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eagle scout ordered to take god out of park project

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Nothing worse that having to explain your own joke, unless its explaining someone else's


Yes, Tuesday was named after Tiu, a Germanic god of war, much as the French Mardi came from Mars, the Roman god of war which lends itself to Mardi Gras, literally Fat Tuesday.


Wednesday comes from the Germanic god Woden, Odin in Norse mythology


Thursday is from Thor, the Norse god of thunder


Friday is from the Norse goddess of fertility and love, Freya,


Saturday from Saturns day


Sunday from the Day of the sun (natch)


and Monday from Moon's day


Lets see, western civilization dates are based on the Gregorian calender, given to us from Pope Gregory.


The days of the week are from Roman, Germanic and Norse religions.


The Babylonians gave us the number hours in a day and minutes in an hour etc


The english language is comprised of a mixture of several languages, Roman, Greek, German, etc


And sone people have the nerve to say our culture is not diverse, it is a comglomeration of what has gone on before and what is going on now


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Trev, Trev, Trev, my man


Bacon, from Sir Francis Bacon. Quite admired even when he was alive, in fact William Shakespeare thought enough of Bacon to emulate (see copy) some of Bacon's work. Not that plageurism is bad (ask Joe Biden) So Bacon is out and we know most of the New England Coast worships the lobster as the economic engine that runs the economy.



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OGE, exactly my point. We need to come up with a completely new and culturally neutral way of marking time. New months, new days, new numbering system.


I propose a ten day week in which we work six days and take four off. The extra five days at the end of the year would be a holiday.

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But numerologists might take offense.

How about colors? Everyone loves colors. We could have a rainbow of colors for the days of the week. Of course we would have to eliminate pink (so gay), and the racial tones of brown (Hispanic), black (enough said) and white (not really a color anyways). But that still leaves a few of the primaries. Throw in a couple of blends to fill the gaps.

Oh wait, color blinded Americans. Well, we could just ship them off to some other country.

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How about a random sequence of numbers and letters applied to each day. For example, today would be 8071ajsfu791 and tomorrow could be 2487287w4q87jaw. Of course, each days sequence would have to be examined closely in case it might offend any particular group of people. I suppose that this could be a function of the UN and it would actually give them something useful to do.



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Realistically, we should be looking to the future. Zefram Cochrane, will develop the warp drive in 2063 ushering in the new StarDate which are decimal numbers, usually rounded to a single decimal place, which will replace absolute Gregorian calendar dates. By converting now, our children will be very adapt at time conversion when the Vulcans make first contact and we won't look so stupid.

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But what about Numeralogists?


Gold WInger has the best idea yet


Its time we cast off our "christian" names and went to randomly generated series of letters and/or numbers. To assure no one is insulted because they worship that exact string of charactors, everyone will receive a new series of numbers every quarter. You know, at a high school reunion, hello there, didn't you used to be 1hrty53ret? Yes, I havent seen you since I was 8rtser7rterx

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Going with that thought OGE, perhaps we could encode some information into the name string then encrypt it. Every citizen would be given a decoder and public key and private keycode. You could share that keycode with those who you wish to interact with. They enter it and your public name into the decoder and all of the information becomes available. No more awkward moments at reunions.


Of course, simplicity should rule. If going the numeric path, binary rocks. Days could be labeled 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111. 111 day week.

My daddy always said there are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand Base2 and those who don't.

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