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Questions about using a Denner


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I'm in a very new pack, and At least within my Den, I'd like to start using a Denner next year. (and to introduce it to other dens as well) (Note: This is a wolf den)


Deciding on the Denner: Is it best to use electons? is this to prepare the boys for PL type stuff in Boy Scouts? I can see a lot of potential for hurt feelings in that (Or everyone simply voting for themself), at this age... But that may be me just being an over-protective parent.


I'm assuming my den will be small enough that everyone will have a chance to be Denner during the School Year if we rotate once per month.



Typical duties for a Denner:


Calling Roll?

Leading the pledge/ CS Promise, etc?

What else? Don't want to overload the kid, but I also don't want it so seem trivial.


Is there anything else I should be aware of, either to include or avoid??

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I just started using the denner system with my just barely Bears.


We talked first about the qualities of a "boy leader". I wrote them down to put on the outside of an "election box". Everyone who wanted to be was put on the ballot. We talked about how in America voting is private. They did vote for themselves but we didn't share the results so they don't know that.


Responsibilies are: opening and closing the meeting, writing the thank you notes for field trips (at home with parents), line leader, passing out items, and reminding the other guys about scouting events coming up.


Based on guys social skills we'll have different level of success and expectations.


Go ahead and purchase the gold cords. They are huge with the scouts. Boys like the denner system.



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I just started using the denner system with my just barely Bears.


We talked first about the qualities of a "boy leader". I wrote them down to put on the outside of an "election box". Everyone who wanted to be was put on the ballot. We talked about how in America voting is private. They did vote for themselves but we didn't share the results so they don't know that.


Responsibilies are: opening and closing the meeting, writing the thank you notes for field trips (at home with parents), line leader, passing out items, and reminding the other guys about scouting events coming up.


Based on guys social skills we'll have different level of success and expectations.


Go ahead and purchase the gold cords. They are huge with the scouts. Boys like the denner system.



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Denners can be selected by several methods. You can rotate through the boys alphabetically or by som other method. If you decide to use the voting method, I would make a few suggestions.


- Use secret ballot

- No one can vote for themselves

- You cannot vote for someone who has already been a denner until all have had a chance.

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My Wolf den used denners this year. I have 11 boys, so we just rotated every month. They got to lead the pledge and oath, they helped me run the meeting, pass things out collect things etc. The denner at the pack meeting got to help with the color gaurd. We have so many boys that alphabetical rotation worked out well.

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It's been a while, but is serving as a denner a requirement for Bear advancement? I used denners when I was a Bear Leader and just started alphabetically and rotated the guys around every month. Along with things others have said about what the denner can do, ours also helped decide what game we would play for the following week.

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My Wolf Den used the Denner system last year and we will continue this year, it is great for the boys, some of them actually accept the minimal responsibility that is put on them and that helps. That and the love the fact that they get to put another thign on their uniform. After they have been a Denner for a month I collect the Denner cord and give them just the yellow eppiulet (sp). they love that and remind me all the time that it is a really cool thing to have on their uniform.


We (Co-Den Leader and I) decided that elections were to populatrity contestish so we look to each other and make a decision on what boy we feel deserves it most this month...... but we also make sure that every boy will get to be Denner during the rank term.



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I forget when we first starting using denner - either bear or webelos...


in my opinion cub scouts is about learning and trying... which means everyone should get a chance at denner.


I chose to go through with a rotation and used it through out the rest of the cub years.


Now, with starting with wolf level - I'd suggest starting with assigning and going with rotation, then maybe when they get to webelos going with the election so they can learn about that - and I like the rules of not voting for yourself or anyone else that has served since being that level

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I have used denners for both Wolf and Bears and will use them next school year in Webelos I recommend drawing names from a hat. The first month we did it we voted, secret ballot style. At the end of meeting there were 3 boys crying because their friends didn't vote them denner or assistant denner.


My boys collected dues, took attendence and recorded uniform status. They were also paper passers/collectors, and generally the den gophers. Eveyone got a turn being either a denner or assistant denner.


Yes Bear Cubs can use denner or assistant denner as a leadership role for advancement in 24b.

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