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Hypothetical: The Supported Agency doesn't approve...


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This is a hypothetical, it has not happened to me or the youth I support... so far.


During the Eagle Leadership Service Project process, the Scout and his sponsoring agency (church, school, community) came to clear understanding on what was expected in terms of quantity, time, or physical product. The Eagle candidate gets his project through approvals, and goes into making it happen.


For either quality or quantity, the results of the project do not pass muster with the sponsoring agency. The representative refuses to sign off on page 15 of the Eagle Leadership Service Project Workbook (or funish a letter/email of approval).


Does the Scout have recourse, as in the appeal procedures for an Eagle BOR? Who is they keyperson in the process?


Has anyone been there before real world? How did your Scout, leaders, and district handle the challenge?

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I haven't seen this in a confrontational manner and I suspect that most of the time, those who agree to be beneficiaries of Eagle projects are also pretty willing to work with kids in a friendly way. That said, I do know at least one case where the boy in question *thought* he was finished, only to find that the head of the group he was working for didn't quite think so. They had a friendly sit down (I think the SM might have been there too but I can't recall) in which the agency head explained his remaining concerns and asked the boy to address them - which he did, to everyone's satisfaction. It was one of those "oh, I didn't realize" kinds of moments for the boy and it worked out just fine. Actually I think it made the project more effective in terms of teaching leadership because the boy was really held accountable for his results and he had to understand that people with other perspectives than his own would be looking at the results with a critical eye too.

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It seems to me that a charity would have to be pretty darn unhappy with the Scout's work to refuse to sign off on a project, because if they don't, they can pretty much forget about getting more Eagle projects. For example, in the other thread, someone mentioned that a Red Cross chapter might state an expectation that a blood drive should collect 40 units, and what if the drive only collected 30? If the Red Cross declined to sign off, that would be the last Eagle-project blood drive they would have in that area.

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The list of approvable and outlawed Eagle Project must be subject to local Council editing or something because in Chicago Area Council Blood Drives have been on the Outlawed list for years now. The decision was that the Professionals were running the program and not subject to the Scout supposedly in the leadership position for the project. Other than advertising what would be subject to the scouts "development" "planning" "execution" or "leadership"?



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My district will approve a very limited number of blood drives annually for ESLSPs. The overarching rationale seems to be that a blood drive will qualify if the goal is to bring in some significant increase in donors beyond what the Red Cross would normally expect to get at that time/place. Sometimes it involves recruiting a few additional volunteers to help with shepherding people around, serving refreshments, etc. Most of the "leadership" work is involved in publicity to get more people to show up. I believe that is more "doing the work yourself" than providing leadership.


To my way of thinking, a blood drive is a very minimalist experience for an Eagle candidate and rightly belongs on the "banned" list.

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