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Steppin up, not out . . .


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Well, last night at our District Roundtable, after weeks of deliberating about it, I decided to step up into the District Commissioner position.


I announced to the Scout and Venturing Leaders present at last night's RT that as the Boy Scout/Venturing Roundtable Commissioner, that November and December will be the last time for me to host the Roundtables. I will be completing my one year committment.


I feel a challenge stepping into the District Commissioner position. The District has been without one for many months after the last one changed duty stations.


Looking back, I inherited the Roundtable commissioner position with many obstacles. I came on board after a devastating SuperTyphoon hit the island in December 2002. The RT attendance was LOW, only 3 Scouters for the next 5-6 months. So it was a challenge getting Scouters to attend RT.


Our last minute District Banquet in April netted over 200 attendees. I'm proud of that. Attendance for RT started to pickup from 3 to 8 to 12 regulars. Last night we had 28 Scouters in attendance. All three programs: Venturing, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts were well represented.


I actually helped our DE bring in three new units and two more potential charter organizations are still deciding. AND for the first time in MANY years, our District not only made its FOS goal but more. In fact, we beat out many districts in our Council. We are a few Venturers and Scouts short in membership but I believe we will hit that goal this month or next month before December.


Today is the start of our Cub Scout Day Camp. The Cub Roundtable Commissioner has done a tremendous job in her capacity. There will be 130+ Cubs/Webelos participating in the three day event. That's alot for a small island district. Normally we would have 40 attendees. WE must be doing something right.


Next Weekend, We will be having our first District Camporee since 9/11. We have 5 units committed and about 8 patrols competing. Our Council is nervously keeping an eye from a distance. Not much of a choice since their over 6,000 miles away. I've told my DE that even if we have one troop attend were still going for it. Our two Scout camps and camporees last year and this year were cancelled due to Typhoons. But you know what, WE survived and We are back in business.


I'm looking forward to being the district's new District Commissioner. I'll be working closely with the DE and our top Volunteer on getting the Seabase and our long awaited permanent Scout Camp going, along with other programs that are in the planning stages to enhance our Venturing and Scouting programs.


Having Fun,



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Thanks BW,


It's a whole new challenge. I'll have a new Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, and Advisor for my troop, pack and crew ready next charter, so I may concentrate more as the District Commissioner.


I promised the DE to a two-year committment starting next charter year.



having fun,



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I'm not quite sure how to break this to you, Matua so I'll break it fast and straight.


YOU are now the top uniformed volunteer in your district. Congratulations on being selected to the very important position of District Commissioner.



I have every bit of faith that you will serve successfully and with the boys' interests at heart.


You're a good man. Thank you for accepting this positon.


Best of luck to you. If I may be of any assistance, please let me know.



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While it does sound like you have your work cut out for you.

I wish you all the best.

The District Commissioner role is vital for the health of the district. He or she needs to try and not be tempted to take on everything that needs doing in the district.

That is why we have a district committee.

The District Chairman does not have to be a uniformed member, so you are the top uniformed volunteer in the district.

Working along side the DE and the District Chair. You are the "Management Team."

I do think that two years is not long enough.

I think that you need three years.

One to get to know the job.

One to recruit your replacement and one to train that person.

I was District Commissioner for five years. While I enjoyed my term and really enjoyed leading a great team of adults, there were times when the going was a little rough.

I found one of the really hard things was recruiting Unit Commissioners that could do the job.

Still again the best of luck.


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Excellent post, Eamonn, Dear friend. It's almost verbatim what I thought I had posted myself. Better, in fact, because it came from a volunteer.


Has anyone else had difficulty posting lately? I have had several posts simply vanish. Am I doing something wrong or is it my computer, or is there a systematic problem?


I'm not sure.


Thanks for the help.



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While no one has to be "Uniformed."

Uniform is one of the methods of Scouting for both Packs and troops.

This being the case, one might hope that the leaders of packs and troops would try and set the example.

The District Commissioner is in contact with the packs and troops and it is hoped that he or she will also set the example.

The District Chairman really does not need to have contact with any of the units. So there is no need for him/her to wear a uniform.


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