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Tiger Cub Question


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Around here that is a pack decision. Our district strongly encourages packs to sign up new Tigers in the late spring (with the understanding that they become Tigers the day kindergarten ends) so that these boys can attend day camp with the pack. Some packs do this (ours did) and others don't. One consideration is the pack's summer schedule. There's not a lot of point in starting the Tiger program in June if the den and pack won't be meeting again until September. In our pack, there was at least one pack activity every month in the summer (day camp, parade, attend a baseball game, usually a hike and picnic) so it made some sense to sign up Tigers in June and encourage them to participate in these activities.



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BSA's computer system starts the new year on June 1st. So for registering new Tigers, as long as it is after June 1st you will be fine.


The bigger question, as some have mentioned, is if your Pack has a summer program to keep new Tigers active. If you have an active Pack, then sign him up in June. If your Pack takes the summer off, then I would not sign up Tigers until your Pack starts up again.


However, it is your son, & even if your Pack goes inactive for the summer, that does not mean that you have to. You can register your Tiger in June & sign him up for Day Camp & any other camps your council has open to Tigers. You can also work with him on his family achievements & electives.


So, the answer to weather your son starts in June or August is really up to you.

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I was wanting my son to start in June so that he could attend Day Camp. I know that the Pack in our town(@ 2 miles) would take him whenever I want to son him up. They could really use the additional adults. But my husband and I haven't decided if we are going to sign him up here or in the town (@ 20 miles) that our older son's Troop is in. If he joins the Pack in other town then he will be able to crossover into Boy Scouts with boys he has been with for years. The local Pack has also only had 1 or 2 Tiger Cubs at a time for the last 3 years.

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He his homeschooled, so that isn't a concern. He is on a soccer team, but h=they are from another town all together. And of the boys in his youth group, only one of them is from our town, the others are from out of town.

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