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All 40 belt loops


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Is there a special award to recognize boys who earned all 40 academic and sports belt loops and pins.


In our Webelos Den of 5 boys we have two boys (with a third coming up) that have been working over the past years (Tiger to Webelos) on earning the loops and pins. I've seen heavy shoulder awards for Webelos, but is there a complimentary Heavy Belt Award?



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Hello eghiglie, and welcome to the forums! Congratulations to your scouts! I've not heard of such an award, but if I was CM, I'd spring for some bright red suspenders to hold up those "heavy" belts! Not official uniform, to be sure, but cubs love fun stuff.


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I'm just a Webelos Den Leader, but the suspenders are a great idea. Very low cost also!


I'll probably add a certificate of some sort go with it. Maybe clipart of all the belt loops as a border and so forth.




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The objective of the 40 area Academics and Sports Program is for Scouts to learn and improve skills. There are two levels of involvement and recognition, Belt Loops and Pins. Webelos may earn belt loops and Pins a second time to qualify for Webelos activity badges. Different requirements may be encouraged to earn the Pin a second time. Pins are to be worn on the A and S Letter ©. There are also pocket certificates, activity medals, trophies, and a participation emblem.

The funniest part is that...

Recognition is secondary.


I believe that if a person earned all of this mess that they would need to own a dump truck to carry it and a bank to pay for it, suspenders would never work. FB


(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)

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I've seen some pretty skinny Cub Scouts in my day; there's no way 40 belt loops would fit. The belt would probably lap them at least twice. Therefore, the obvious solution (albeit also not official) is ... to fashion belt-loop bandoliers! Maybe out of those red suspenders.

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Wow, all 40 beltloops AND pins. That's quite an accomplishment. Definitely should be recognized!


I wonder if you could find suspenders the right width that the beltloops would fit on them (only they'd be sideways, of course)....


I'd say get them one of the A&S trophies.

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