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Off to Camp


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It was a successful week at Camp.


Seeing as I am a Camp School qualified Range Master, I talked to the Camps Range master about helping out at the rifle range. Since we took Camp School together, he had no problems whatsoever at this. We doubled up open shoots, he did shotgun while I did rifle. Normally there would only be one session a day, but we made it two.


Of course, it wasnt Mr. GreyEagle who ran the open rifle; it was my alternative identity, Pierre Aloysius DuMount, the French Voyageur. The kids got used to calling me Mr. Grey Eagle in my scout uniform, and Pierre in my outfit. Either way, we got lots more youth through the merit badges as there was much more shooting time available. I was able to help with the Wednesday night muzzle loading demonstration, the Range master wore his Civil War clothes and Pierre helped plug it at the evening meal. Unfortunately, one day I was unable to change clothes and Pierre ate lunch. As luck would have it, the entre was hamburgers and of course, Pierre got mustard on his muslin shirt, its ok though as I told the scouts it was after all Frenchs Mustard


It was quite a hike, down to the rifle range for the morning shoot, back to camp to change into uniform for lunch, and then back down to rifle for the afternoon shoot as Pierre. But then, I did lose 7 pounds.


One of our assistant scoutmasters re-upped his BSA lifeguard status and was awarded a memorial at closing ceremonies. It was a float with the water fronts staffs names on it, I asked him if it was an Atta Buoy, and there was no response. He and I did Who is the Scoutmaster at the Friday night campfire. I attended frigid Foggy, a 6:30am jump in the lake every morning every day.


The camp has a Scoutmaster Merit badge program that is designed to get the adults into the program area and I earned the fifth year rocker, it meant I helped serve food at the dining hall, did a service project for the camp, made a camp gadget, and 10 other things.


The adopted youth from Russia with MS found a few shortcuts as he called them, ways to get around camp that didnt require him being driven by golf cart or car and he completed four merit badges. The scout who walks with arm braces tried as hard as he could not to use the carts/cars. But did shotgun and rifle. He completed rifle, but not shotgun.


The newly minted 18 year old asst scoutmaster who needs a walker was our communications officer with plenty of radios. The First year scouts completed what is called "Trail to Adventure" the first year program and we wore out our canvas camping chairs doing Boards of Review each night. The Scoutmaster would do 2-3 scoutmaster conferences a night and we would follow with the BOR. We had enough adults in camp to complete them. There was growth in teamwork and spirit. We took 36 scouts to camp this year and acheived a perfect score in campsite inspection twice during the 5 days. After the first perfect score on Tuesday, an asst scoutmaster challenged the troop if they got another perfect score, the would allow the troop to "pie" him. Sure enough, the next day a perfect score was reached and the pie was delievered in the dining hall Friday night in front of the whole camp.


All in all, a great camp week, it was sad when it ended as Camp Minsi is where I live, I am just in exile the other 51 weeks of the year.


Pictures may be seen at:




(Pierre was wearing my boots when the picture was taken, as it had rained almost all night and he didnt want to get his moccasins muddy)(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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My son is working at the Mountain Man program at Camp Ottari, and they wear shirts like Pierre is wearing, as do the people on the Voyager canoe trek at that camp.


He does his introcduction in French, as well, though his name is Grandpa.

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The scoutcraft director is a son of an Assistant scoutmaster in the Troop, so I did this one:


The stalwart director of scoutcraft wishes to squash the rumor that Cooking and Pet Care will be combined


I did this one:


The Procrastination merit badge's first meeting which was cancelled on Monday and moved to Wednesday will be postponed to Thursday. To which a scout asked, whats the Procrastination merit badge? The Program Director replied: "I'll have to get to you on that"


Seeing as the Scoutcraft director was from my home troop, I toyed with "TRoop 362 wishes to announce its annual Scoutcraft Director Look alike COntest with its fabulous first prize of total facial reconstruction, but I decided that was over the top even for me.

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Your words and pictures reminded me, why we do this Scout thing. The stories of your scouts with different "skills" finding a way to overcome, go around or just go through, to accomplish what they set out to do was very well received. The only problem I had was, listening to my scouts whine about how they had to climb a small hill to get to the dining hall. It just goes to show if you want something bad enough, you will find a way to do it. I commend you and your troop for showing what scout spirit is all about. To see a group of youth and adults who are willing to "DO" instead of whining about what they "DON'T" is very refreshing.



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