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Moi-lin, like most liberals, thinks that he's smarter than you and knows what's better for not just him but you and everyone. He can't be too smart because he's married to a man . . . but enough about that.


I don't know how United Way got that money but when I used to donate to UW before I realized that it was a scam, you'd specify where your money was to go. It seems that if I gave money to United Way with the specification that it goes to organization X and they gave it to Y, that would constitute fraud. Might not be fraud legally but it is morally. However, we know that the liberals don't care about what is morally right unless it fits their agenda.

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Fat Old Guy,

Where ya been?


It would seems like fraud to me unless the United Way can prove the money donated that was specifically designated for the BSA was give to the BSA.


And you will notice Merlyn's response is in direct relationship to his IQ.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)

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Way back before I started giving DIRECTLY to the charity of my choice, I inquired about this. I was told by United Way that earmarked funds do go to the designated charity. However, that does not prevent United Way from reallocating other funds to achieve their funding goals for all the charities. Meaning...my interpretation now...designating a specific charity feels good. Therefore, I now donate directly to individual charities. That feels even better(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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I also used to give to BSA through United Way, until I learned that UW usually has a level of donation to BSA- say $250,000. UW will give this regardless of targeted donations. If directed donations to BSA total 150,000, UW still gives only 250,000.

So donate directly to BSA and hope UW still gives the 250,000. In the end, BSA gets more.


I may be wrong about this, but it is the explanation that a United Way official gave to me.(This message has been edited by boleta)

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Beat you to it boleta! nya, nya, nya!

(The preceeding announcement was in no way intended to offend but rather to offer a playful mood to an otherwise serious discussion)


I just thought of something else. With FOS asking many of the same people and businesses for donations, why does Scouting need United Way at all? In a way it is double-dipping, which is OK by me except that units are cautioned against dipping from that well even once. Can anyone explain? It seems inconsistent.

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I was going to credit you at the beginning of my post Packsaddle, but thought that the point I made was very slightly different. United Way gives a constant amount regardless of the directed donations. Again, I don't know for sure if this is true.


Still, you deserve the 10,000 points awarded for being first with you thought. So there.

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A bit more on what I understand to be the case with UW.


Many UWs do have a fixed amount and donor designation is only for feel good unless the total amount designated to a particular organization is greater than the amount that UW plans to give.


Our UW used to be that way. There was such a hue and cry that now they have changed it. Some fraction of the donor designation does go directly to the charity and increases the dollars that the charity gets. But it is not 1 for 1.


Also, in most places where UW is no longer contributing to BSA, they still will sent dollars donor designated to BSA to the local council. However, often, they don't make that easy. For example, there is a donor designation number for the local council but it may not be printed with the other charities. You need to find out what it is. If you do, then the local council gets the money less the UW administration share.


You need to find out what your local UW is doing and it make some doing to get a straight answer.

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It gets even more interesting. We have two of four United Ways in our councils area no longer give us a general contribution but will pass on designated gifts minus an administration percentage (I believe it somewhere between 10 to 20%). Its not to hard to do. Now they not quite honest about it though. We have had United Way officials, when asked if they gave to Boy Scouts they say yes, but they dont tell people that to do that they have to designate. Oh by the way the two that give are some of the smallest in the country.


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Having worked as treasurer for a non-profit that had received designated funds from United Way only, here is a suggestion. We had people call us who had donated to UW and designated the charity to confirm the money was received. I could confirm that because I would receive a sheet of paper listing names and amounts. So, if you do designate funds, unless things have changed, you can call the charity or organization that you donated to and ask if they can confirm that your donation was received. The one thing that upset quite a few people who called is how much less money we received than they had given, but that is due to the administration costs.

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