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First Aid: Signs of a Heart Attack


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Any of you that has worked with a scout on their first aid requirements has long ago learned the five most common signs of a heart attack. I stumbled upon this article about the top ten signs of a heart attack you might ignore and found it interesting so, I thought I would share. There are some that I have never heard of. Hope you too find this interesting and or educational. --RANBOW--





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Just thought this might be interesting:


Years ago, my father was going to have some bypass surgery where his Aorta splits to go down each leg.


So he had to go through tests and scans, etc.. The Dr sked him when he had his heart ATTACKS! Not attack, but ATTACKS.


My dad told him there must be a mistake because he never had any. Dr says:" Yep, you sure did..twice!"


Years of drinking coffee and Pepst caused him to be a fan of Rolaids for his heartburn. Probably felt a sensation, and popped a few tablets in his mouth and waited for it to go away.



I want to mention that he as well as I have nerve issues. Had a wisdom tooth crack and it only "kinda" hurt for a few seconds. Broke my nose and it was sore for a few days. My dad was the same way. We don't really feel things the way we should, so a heart attack might not have felt the way it normally would.


But let me tell you..hurt back or a tiny cyst ? That stuff hurts! :)

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