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Posts posted by DigitalScout

  1. I expect an increase in membership as well. There are several families who I approached who said they would love to have thier sons in scouts but won't join because of the stigma of being associated with the BSA and their discriminatory policies.


    NH195SM: I don't understand why you would disband. Firstly, your religious organization could to opt continue their ban gay leaders and scouts. Secondly, you can take your pack/troop and find another religious organization, business, community group, private school or any other group to be your CO. You would just be changing your meeting place.


    I think there is a lot of blustering going on right now by volunteers, councils and COs. When the tires hit the road if the local option is enacted, I think most will stay onboard not only because in reality not much will change but because they won't want to abandon the youth that they serve.


    Many soldiers and politicians thought that our military would collapse because soldiers would leave in droves because of the repeal of DADT. That never materialized. I don't suspect Scouters will leave in any appreciable numbers either. It's mostly hot gas right now.

  2. I saw this coming. The executive board is probably just as divided on this issue as everyone else. But the fact the it was even considered is progress. I don't know why they think that there will be any difference in consensus in the general meeting in May.


    - The BSA acceptance of gay leaders in inevitable as more society is becoming more and more accepting of equal rights of gay Americans. There is not reversing this trend.


    - ]We interact with gay people is all aspects of our society including our houses of worship, schools, grocery markets, the military, YMCA, after-school sports programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, etc. I'm not sure whey certain people are afraid of allowing gay leaders and scouts in the BSA.


    - 70% of the COs are religious in nature but only because schools and parent/teacher organizations no longer sponsor troops and packs because of the gay ban. If the ban is lifted hopefully we can get Scouting back into the schools. That would be a great source for new scouts.

  3. Tampa Turtle: I would imagine that local units will be allowed to include a sexual orientation statement in their anti-discrimination policy. So prospective Scout families can ask to see it. Or just ask if the unit allows gay leaders and scouts.


    The problem is that most people today don't even know that the BSA doesn't allow gay leaders and scouts because it's not published. Many families are often surprised when they find out about the policy.

  4. Bear with me: I'm trying to promote a discussion without name calling or dismissing certain viewpoints out of hand.


    My thinking is that we have hghly trained police to protect us, a national guard as our state militia and a well-armed military to defend our borders so why would citizens need an assault rifle? But if one works off the premise that the government is the enemy and is not to going to protect us and that the government is NOT of and for the people, then it would make sense to want to keep an assault rifle and high capacity magazines.


    Calling people names is dismissing them. Dismissing Adam Lanza as a psychopath accomplishes nothing. But if you look at his life through Adam's eyes, perhaps we can gain an understanding of his motive: a mom is a survivalist armed to protect herself and her family from the government or some dark force, coupled with possible mental illness, and layered with endless hours of Call to Duty. What else has she projected on Adam to drive him to massacre 20 children?


    Earlier this week a self-proclaimed survivalist in Alabama who built a bunker on his property in the dark of the night, killed a bus driver and took a kindergartener hostage.


    These murderous actions and what some see as a irrational desire for assault weapons are driven by fear and distrust of the government or another power manipulating the government and the press. I'm sure there are some on this forum who believe that the President is a non-American muslim, conspiracy exists to promote the gay agenda, the 9/11 cover-up, chemtrails, Sandy Hook was a hoax to grab our guns, Obamacare has a sterilization agenda, the coming of the Rapture, etc.. Is there a signal in the noise?


    I would like to hear genuine comments and not "that's absurd". Many people were called absurd but later proven correct: Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein.

  5. It seems there are a lot of changes going in American today:

    - The possibility of gun control and banning of assault rifles

    - States legalizing homosexual marriage and the BSA may allow homosexual leaders

    - A conservative supreme court justice suddenly votes in favor of Obamacare

    - The rise of militias and the survivalist movement


    Is this merely a periodic swing of America's political pendulum to the left and the right's subsequent reaction? Or is there some inexplicable conspiracy going on at the hand of an unseen power?

  6. These are some great suggestions and I really appreciate the awesome ideas.


    We bought two large water containers to serve water and lemonade (lemon juice, sugar, water). No sodas allowed at our events.


    Walking tacos sound interesting. What is that exactly?


    I also like the cheese and cut fruit idea. It sounds like common sense but having healthy eating habits requires more money, more planning, more prep, and more clean up. But I think that's the lesson we need to pass along.

  7. Homophobic means an irrational fear of homosexuals or homosexuality. I think the OP is referring to those commenters who believe that there is a gay conspiracy to recruit young men into their ranks, that all gay people are pedophiles or that gay folk are unable to restrain their sexual impulses.


    Others view homosexuality as immoral like the consumption of alcohol or caffeine, committing adultery, or cheating on a tax return. The latter wouldn't be considered homophobes.

  8. I'm reaching out to get some ideas about healthy food choices for our Cub Scout events. I think it's important to set an example for proper eating for the Scouts.


    Typically the events at which we serve food are Pinewood Derby, Movie Night, end-of-year party, etc. With the exception of our camp outs and Blue & Gold, we always server hot dogs & chips, pizza & salad w/ranch dressing. After all the discussion about healthy eating, we turn around and feed the kids high-fat, highly-processed junk food.


    Any ideas on how to up our game and serve kids food that is healthy, balanced, nutritious and that they will enjoy?

  9. Scouting in America may be becoming irrelevant only because the BSA fails to keep up with the times. Scouting can easily be something cool and adventurous but instead it's seen as an alternative for kids who don't do well in sports (i.e., geeks, nerds and autistic kids).


    And look at the popularity of wilderness survivalist TV shows, rock climbing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and the X-Games. We would be slammed with new kids if we had a X-Game type and wilderness survival competitions.


    But long ago, the BSA has hooked their wagon to the religious right which has received a real a drubbing by most Americans. Organized religion is perceived to be hypocritical, judgmental and discriminatory and the BSA is an arm of organized religion.


    I think helicopter parenting is a response to the fear of child abduction, mass murderers, and youth organizations and some churches to adequately protect children. Many parents feel that it is safer to keep their kids at home playing video games than to go outside and experience an otherwise dangerous world. Many parents also resist allowing their kids to fail fearing that their self-esteem will be irreparably harmed.


    Scouting as a brand is very damaged. But I don't think irreparably damaged.


    If I were the King of the BSA, I would start a campaign called "Ready for Anything." It would emphasize adventure and danger, self-defense/martial arts, wilderness survival, extreme sports, environmentalism, health/fitness, the Maker Movement, leadership, and acceptance of everyone (gays, girls, and atheists).


  10. In December, the LDS made a big move to welcome the LGBT community into their church where before members were banished. http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/06/us/mormon-lgbt-website/index.html


    This pending decision appears to be a direct result of the LDS last month. Perhaps nobody wants to be on the wrong side of history.


    I don't think this I&P forum will ever be quiet. I would like to see the BSA adopt a non-discrimination policy that welcomes all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs, etc. and not just kick it own to the CO.



  11. When people say things like gay people are pedophiles or gay people are unable to control themselves sexually, I find that extremely offensive.


    I understand and appreciate the views about homosexuality by some religions represented in the BSA members. But I don't think it's fair to press those religious views on the rest of us. There a plenty us who don't subscribe to their strict interpretation of the Bible or follow other religions whose beliefs are that homosexuality is a personal choice.


    Gayness doesn't define a gay person anymore than my heterosexuality defines who I am. Gay people, can also be excellent parents, raise healthy, happy children, and have homes filled with love and happiness. That is a good thing!


    By the same token, calling the conservatives "homophobes" is not fair or productive. We need to have continuing, respectful dialog to bring forth understanding and resolution about the gay issue in the BSA. And I applaud those who continue to stand up for the rights of the few and believe that the BSA policy will change eventually.


    The great danger in republics is that the majority will not respect the rights of minority. - James Madison

  12. This is something I myself struggle with. I really get dislike confrontating people. It makes me very uncomfortable and I guess that makes me a coward. I know it's a character flaw that I need to work on.


    In Cub Scouts we talk a lot to the kids about courage, standing up to bullies, and standing up to their friends when they are doing something wrong. But I feel like a hypocrite because I often lack the courage myself to confront strangers or even people I know well.


    Any tips on how to fix that?

  13. America as a whole is shifting left while the Republican Party is shifting right. Americans are less religious than ever, having more children out of wedlock, more tolerant of alternative lifestyles, and marrying at lesser rates than previous generations.


    Plus the electorate is becoming younger, who votes more liberal, and more Latino. As the Republican party moves farther right, moderate conservatives, like myself, are being pushed out by the neo-conservatives. How can one be party to a group who lies to get us in a war, uses terms like "legitimate rape", and makes compassion-less statements about 47% of our country. I've been a Republican since i first voted at 18 for Reagan.


    I have 4 good friends, all Republicans, who have been out of work for 12-18 months, some lost their homes, and it makes them sick to hear Mitt talk about them like that because they need to collect unemployment to feed their families. These are hard working, honest, loyal men who I would hire in a heartbeat.


    If the neo-cons are the new face of the Republican party, they are done politically. McCain had a great shot at winning but he tried to pander to the neo-cons by picking Palin as his VP. Romney is a moderate trying to be neo-con which is why he seems so uncomfortable. So the neo-cons nor the moderates trust him.


    I don't have it in me to vote for Romney. I trust Obama to look out for the interests of all Americans more than Shifty Mitt and his neo-con VP.

  14. It sounds like we aren't getting the whole story on this issue. It sounds like there was some dispute and the den splintered off to start a competing pack.


    runwithscissors: can you give us more information about why the den split off to form another pack?

  15. The front part of the optic nerve in the retina is called the optic nerve head or optic disc. There are no photoreceptors (cones and rods) in the optic nerve head. In males between the ages of 9 and 14, this disc area of the retina rapidly increases in diameter which often prohibits the nerve from properly responding to light stimulation.


    Thus, when snack contents are removed from their containers, the loss of mass causes the optic properties of the container to shift slightly towards the red/blue light spectrum just enough to inhibit the responsive in the optic nerve head. The condition is called neseeum wrappolocius and occurs in 90% of boys between 9 and 14. It has also been known to prevent boys from seeing empty cans, juice pouches, chip bags, dirty clothing, and tools.

  16. I am amazed how well the BSA system works. I can't think of an equivalent. There can be a Jewish CO, a Catholic CO, an LDS Co, a less-than-religious CO, etc. and everyone gets along great. Packs and troops can focus on camping, high adventure, community service or other emphasis. As a scout, you can pick and choose the pack or troop which your suits your interests. It's really an amazing system.

  17. Thank Kudu!


    I've been trying to join for months too. With a little detective work, I emailed Kudu (Rick) via his website www.inquiry.net (which is awesome, btw) and he forwarded my request to one of the moderators (packsaddle?). Anyways, they got the new registration working again.

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