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District vs Unit EBORs

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I have never seen or observed a unit level EBOR. There is one important reservation I have about unit level EBORs. There was a bit of a scandal a few years back about a troop EBOR somewhere in Washington state as I recall. I am going off of memory here, so if someone has a better knowledge of the facts, please speak up.


As I recall the eagle candidate had declared himself an atheist rather publicly prior to the EBOR. His mother was deeply involved in the leadership of the troop, possibly committee chair. Apparently she was able to assert enough influence for the troop EBOR to wave her son through despite this. There was a bit of a public controversy and the council involved announced publicly that it would not seek to revoke the eagle.


Setting aside the merits of atheism vs some sort of belief in a higher power, a district EBOR would be far better positioned to deal with any situation whenever there is a bona fide concern about any aspect of the eagle candidate's qualifications. People do occasionally game the system and this should be harder to do with a district EBOR.

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Which is one reason why unit EBORs have one district rep on the board. The district person has the actual Eagle application and is responsible for getting all the proper signatures -- or not, as the case may be.


I went through the training for the district reps (tho have never served as one). We were instructed that if something like that came up we were to close our notebooks, tell the Scout and the rest of the board the District Advancement Chair would be contacting them, than them for their time and leave.


Eagledad -- my own EBOR back in '73 was as you describe. I believe it was held in the county commission chambers with the board member arrayed across the dias and the Scout in single chair in front of them. My only recollection of the meeting was of a Dr. White (who happened to be black) playing with his moustache the entire time. Can't say if it were nerves or a lack of significance, but I don't recall a single question. While the formality can have it's benefits, I prefer the depth of conversation a more familiar setting allows.

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I guess I would feel better if something stated the District rep was not of the unit with the Eagle scout.. I know that would not be the case as BSA has no problem with parent MBC's or anything else which attempted to insure fair play.


But if the unit wanted to manipulate, sounds like an easy thing to sign up for a course to be a District rep, and then sit on all the EBORs for your troop.


But then again while eisely might be discovered at a district EBOR it might not, depends on if they ask the right question.. Same with any other slick things the unit did, or the scout was doing.. It all comes down to asking the right question that brought it to light.


I know our district board does ask about the scouts belief. Had one they did not approve because he claimed to be atheist, he fought up the chain and was denied.. One came close, because he said something that made him sound atheist, (something like "I don't believe in God") but then when he went out of the room for the board to discuss things, his SM tuned him into what he said.. He came back in and stated he was not atheist, but just didn't know what he believed.. They contacted his religious signer (who was a preist, and he went to a catholic school) While the priest did not say he believed, but more he was respectful of others beliefs.. They decided to consider the boy "in search of" or agnostic, and approved his Eagle application.

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Unit EBORs with a district rep for as long as I can remember in these parts.


For most scouts, it's their last chance to frankly address the committee about what the troop should do differently. Boys have been very helpful in that position. And we listen to them VERY closely.


I suppose with district EBORs, the reps might get a better feel for what the district could improve upon, but from the way you all describe it, that doesn't seem to be the case. Have what candidates told you at your district EBORs had an impact on district program?

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qwazse wrote: "Have what candidates told you at your district EBORs had an impact on district program?"


I have never seen it. Most district scouters already have strong opinions. I doubt feedback from a single EBOR would affect the district. But if it was coming from multiple EBORs, I bet the district would be already hearing it through other channels. Just my opinion.


I think this is a key reason to do unit EBORs. A single EBOR could affect/change the unit. Those EBOR members from the unit have known the scout for years and will take his comments to heart. At a district EBOR, the EBOR members just don't know the scout and as such will not take any comments as seriously.(This message has been edited by fred8033)

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