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Life Rank - EDGE method

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Simple. Just practice. Find a skill not everyone knows. Teach it to one, and have him teach it to others. Try a new knot. Even better, if the purpose is simply to practice EDGE, have them teach something everyone knows. It's tougher if the audience isn't receptive to it, but have them teach a bowline to one another. Then evaluate how they did, and try something else. If the purpose is to learn how to teach, then practice. NYLT and WB staffs do it all the time. That's how you learn, and that's how we get better at it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This is so simple. I don't see why everyone wants to fight it.


What BDPT00 failed to mention was that he knows full well that some of us are actively promoting objectively superior methods ...




Just had a conversation tonight with a candidate for Life Scout who was concerned about this requirement being "slipped in". I asked him to tell us who he taught what last and how he did it. He described EDGE to a tee without using one of those words. I said I'd pass him. The SM said he still had to know the acronym.


I explained to him why we disagreed: That I contend that any sufficient method would

1) Not require knowledge of the English language to remember.

2) Enforce the need to read the handbook.


He said "Oh yeah, EDGE does lack anything about reference." (His words not mine, people.)



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I didn't fail to mention anything, and I don't care what you're actively promoting.

Sounds like your Life candidate knows how to teach, and that's great. I find it hard to believe he could describe what he did without using the word, "explain," but that doesn't matter. Nobody is pretending to say that EDGE is the greatest think since sliced bread. It's simply an easy way to teach a youngster how to teach. If you don't think that helping a kid learn how to teach is significant, then don't use it. I don't particularly care what you do. I'm not involved with your troop's advancement. "Close enough" counts in some things, and if you think it applies in this case, then sign him off. If you think that every Scout is a born teacher, then just get out of the way. It's not important. Did I fail again to mention anything?


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Proud Eagle writes:


First, is the EDGE method really the best method for teaching all things to all people?


To see the true effectiveness of EDGE in the hands of the world's top EDGE training experts, purchase a copy of the course outline of "Scoutmaster and Assistant Specific Training."


Turn to the "Patrol Method" presentation.


Note that ALL references to a Patrol Leader, and ALL examples of a working Patrol have been removed and replaced with ...


Wait for it ...


Wait for it ...




That is correct: The county's top EDGE experts removed the PATROL and the PATROL LEADER from the PATROL METHOD presentation of Scoutmaster training and replaced them with EDGE.


That is the awesome power of EDGE.


Yours at 300 feet,





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Sorry BPT. Didn't mean to go all conspiracy theory on you.


I can't quote the boy exactly, but I was waiting form him to say one of the four words (especially since he was concerned about seeing it as a requirement), and he didn't. I don't think he was purposefully trying to avoid it. For "explain" he said something like "I told him how to do it."


I just generally find that most boys up for Life have developed good intuition about teaching. I don't think knowing an acronym helps teach any better. I do think it could lead someone to teach worse. (Because there's no reminder about the handbook.)


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You will never hear/see me say that.

My only point is (and always has been) that it's a simple method to teach totally inexperienced Scouts how to teach (adults too). It's simple, and it works. I've staffed about a dozen EDGE courses. I have yet to hear anyone say that it was a waste of time, or that they didn't learn a little something new or worthwhile.


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