name for the concept that has been in the works for the last couple of years as the National Venturing Leadership Honor Society or the like. This is what I found out from this meeting.


The purpose of the National Youth Leadership Society (NYLS) is to legitimize the leadership training our youth receiving in scouting such that they can add it to college applications, job applications, and the like. (which was always the purpose of the NVLS as it was explained to me over a year ago)


At present, there are a set of requirements for Venturers. They plan on putting together separate sets of requirements for Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts by next year. Full info will be giving out to the professionals at the Top Hands meeting in August.


For Venturers, they must take the following courses:





Trainers EDGE


Mentoring is a new course that will be rolled out in August. Trainers EDGE is the new version of Trainers Development Conference and will be used to prepare both youth and adult trainers (this is a change, as its always been run as adult training).


Once the youth have completed these courses, there is a nomination form that is filled out and certificated by the council. A $100 fee is submitted to National, and in return there will be send a certificate, pocket card, and recognition item (either lapel pin or the emblem on a chain). It is intended that the certificate, along with a formal and informal photos be framed and presented AND that a wall of honor or the like be established in the council office to list all these youth. The youth should have this presented to them at an appropriate venue (Council Banquet or the like).


It is not intended that the NYLS have any function beyond that. It's not a competition with Corps of Discovery or the like.


Funny thing is that during the session, the question of an honor society came up, and the CoD was mentioned (tho not by name). Some seem to think Craig Murray created it (he didnt). And one lady seemed to feel that she had to mention that his council doesnt approve it (so what?).


I am hoping that this NYLS will cause an increase in the number of Kodiak & Kodiak-X courses. I dont like the idea of having a set of requirements for Boy Scouts. I liked the idea of the NYLS being a Venturing-only thing (I include Sea Scouts in that group). Opening it up to Boy Scouts takes away an incentive for former Scouts to join Venturing


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Sea Scouts ARE still Venturers. I confirmed this at the meeting.


I think the intention was to create more 'sea scouty' training for them, rather then expect them to do Kodiak & Kodiak-X. Personally, I don't see why they need to do that. VLSC, Kodiak, and Kodiak-X can all be done by and for Sea Scouts as is. I could see changing so of the items for Kodiak to give it a more 'sea flavor', but the basic syllabus is valid for both.


Problem is, for Sea Scouts, is they really don't have a separate set of training courses. SEAL has 'issues' that preclude it being used as a requirement for NYLS. I had a discussion with my Region's Commodore about this, and he explained is take on SEAL. So we'll see.



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It would be nice to have one for Boy Scouts.

NYLT, NAYLE and Trainers EDGE for starters. Perhaps a stint staffing NYLT. I'm not sure what else. The only other "leadership" courses available are OA but LLD and NLS are not on par with NYLT.(This message has been edited by Jet526)

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"NYLT, NAYLE and Trainers EDGE for starters. Perhaps a stint staffing NYLT. I'm not sure what else. The only other "leadership" courses available are OA but LLD and NLS are not on par with NYLT."



I would expect TLT, NYLT, maybe NAYLE, and Trainers EDGE.


AFAIK, most councils run Trainers EDGE as an adult-only training. Wonder how they will handle dealing with Boy Scouts and Venturers wanting to take it???


I won't think LLD and NLS should be added. LLD varies greatly. NLS is a top-level course, but there is a limit to how many can take it (which is why I am a little leary of adding in NAYLE). We'll see what they announce next year.


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$100 to process an application.




What's the added value? How is the National Council going to get the word out to colleges, such that Admisssions Officers will see this passing the so what, who cares test?


Sorry, from where I sit this is the "GFI" fairy looking how to raise bucks for National.

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"$100 to process an application."




$100 to cover the cost of the certificate, pocket card, recognition item (lapel pin or necklace), and shadow frame for the certificate and 2 pictures (formal and informal). (shadow boxes for Eagle, etc cost $50).


The local councils are to recognize these kids in a formal setting and do a press release, have a wall of honor for honorees, etc.


I assume National will have info on their website. Whether they will list all recepients on-line I don't know.



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$100 to cover the cost of the certificate, pocket card, recognition item (lapel pin or necklace), and shadow frame for the certificate and 2 pictures (formal and informal). (shadow boxes for Eagle, etc cost $50).


To quote Colonel Sherman T Potter: HORSEHOCKEY!


Certificate: We charge nothing for an Eagle Scout to have his certificate processed by National now. Why charge for a Venturing certificate? Is the foil on the embossed seal of 24K gold?


Pocket Card: We charge nothing for an Eagle Scout to have his certificate processed by National now. Why charge for a Venturing certificate?


Shadow Frame: Ok, there's $50 from Supply Corporation at retail (I assume wholesale to retail is a keystone). Let's assume National price is $25.


2 pictures: With a digital camera around the Council office, that's a nil expense. Even printing digital photos is all but nil anymore.


Recognition item: Again, assuming a keystone, Supply Corporation is making money on the deal.


So, to me, it's a $100 app processing fee, of which $50 goes for actual merchandise, so $50 goes to a profit center.



My question still stands: What is National going to do with University admission officers and major potential employers that this recognition passes someone else's so what, who cares test? We're asking youth to invest more time and luchre into National's program, and we're also asking more from Council level volunteers (who else is going to do Trainer's Edge?)

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Yeah, this sounds at first blush like a load of garbage. Perhaps there's something else to it, but it sounds silly.


emb021 wrote: "The purpose of the National Youth Leadership Society (NYLS) is to legitimize the leadership training our youth receiving in scouting such that they can add it to college applications, job applications, and the like. (which was always the purpose of the NVLS as it was explained to me over a year ago)"


Uhm. There is absolutely NOTHING that prevents Scouts or Venturers from adding their leadership training to college or job applications now. Yes, you may have to include a line of explanation for each course or position, but so much the better.


In fact, I'd wager that would catch more peoples' attention than being a member of yet another high-falutin' "Society." There are so many honor societies, leadership associations, etc., at high schools today (visit a vocational-technical school and get a glimpse), I wonder how the schools and colleges keep track of what's what.


Scouting stands on its own, or should. There's no need to create a fake shell organization.


This sounds like a self-serving piece of make-work spearheaded by some professional at National or some high-level volunteer whose kid had a bad experience with a college admissions officer who wasn't familiar with Scouting. I hope I'm wrong, but as John-in-KC asked, really, who cares?

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