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Regard Media With Caution

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Remember the swine flu? What, no? I kinda do, vaguely. The TV networks talked about it nonstop for two days about how everyone was gonna die, and then it was gone.


Every media outlet is trying to spin a sensationalist story. They never repeat all the facts.


For example, When Michael Jackson died, the TV networks were reporting it as news, when it was unverified. WIKIPEDIA, on the other hand, had locked the MJ page, and was not gonna change the status until VERIFIED information was available.



I will now give you an example on what the media does to spin stories.


Media Story "Boy Gets Jumped on School Trip" (Spun to support buy who got jumped)


While on a school overnight fieldtrip, Johnny Kasper was ruthlessly jumped and attacked by four other, larger and stronger, boys who pretended to be his friend for most of the trip, just to lure him to the hotel room they jumped him in, with false promises. As soon as poor Johnny stepped foot into the hostile room, one of the four youth immediately slammed and bolted the door shut, effectively trapping Johnny. Then, as soon as Johnny turned around to see what the mean youth offenders were trying to do, he was ruthlessly and painfully tackled by another offender. The Two other offenders then grabbed the bedsheet, in a fully premeditated plan, and then proceeded to wrap Johnny's head up in it, cutting off his vision, and impacting his breathing. The original door slammer then decided to torture Johnny even more. He then proceeded to get some Axe Bodyspray and then proceed to spray it nonstop on the bedsheet, under which was Johhny's angelic face. This action is clearly disgusting, as it seems the four perpetrators were slyly suggesting that Johnny had a horrible smell. The four attackers then held Johnny trapped until they realized that if they did not stop Johnny would be horribly missed, so they grudgingly released him in order to avoid detection. This inconsiderate attack may very well be what caused Johnny's team not to win at the state competition the very same day.




Media Story "School Trip ends in Fun For All Attending" (Told True to Facts)


While on a school overnight fieldtrip, Johnny was invited over to another kids room to watch a disgusting lady on TV talk about how her school has banned physical contact of any time. This includes tag and other games. No high-fives, either. Johnny was going to leave, but the other kids convinced him to stay and play Video Games. Johnny forgot to close the door on the way back in, so another kid nicely closed it for him. Sadly, the battery in one of the controllers was run down, so no games could be played. Two of the kids then said to each other, "Lets Get Johnny!". Johnny Replied, "Stupid Freshman, you can never jump me, I be a senior." This goading by Johnny then caused the two freshman to rush him and bring him down to the floor. However, as Johnny was falling down, he grabbed onto the bedsheet, and it halfway fell over his head. The two guys who were on the bed, mad at their sheet being pulled from under them, proceeded to hold in on Johnny's head. Johnny couldn't see, and his glasses were getting messed up under the sheet, so the other kids gave him the opportunity to take off his glasses and place them on a dresser before they continued. One of the boys had an empty can of axe spray that only had air pressure left inside, and they decided to make Johnny think they were spraying him with axe, but they were not really, as they realized how that could get in Johnny's eyes and irritate them. The four boys them wrestled Johnny trying to keep his legs and arms contained, as well as the sheet over his head. They had to pause for a bit, as Johnny's wriggling had accidentally knocked the clock on the floor, and it needed to be picked up. After that, they again tackled Johnny, and kept him under submission until it was time to leave the hotel to go to their competition. Johnny and the Freshman walked out the door together after fixing the room, and Johnny was distincly heard to say "Stupid Freshman". The Freshman and Johnny just laughed when one of them replied, "Do we need to get you again like back at the hotel?". A Good time was had by all, and one of the three competition teams earned first place in the state competition.




Do you guys see how a story can be spun different ways depending on the word choice and facts stated. A story that only has facts from one person (the first one) only reports it one way. There are always two sides to every story, and you must hear every side before you make a decision.


The First story sounds horrible, when presented as such


And the Second story sounds like a fun time schoolkids had while on a trip. IT HAS ALL THE DETAILS, too.(This message has been edited by xlpanel)

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lets see, 4 on 1, depriving someone of their mobility and sight, the terror of not knowing what will come next, feeling something sprayed on you, not knowing what it is for at least some period of time...


Sounds intriguing, if it happened to you, what would you want done?



^^^^^^^ This was what old grey eagle thought about the short version of my story on the hazing thread.


If you read the first version, taken from a twisted standpoint, it validates his claims.


BUT, if you take the story that lists all the facts, it invalidates his claims.


That is why you never base your views of an incident based on media stories you read.

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Here is a recent, real news story that shows scouting in a bad light. It discusses the salary paid to a local SE both immediately prior to and after retirement. A closer reading of the story reveals that the salary was in line with both BSA and other non-profit salaries. The public comments are what are even more troubling.




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Gee, thanks for letting us know about media spin. I really thought Fox News meant it when they said they were "fair and balanced."


By the way, the flu may not be the only news story in town these days and it is true that it hasn't turned out to be as deadly as initially feared (so far, anyway) but it certainly has not gone away. You (and most of the country) have simply stopped paying attention. Not that I think the TV news outlets in general do a very good job of serious reporting, mind you.

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Perception is everything. As is understanding the difference between media commentary and news reporting. I'd wager that one would be hard-pressed to find a straight news report on the swine flu that really said "everyone was gonna die." The vast majority of news outlets were simply reporting the facts - how many people had gotten sick, how the flu spreads, what government officials and health experts were saying and predicting. That's not sensationalist, it's just the facts.


On the other hand, if you just tune in to one of the cable news gabfests, where shouting heads dominate, you might be forgiven for thinking that "everyone was gonna die." But that's not reporting, it's chatter.


xlpanel wrote: "A story that only has facts from one person (the first one) only reports it one way."


Unfortunately, in cases such as this - let's say the summer camp hazing case being discussed in another thread - the media only HAS one set of facts. And that's the information that reporters get from the police and law enforcement authorities. That's not spin - it's just the way the world works.


Yes, there are two sides to the story. But in the vast majority of criminal cases, one side is either (a) locked up behind bars and incommunicado, or (b) ordered not to talk by legal counsel. As a reporter, I would jump at the opportunity to interview the defendant in a criminal case. But we rarely get that opportunity.


The Blancmange: That article was interesting. It seemed to be missing some background information - like, why is this newsworthy? Some of the comments may have shed some light on that subject - talking about cuts and the closing down of a council camp. It would seem like a reasonable question to ask why a top executive is getting more money while programs are getting less. Unfortunately, the article didn't address that.

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I cannot provide the real news source, as there is none. Sadly, people I know don't make the news too much.


However, I can find many examples of media stories spun different ways:




Read all of them


And I agree that the defendants haven't spoke out due to lawyer restriction. Judging them already, however, is wrong. As wrong as having a court trial for the defendants, but not letting them say anything in their defense.

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You might want to review the history of the fifth amendment. There's a good reason why many defense lawyers do not want their clients on the stand at trial, and there's an even better reason why the Constitution protects people from having to testify on their own behalf. You're a teacher, you say - I hope you don't teach government!

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Yeah its slanted evmori, and you are lapping it up, at least in the hazing at summer camp report.


The stories I told were not made up, but they were not printed anywhere, either.




"You might want to review the history of the fifth amendment. There's a good reason why many defense lawyers do not want their clients on the stand at trial, and there's an even better reason why the Constitution protects people from having to testify on their own behalf. You're a teacher, you say - I hope you don't teach government!"


I don't know how this has any relevance to me showing that a spun story version can be made. It may be made because one side won't speak up initally, but it is still spun, nonetheless.


And of course defense lawyers don't want their client to speak out publicly, what if he makes a big mistake in something he says?


Thats why I say, all you have to do is give the police your name and address when they arrest you. Withhold all other statements until you have your lawyer with you.


And if I did teach goverment, this 24 page publication by the ACLU about what to do if the police come calling is the first handout I would give them





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The stories I told were not made up, but they were not printed anywhere, either.


Do you have anything to back them up or are we supposed to take your word they are the actual story?


You really do get sarcasm do you xl?

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