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Regard Media With Caution

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I obviously noticed you used sarcasm there, which would NORMALLY make a person think that you understood that the news reports generally never contain the straight story, or even the full set of facts.


But you seem to be taking what the media is stating as complete facts. nldscout listed some things from the police report that directly conflict with the story.


And if you really want the story from every perspective, I suppose I could ask everyone involved to submit an individual account of it, but they would think it was funny that such a trivial one time 5 minute thing for them has surfaced many months later on an internet discussion board and has provoked hours of discussion. If you REALLY want me to get individual accounts, it just might be fun to do so. But I bet the time I spend explaining to them WHY they should take the time to write it out for me would be 4x the time it took to read them.


And evmori, maybe the youth "should just accept the consequences for what they did". But that is not how it works in the real world. That is the point I am bringing here, referencing back to the hazing story. As long as the prosecutor cannot prove intent (which he can't as he has no way of knowing), the boys get off.


Now, if YOU were one of the accused, would YOU accept the full punishment, realizing it would impact your search for a job, college, basically anything you decided to do in the next 20 years? Or would YOU take it to court and fight it if you could win the case and suffer no ill effects, even if you were guilty?

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This isn't about me or if I would have done something like this. And the reason these boys are in it up to their necks is because they didn't think about what they were doing! If they had they might have realized that if they were caught they would be in a lot of legal trouble that would impact the rest of their lives!


You keep stating the prosecutor can't prove intent. You don't know what is on that cell phone video! There might be enough evidence to prove intent! You don't know!


Would someone please pass the Kool-Aid?

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If we would have read the actual police report full of facts, instead of the opionated writings of a reporter, we would see no mention of a cell phone video.


This means, that EVEN IF THERE WAS A VIDEO, the police did not collect it. And if I was a defendant and that happened, that video would be long gone.


nldscout has a post on the thread about the actual incident in which he lists differences from the newspaper and the police report.


This means no cell phone video for evidence.

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NLDSCOUT has a copy of the police report, or has seen one, according to what he posted on the thread about the actual incident.


Ask him for a linkie? I'm only going off of what he said the report contained.


It doesn't matter if I condone it or not, the only thing that matters now is whether they will win in a court case. Looking at the facts, I say no.

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Hey NLDSCOUT! How about posting the linkie whatever that is!




Yeah it does matter whether you condone this behavior or not! I'm guessing you are a Scout leader and if so you agreed to uphold the Oath & Law.



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