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Dedicated Dad

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Everything posted by Dedicated Dad

  1. That was a yes or no question, and your answer? Here, let me help you out with the definition though I suspect you probably knew it anyway, youll find it in Websters. Main Entry: perversion Pronunciation: p&r-'v&r-zh&n, -sh&n Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 : the action of perverting : the condition of being perverted 2 : a perverted form; especially : an aberrant sexual practice especially when habitual and preferred to normal coitus I believe that morality doesnt exist because society considers certain actions to be immoral, but because certain
  2. ExperiencedHoaryRaptor You first! Is the unrepentant practice of perversion good, right and true?
  3. Eisely A reformed alcoholic could in fact be a wonderful example for youth, but I don't want a practicing alcoholic anywhere close to scout leadership. With all due respect, I wouldnt be comfortable with any leader exposing his/her former deprivation, I however, would welcome his/her concealed experience to support the virtues of the BSA. Likewise, I wouldn't deny membership to a youth just because a parent may be an alcoholic. Having such a youth in scouting may be a path to recovery for such a parent. This, I believe, is one of our goals, not necessarily for the parent, but for the Scou
  4. ScampMitchell Barnes-Wallace cannot join because his parents are lesbians, whom the Scouts consider morally unclean. Is this true? No, not really, this quote was from a hit piece written by the ACLU if Im not mistaken. Mitchell would certainly be welcome to join the BSA provided he lived by the Oath and Laws. I can tell you I would do everything in my power, as a leader, to protect him from any antagonism or worse. Its a shame that these people would prop up a young child to further their political cause. Those who practice perversion will stop at nothing to justify their iniquity. there wou
  5. I would reiterate. Arent we still talking about Class B uniforms that only require a BSA logod shirt/t-shirt and the scouts discretion for the rest of his outfit? i.e. shoes, sox, pants/shorts, sweatshirts and outerwear? Further, arent we discussing the appropriateness of como in the discresionary part of the Class B uniform? Pants and outerwear are the most likely candidates for como and are often found on sale after hunting season. As long as the BSA continues to offer shotgun and rifle merit badges, both of which require general hunting knowledge, it would seem that camo is indirectly endor
  6. Yep, that morally straight thing is pretty abstract.
  7. eisely Just to be clear, filth a degradation describes the act of same-sex sodomy, and is not derogatory of the individual.
  8. FScouter I'm not Catholic, but Do you think the ACLU will take the case? Excellent, excellent, excellent, may I quote you?
  9. Hehehe Note to self; Ignorance I(s) BlissSee no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil
  10. Ignorance I BlissSee no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil.
  11. I was referring to clinical definition: homophobia -- the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals and is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the person is either unaware of or denies. The arbitrary lay definitions found in our dictionaries dont encompass the entire definition, because first part quickly looses its credibility when presented with the second part. Therefor, how can a policy be homophobic if it doesnt have the capacity to be in denial of its repressed urges unless you wish to extend its definition t
  12. August 28, 2000 Today's lawsuit will be filed on behalf of two San Diego families, the Breens and the Barnes- Wallaces. The Breens are agnostics who are unsure of the existence of God and who do not participate in organized religion. They have a son, Maxwell, who is six years old. The Barnes-Wallaces are a same sex couple with a seven year old son, Mitchell. Both families are avid users of Balboa Park, except the portion of the park under Boy Scout control. Their sons would like to be Scouts, but cannot join. Max Breen would be unable to take the Boy Scout oath, which avows a reverence for G
  13. The lease "makes the city a partner in the Boy Scouts' discrimination against gays and religious nonbelievers," "While the Boy Scouts may not be for everybody, city parks are." Im not sure how the city becomes a partner in the conveyance of a lease agreement, doesnt it require having specified joint rights and responsibilities? Regardless of the BSAs position on homosexuality or any other organization for that matter, a lease is title to property and therefor restrictive to everybody other than the lessee (BSA). This is just one more attempt to assimilate behavior with race, religion, color
  14. believe strongly that scouting must be brought to heel on this issue, to do almost anything within their power to destroy scoutingUnfortunately, you got this one right. Those who practice perversion desperately seek to justify their inequities as morally equivalent to man/woman relationships. Any roadblocks, like organizations that dont recognize the specious comparisons of their chosen behavior as equal and innate are the enemy. To allow any legitimate part of our society, to exist openly in opposition to their justification, is a target for destruction by any means necessary.
  15. Critics of the Scouts don't necessarily argue with the group's contribution to society, but argue that because it is a private organization that discriminates against gays, it should not be allowed to operate from a public city park. I would argue that the BSAs stance on certain behavioral choices has not changed since these leases were originally established, and therefor have tenured standing and a priority of importance to retain the status quo. Greatness is found when American character and American courage overcome American challenges. (GWB 8-3-00)
  16. To allow the behavior simply because everyone else (does it/did it) is ludicrous. To look the other way when its waved under one's nose is ridiculous. If an adult leader would make it clear that he/she was an adulterer, drug user, alcoholic, a practitioner of perversion, incest or bestiality I wouldnt waste a minute letting him/her go.
  17. Benign inanimate apparel is no more a cause of a certain behavior than any other inert object. Ones conduct is strictly controlled by the individual and anecdotal evidence makes bad precedent.
  18. Robinton I WISH WOMEN WERE NOT ALLOWED AT CERTIAN LEVELS IN THE SCOUT PROGRAM i.e. SCOUTMASTERS OR ASSISTANTS AND CERTIANLY NOT ON CAMPOUTS. I would agree with this with some exception, however this should be the ideal model and worthy of our best efforts as fathers. A side note, would you mind not shouting I had put my earplugs in to read your post.
  19. I guess we need to get into this now. The BSA hit piece, by Leslie Stahl and 60 minutes attempted to spin the focus from homosexuality being in conflict with the Scout Oath to a non-sequitor molestation issue. For the record though, same-sex molestation accounts for 31% of all molestation while the population of those who practice perversion are only around 2%. Granted, the amount of heterosexual molestations are greater in number, but the rate of incidence is dramatically higher as a percentage to the homosexual population and it is in this fact where Leslie Stahl sought to deceive the gullib
  20. 60 Minutes Misleads the Nation, Attacks Boys Scouts! CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl misled America as she smiled into the camera and proclaimed that, Heterosexual men are 3 times more likely to molest a boy as compared to homosexual men according to the U.S. Justice Department statistics. Her reasoning was based upon the fact that these are married men involved in heterosexual relationships. It has been well documented that a lot of homosexual men and women hide their homosexuality behind a marriage. Tres Kerns quoted Leslie Stahl to expose her erroneous logic that married male ch
  21. Sctmom The ideal natural family is one man and one woman brought together by marriage, who enjoy a monogamous relationship, and with Gods' blessing are given children to raise and love.I believe this speaks directly to the ideal and is not opprobrious to anyone other than those who practice perversion. We believe that extended blood relationships can also play a significant role in the development of the natural family. The can also includes the natural and loving (non-homosexual) parents/parent of adoption. Praise to you and yours for the courageous gift you have given. God bless you.
  22. There is no reason that outerwear and trousers cant be camo. Where in the manual does camo apparel equate para-military? It doesnt! Where is camo outside of the BSA oath and laws? It isnt. Arent we talking about B Class uniforms where the shirts must have a BSA related design of some kind anyway? And in an extreme point of fact, brown shirts were the apparel worn by Nazi youth, hows that for fallacious analogy? This is just political correctness gone awry.
  23. Jmcquillan Perhaps that's a little cynical or even jaded, but it's been a pet peeve of mine for years.With all due respect its pretty generalizing and reprobate too. IMHO
  24. Eisely The rules to which I was alluding are found in the Guide to Safe Scouting.Thanks for the link, its hard to find if you dont know what youre looking for. The appropriateness for a unit to accept an unattached female adult volunteer of any age depends in part on the mission and programs of the unit itself.I see, and this is addressed in the guide as; reduce the risk of accepting a child molester by learning all we can about an applicant for a leadership position--his or her experience with children, why he or she wants to be a Scout leader, and what discipline techniques he or she woul
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