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Posts posted by dg98adams

  1. Julie,


    I have been going to RT's since I was a DL (several years ago).


    I'm a ASM now and a UC.


    These are things I have mentioned to RT Commissioners in passing.


    I know how to read, please don't read to me.


    I know where the Cub Helps/Boy Scout training sites are online. But others may find a list of resource links helpful.


    It's ok to make available a list/summary of next months events, but I have already planned for the year.


    What I need:

    How to make what I have planned richer - contact info for resources/people/places - more than the standard info.


    Early notice of changes in the Council


    I would like to take-away something from RT I did not have before.


    Still, this is a tall order, but there are usually more experienced leaders who would come to RT if asked to provides something specific. That's the key to a good RT. And publishing those upcoming guest resources before the RT.


  2. This is probably redundant, this is probably redundant....


    ... but I used to bring copies of the previous month Den Schedule (to show what they missed if they want to catch up) and the next months den schedule to each Pack Meeting.


    The Cubs in the Den that always came didn't need it, so it was mostly targeted to the Cub/Parent who only comes to Pack Meetings or a printed copy for the CM.

  3. Well, if you decide to become Pack Trainer, there are a couple meetings in our council that sort of do double duty.


    Just don't be the the only Pack representative attending Round Table (always lots of networking and training info available) or training opportunities (like Outdoor Skills for Webelos Leaders).


    Definitely recruiting new leaders is out of scope, but tracking/making information available for getting the new leaders YPT/position specific is.


    I sorta picked up Pack Trainer duties in my pack (we were small). I attended District training events not only to take training myself (for more than just my current position), but to be able to give 1-st hand info what the training was back to new leaders.


    Now that most of it's online, it looses the networking and question/answer that you could find yourself now responsible for.

  4. SWMBO?


    Nothing wrong with a setting your den meetings, and tentative dates for B&G and etc...


    But since the CM is on tap for the Pack Program schedule, make sure you don't confuse other DL/Dens/parents.... been there when the WDL is more organized than the CM. The CM would default to the WDL for the schedule.


    CC your CC/CM on your emails, and keep your den on track.



    Maybe start all your emails/den news letters (if you do that - I know I used to print it out for the Parents to pickup at every den meeting) with


    .... As DL for DEN # the following DEN # activities/dates are...



    And End the Emails/Den news Letters the same way(This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  5. Not sure if the ones my son sold were "buy 1 get 1", but the card had a set value as far as the pizza shop was concerned. I believe the fundraiser chair asked the pizza vendor for 500 cards, and any unsold cards needed to be returned because of this "real cost". The "Real Cost" was probably the cost of printing the cards + some made up value.


    Several Scouts had 25-50 cards, sold 0, and did not return them all, so they became a cost right out of the profits.


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  6. IMO,


    This is an easy one... Scouts are always taken at their WORD.


    Tenderfoot Requirement

    4c.Using the EDGE method teach another person how to tie the square knot.

    ** there is nothing about in front of a SM/ASM.....



    If you were talking to a Scout who tells you that he taught a neighbor how to "tie a square knot" using the EDGE method, and wants you to sign his book. I would say "I'd be glad to"... and while he's standing there while you "fish for your pen" you could say, "EDGE method", now what is that again?


    If he can't remember what the acronym stands for and just explains what how he did it, that would be more than good enough. If he's a little loose on the explanation, you could ask him to "show me what you did"... without making a big deal of it.


    Now, if anywhere in this mom/dad is wanting the book signed holding it out and is the one asking me instead of the Scout ... I'm not gonna be "fishing for my pen" until the Scout comes to talk to me with his book.




  7. Hey GK


    I do know RJ, he recently did the "Cooking demos" for the Outdoor Leader Skills weekend at Birch. I was chairing the Outdoor Webelos Leader training and both courses were at the fire pit by the training lodge for that part. In fact, RJ was a fellow Troop Guide on the Wood Badge course I served on last year.


    RJ is one of those Scouters I try to pay attention to when he talks or runs a demo, because he's probably forgotten more than I will ever learn.


    Were you one of his Scouts when he got into Scuba?



  8. I just chaired the Outdoor Webelos Leader training for our council last weekend.

    I know how you must have felt. Been there with BALOO too.


    Main thing: Participants learned some stuff, and no trips to the hospital.. Can't ask for more than that. A good Campfire can make or break a disaster (or just harried) weekend. This is the same for an leader or scout weekend.


    So, next time around - STAFF is the key... Can't be a one-Scouter show...(or 1 family).


    Next time recruit more than you need, but Scouters that are dependable are priority, and don't be afraid to ask some one other than the ones who always do it.


    This years BALOO, Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders and Outdoor Leader skills courses ran at the same time at camp (different areas, different staff).


    Our Outdoor courses were combined for Registration area, Opening/Closing Flag, Food, LNT, Campfire & Scouts Own Service.


    Only other thing I would have advised since you were short on staff ... ask the participants to chip in on cleanup.., since they probably have been where you are at as well.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  9. Really depends on your friend I suppose. I have seen some Scouting Professional tickets that were on a bigger scale than my own.


    Tickets are personal, and reflect that person in Scouting.


    As a Ticket councilor, I was periodically updated, then had a final face-to-face lunch/meeting, then worked with the Course Director and the Scouter to setup his bead ceremony time/location.

  10. IMO


    1) Is there any definitive guide that states what is and is not considered an outing for this requirement?


    Yes, it's the SM defining it...


    2) Is it unreasonable for a Scout with a lot of experience in the woods to get 1st Class in 7 or 8 months?


    No, all progress is/should be individual.


    3) Is it appropriate for an ASM to tell a Scout to slow down and question something another ASM signed off on? I already feel it is very un-Scout like for his son to be questioning this.


    No, if the Scout (usually in-Troop) signing the other Scouts requirements off is in question... it's a SM issue.

  11. Don't sacrifice your Son's Cub experience because of the council obligations.

    There is plenty to do in the Pack before getting on council committees.





  12. GK,

    If the SM is not on-board, you will find it difficult to implement or be consistent, but I agree getting the PLC and planning into the Boys hand is a great start.


    If the SM came on your training weekend, and was around when you laid out the Patrol/PLC/Youth led Scout program, ..... :)


    If he wasn't there,....... :((This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  13. Sounds like that Troops committee has a SM who either had not been trained or refused to get trained (obviously neither since he came to OLS). It's the committee's role to have qualified/trained leaders.


    So, without more info I know the Committee exists to seek out/obtain leadership, get them trained and support the Boys program, not to punish the Boys....



  14. It seems to me the CD of a PLC, would be on a par with a CD of Woodbadge or NYLT. So the 4th bead (unless they already have the 4th bead) recognition would likely be reasonable. Criteria? No idea other than serving as the CD for a PLC.


    Everyone else on staff for a PLC would have the 3rd bead as a pre-req., so no real issue. Although, the application skill-set is probably greater, it's like serving on a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Woodbadge course.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  15. In the unit I serve, the SM/ASM/SPL have taken to not only provide POR basic leadership training (ALL POR's), then assign an ASM to "mentor/counsel/chat" with the POR at least monthly. A "simple check box/comment/report" is made available to POR/SM/SPL for review/action (if needed).


    Biggest issue so far: follow up & consistency.


    Is it working: in some POR's I see marked improvement/change, in others it's not (follow up).


    Is it better than what we were doing (no POR training/no mentoring)? Yes.

  16. This is usually not a hi-tech session, I have done several this way.


    I made a giant pocket knife using card board. Do all the demos with this "knife" while you talk about safety. If you can grab some red lipstick and coat the "blade edge" it can run home the "be careful closing the knife" part.


    It's fun passing it around and have the Bears/Webelos repeat one different thing from what you just went over to the Scout on his left.


    It becomes more or a "campfire activity" than a teaching session which is a lot more memorable.

  17. When I was DL then CM bake sales were mostly internal... with guests at big Pack events like Pinewood Derby and Christmas party.


    Parents/cubs create their baked goods, prizes were awarded (mostly fun) then items were auctioned off or sold piece-by-piece during the event.


    Other good fundraisers:


    Dog Wash - minimal costs/setup - need adult assistance & good weather.


    Car Wash - minimal costs/setup - need adult assistance & good weather.


    Ornament sale (Cub made - pine cone X-Mas Trees, pine cone baskets, etc.) - minimal costs/setup - need to take pics & produce a simple flyer, then get started collectiing pine cones and doo dads for XMas.


    Christmas wreathes - considerable investment, need minimal order to make it worthwhile, deal with local nursery.


    Regardless, turn in the Money Earning applications before you get started.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  18. Keep it simple, assign your smallest Scout the role of "America".

    Biggest Scout (or Cub Master) England.

    Next biggest France.

    Next Scouts as "Native American/Canada"



    Have England and France in "Europe" argue about control of the uninhabited "New World" (Americas). Everytime they say "New World" the Native Americans/Americans stand up and say "We are here you know...."


    In Europe there is no official name for the war.


    In Canada it was called the "seven year war".


    By the American colonials it was called the French/Indian War" as they were allies.


    Every time the England/France begin to argue, the American Scout stands up and is ignored by england/France (can't hear him since he is not in Europe).


    Then England/France come to the Americas, still ignore the Americans, and primarily fight the battle in Canada.

    The French enlist the "Native Americans" aid, while England pretty much ignores both the Colonists and Native Americans as a resource.

    Native Americans help France "argue"....


    End of skit - England wins, but is so weakened the Americans eventually start a revolution.


    It would probably help to have a narrator hit the high points during the "argument/skirmish" and have the Scouts act out what the narrator says. Have them ham it up but wait for the narrator to start/stop.




    http://www.indians.org/articles/french-indian-war.html(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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