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Finishing Merit Badges


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I've been doing the Family Life and Personal Management merit badges this summer and I have a little problem. I can't contact any of the counselors for these two merit badges until the end of August. So, my question is, should I just finish up the paper work for these merit badges and come to the counselors for the rest of the requirments which require me to discuss with them or should I just wait?

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If I were your MB Counselor, I would want you to finish up everything you could, then visit with me. If you've done preparatory work with notes, the discussions should just go that more quickly. Kudos (that's a good thing) to you for going ahead with them, even though the counselors aren't immediately available.

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Welcome to the forum, as has already been stated, you are to be commended for being self motivated. As a merit badge counselor, I would love to see a scout as prepared as you are. By all means, finish up as much as you can and contact a counselor when they are available.

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Here's one more voice for you...


First Welcome to the forums!!


Second, go right ahead and do the work. Even if you do it wrong. It shows how important these are to you, it reflects that you are trying to be proactive, and basically proves that you are KEWL (like how I did the spelling?) As I was saying, even if you missed the point, even if you got it wrong... You are trying to lace your boots tight, and hike down the trail.


I counsel both of these badges, and I can't tell you how many times I have sat with a Scout and thought "Why can't you just try on your own? Why do you think you can't try this without me?" Good luck with these two, and good luck getting your Eagle. It's a lot of work, but it is well worth it.

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