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competing references:




Question: How is the information from the Eagle Scout Rank Application assessed by the board of review?


Answer: The unit committee reviews and approves the Eagle candidate's record before his application is submitted to the local council. If a unit leader or unit committee member does not sign or approve his application, the Eagle candidate may still be granted a board of review. However, the failure to secure such a signature may be considered by the board of review in determining the Eagle candidate's qualifications.


So, according to this, you can't prevent the Eagle Board of Review, but certainly the reasons why you or anyone else from the Troop didnt sign/approve his application would be fodder for discussion.


I am not saying he should get Eagle, far from it. I think you do what you feel needs to be done, if he wants a BOR, then he gets one. Certainly the information that you presented here may be presented to the BOR and then you step back.


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Let me make this real simple:


Before the sun sets, tomorrow, find your District Advancement Chair and have a cup of coffee with him. There seem to be a fair number of moving parts, not to mention a small amount of emotion, tied up in this young man and his long-suffering project.


The approved concept of the original project sounds fantastic. The execution sounds like there are lots of lessons learned to be absorbed by the young man. BUT!, he hasn't finished the original after-project write-up.


Did the supported agency sign off? If so, it's time for you to decide if you will sign off, or not. If you choose not to sign off, you still need to visit with your DAC; there are appeal rules you must inform the Scout about.


Visit with your DAC. Broaden the bandwidth on this conversation. Do it tomorrow. PLEASE.

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Dengar One

You misunderstand what the passage you quoted is saying. It is not telling you not to send a scout to a board if you do not think he is ready. It is telling you not to sign that the scout is ready and count on the board to reject him. It is telling you not to sign if you do not feel the scout should not advance.


However if you choose to do so you had better be able to point to a BSA requirement that he has not met, because that is the only reason for not signing.


As you see in the reference supplied by OGE even if you do not sign...the scout still gets his board. That's because determining if the advancement goes forward is the board's resoponsibility and not yours as the Scoutmaster.


(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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Hello Dengar,


It sounds as if you are proceeding reasonably. As others have said, if the Scout demands a Board of Review, he is entitled to it. You do not need to approve his application for that to happen. Similarly, he is not required to "pass" the Scoutmaster"s Conference, only to participate in it. And it does not need to be after all other requirements are done? He might even argue that some of the conversations you have already had are a "Scoutmaster's Conference."


I might only suggest that you document your dissatisfaction with his performance up to now in a letter and back that up with a copy of items available to him (the Advancement Requirements and the Eagle Workbook) annotated to show where you believe he has not met the requirements. When the time that he would go before the Board of Review, you can share that material with the Board. They can agree or disagree but you have followed the very important principle of "no surprises." You will have told the Scout exactly where he stands and what he needs to do.

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