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What are Common Advancement Questions?


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"How long will it take for my son to get Eagle?"


"Why would I want him involved with/doing ________ (take you pick NYLT, OA, Jamboree, etc) when it will take off track to getting Eagle?"


"Why can't my son join Boy Scouts now since he earned ________ ( you pick a number up to 20) activity badges, Webelos Badge, and Arrow of Light over the summer?"


Ok last one was a paraphrase, but you get the idea.


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Actually no he couldn't and I probably should have given more detail.


The Webelos in question should have been in 4th grade, but was still in 3rd, and had "earned" all the awards I mentioned over the summer after finishing Bear with his parents signing off on the stuff.


Parents should have known better since they were the CM and CC of the pack.

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