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potential Supreme Court appointees

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Just thought I'd share this. Today I heard a report about potential Supreme Court nominees. According to this report, the widely accepted list of top 5 likely women to be appointed included:

Sonia Sotomayor (current federal judge on the US Circuit Court of Appeals, originally from Puerto Rico)

Elena Kagan (Harvard Law School Dean and current nominee for US Solicitor General, taught at U. Chicago with Obama)

Another federal judge whose name I don't remember (North maybe?)

Jennifer Granholm (current MI governor whose term is up in 2010 and who is term limited)

Janet Napolitano (former AZ governor and current Secretary of Homeland Security)


I think a large portion of the population of MI would choke on a Granholm nomination. She's not exactly popular 'round here anymore! On the other hand, it would get her out of the state 2 years early, and maybe that would go over well here... How 'bout the rest of the list?





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It may be that the decision to run the story today was a result of that diagnosis. And I certainly wish Justice Ginsburg a full and speedy recovery. The story itself was not about Ginsburg though. The general point was that it is likely that Obama will have an opportunity to appoint between two and four new Justices in the next couple of years. (Stevens is approaching 90, Souter has apparently voiced an interest in retiring, and a couple of others are no spring chickens either.) Given Bush's choices of Roberts and Alito, many people expect that women will rank very high among Obama's pool of potential nominees for the next couple of openings.

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I think all the liberal judges will take this 4 years as an opportunity to retire.

Put in fresh blood like Bush was able to do with Roberts and Alito.

Now that Hillary is Sec of State, takes that name out of the hat, or does it?

How about Bill?

Heck, if Bush thought Harriet Myers was ready, then just about anybody is qualified.

I'd like to see Kucinich considered.

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A former boss explained to me once..."It's better to be wanted than to be qualified." A point that Obama seems to have grasped, as well. Finding a candidate who is not delinquent in their taxes should narrow the field quite a bit.

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I have found it amusing that the pundits and politicians who scoffed at the notion that paying taxes was patriotic and who are always rebelling against taxes are now so aghast at folks who have not paid their taxes. Nobody does faux outrage like the beltway bunch....both sides included.

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