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Eagle Project Fundraising


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To keep this short - what sort of fundraising have you seen for various Eagle projects? One of our current Life scouts is planning on landscaping the church (COR) grounds, and not having seen his project plan yet (another posting all together), I'm skeptical that he'll be able to have 100% of his supplies donated.


I glanced through the Eagle Scout Workbook. It didn't seem to address how much, if any, of a scouts personal funds could/should be used towards the project.


I welcome your thoughts and experiences as to how various projects have been 'funded' in the past.


So much for keeping this short.


Best Regards,



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Raising the money (through donations of materials or cash) is part of the Eagle Project. From what I've seen, most of the money is solicited from the people who will benefit the most from it. In this case, I'd suggest trying to get donations from the church members. Also, a lot of scouts will ask for money from the families in their troop. Another common method is to go to local businesses and ask for their financial support.

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Actually, having reviwed the Eagle Scout Leadership Service

Project Workbook I dont find any mention that fundraising must be done, the only comment on fundraising is the following:


"The project also may not be performed for a business or an individual, be of a commercial nature, or be a fund-raiser. (Fund-raising is permitted only for securing materials or supplies needed to carry out your project.)"


I dont see this section requiring fundraising so if a scout wanted to self-fund his project, on what grounds would you reject that notion?

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I have to agree with you - upon further review, it doesn't say it CAN'T be self-funded, which brings up a few issues I may address in a later post.


For some reason, I hadn't thought about suggesting funds be raised from the congregation - sometimes the obvious is to hard to see until it whacks you in the face!


Thanks for the clarification and suggestion,



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I personally don't have an issue with it being self-funded. Some get fired up about the idea and feel that the scout should raise the funds. There view is that this is part of the lessons learned in the project. I disagree. My Eagle Project was a big challenge, but all materials were provided by the church. I provided leadership and free labor.


I understand why some have this point of view. (Mommy and daddy paying junior's way and all). But that's not a fair reason to add to the requirement.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My son landscaped our church for his Eagle project. He got many donations from local companies, donations from the congregation,

and money from the general church fund. He presented his landscape plan to the church, and many people "adopted" plant(s) or trees in

the landscaping -- essentially, paying the cost for that section of the grounds. He used temporary brass markers in the landscape to honor those who had contributed to specific plants. Remind your Eagle candidate to use the church's tax exempt number if possible - it saved quite a bit of money on my son's project.

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