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Entrepreneurship Merit Badge Question


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Requirement 6 states that When you believe that your business idea is feasible, start your own business. Show evidence that you started your business (sales receipts, for example, or photos of the good). Report to your counselor the results of your venture.



now does that mean you have "legally" start the business by opening up a business account and incorporating or can you just start providing the service that you have outlined for the rest of the Merit Badge?

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The classic example of a business at the most basic form is a lemonade stand. Supplies are needed, marketing of some type, inventory, costs, receipts, (profit and loss), etc. While a lemonade stand may be juvenile for older scouts, maybe mowing lawns might be a good example.

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What are we trying to accomplish with this merit badge? Whip something together for a few hours on some Saturday to qualify for another badge? Do Entrepreneurs operate that way? Check the requiremetns for Shotgun Shooting Option A and you will find that nowhere does it say that the scout must hit the targets while they are still in the air, but because that is what Shotgun Shooting is all about that's how we do it. What is Entrepreneurship all about?


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I would say that while it shouldn't be something the Scout puts together for a day or weekend just to get the merit badge but they don't necessarily have to incorporate. A lot of youth could start a business (let's use yard work) without incorporating. They can still advertise, get clients and have invoices and expense.

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