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Say goodbye to the balance of Alan Colmes

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Thanks for making my point so clearly. Stephanopolous is a middle of the road guy, eh?. What a joke! Have you forgotten that Georgie Boy worked on the Michael Dukakis campaign and later became House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt's floor man? He was a leading member of Clinton's 1992 campaign, and later served as Clinton's Senior Advisor on Policy and Strategy. How ABC could hire him as an objective reporter is simply mind boggling!

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Hannity is not worth my time. Neither is Mark Levin. Neither is Steven Colbert.


NPR, C-Span, Fox and Friends, the Newshour, and yes, Rush...


I think I'm grown up enough to listen for the biases and strip them out ... or talk back to my car radio and tell the guy why he's a bloody fool.


If anyone's interested, politifact.com has created the Obameter... they've cataloged all his promises and are going to track them.


Off to OA election team training... later.



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"If anyone's interested, politifact.com has created the Obameter... they've cataloged all his promises and are going to track them."


Yes, and O'Reilly is calling himself Paul Revere because he will be the only person to bring Obama's mistakes to light. Obviously he doesn't pay much attention to some other folks on his network.


My memory isn't what it used to be, but if there was ever a Bushometer then I would say that is just as childish as an Obameter.


I know a lot of folks get all jacked up when Hollywood people get on their soapboxes and drag down the Republicans. But, honestly, is that any different than Hannity's Great American Panel which includes Joe the Plumber?


I really do wish we could all find some middle ground.


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I really do wish we could all find some middle ground.


The funny thing is, most of "we", meaning most of the actual voters, seem to have done just that. "All" of we never will. Despite the pundits and radio commentators and everybody trying to pull everybody in different directions (mostly to the right on the radio, slightly more balanced on tv), the results of this election were "moderate" in several ways. Despite the availability of several lifelong, hard-right conservatives, the Republicans nominated someone with a reputation as a "moderate conservative" and a "maverick", although he had to run more to the right than he usually has in order to get the nomination. I listen to some of these guys on the radio (Levin because he is on when I am driving home, but sometimes also Limbaugh and Hannity) and they were almost apoplectic about the idea that McCain would be nominated. They (or at least Levin) were calling him a liberal and every other name in the book, or at least the FCC-approved book. And yet, their "base", the Republican Party, nominated McCain anyway. (Levin, etc. did get behind McCain after Obama was nominated, of course, but they dropped him fast after the election.) I think that proves that these guys, as loud and nasty and famous as they may get, have only as much "power" as the voters give them, and this year that wasn't much. On the Democratic side, although there is no doubt that Obama is a liberal, I think he realizes what he has to do now, and that is to govern from the center. I think he is going to govern from pragmatism, rather than from his ideology, whatever exactly that may be. I think that was clear from his inaugural speech. Despite right-wingers picking out bits and pieces and calling them "socialist" or whatever, I think it was a very moderate, traditional-American-values, we're all in this together, sort of speech. And I think that is how he is going to do his job.


Let's also remember that punditry and commentating are businesses, and Limbaugh and all the rest are in the business first and foremost to make money. So they have no interest in finding middle ground. Nobody in that business makes money by being a moderate. But being moderate, or at least giving people the expectation that you will act moderately, is what gets people elected president, and I think that is what has just happened.

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The talk radio host I have the most respect for is Neal Boortz. His disclaimer is the reason why. It says:



Don't believe anything you read on this web page, or, for that matter, anything you hear on The Neal Boortz Show, unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction. This is known as "doing your homework."


In other words, don't take what I say as spoon fed ready made personal ideological truth......think for yourself.

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