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Everything posted by cubbobwhite

  1. Now start planning the next one! Make sure you let them know you can't promise them weather like the past one, but you will still promise a good time
  2. Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice" "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you." Of course, there are those of us in Michigan who believe it really means - "If you seek a pleasant penisula, stay out of Ohio"
  3. Thanks! I plan to. Notice I've jumped into a few discussions already
  4. When it comes to Webelos Den camping, the rules are different than those for Pack campouts. Your BALOO trained person is quoting rules for Pack campouts, not Webelos Den campouts. The G2S2 says that each Webelos Scout needs to have an adult taking responsibility for him during the campout. http://www.scouting.org/pubs/gss/gss03.html#aa Under this rule - two adults could accompany the den and still be in compliance. (I don't recommend that) As the the tent sharing thing - http://www.scouting.org/pubs/gss/gss01.html#c Check out #7. Let this be the time for the boys to experience
  5. In troops where singing for lost items is the norm, are the Scouters also expected to sing when they lose something, or just the Scouts?
  6. "I wrote the original question and it was the first time I used the forum, so I was a bit worried about responses. The singing for forgotten items has been going on for some time in our troop, but an incident which was the "last staw" for me was when a 13 year old scout forgot his scout uniform on a camping weekend which was with the troop only. The troop policy is to not take him. The SM was not there, so the Asst Scout Master didn't have it in his heart to call his mother to come get him. The SM did arrive at the campsite later that evening. The next day, in order to make a point of the scou
  7. http://www.cubbobwhite.net Resources for Cub leaders to use in their den and pack meetings.
  8. I'll give you an idea of what my favorite DE does during the day. He gets up early and goes to the office before 8am. He attempts to get as much done as possible before the phone begins to ring at 9. Even if he leaves the office he can't escape the phone because he has a cell phone. Throughout the day he is fielding questions from volunteers, who range from brand-new den leaders to the District Commissioner. He meets with community leaders to make sure that Scouting is highly thought of, he writes grant requests, he works closely with the United Way. As the professional advisor to th
  9. Good evening! I'm new to this forum but not new to Scouting. I've been Cubbing for 19 years. I am currently the District Training Chairman in my Council. I am also the webmaster of CubBobwhite's Pow Wow Online - http://www.cubbobwhite.net I am Wood Badge trained - EC-CS-19 - Cub Scout Trainer Wood Badge where I was a Bobwhite I also completed C-33-98 - Boy Scout Wood Badge, where I was a Buffalo. I like being a Bobwhite much more than a Buffalo.
  10. As has already been stated - Tiger Cub dens have only a den leader, no assistant. They are to be using shared leadership with the Tiger Cub partners. That is the way the Tiger Cub den is run. It sounds like the pack you have joined is doing their own "thing" rather than following the Cub Scouting program. I think I would do as some of the others have suggested - step back and do this year as just a Tiger Cub partner. I would do this just to see if this is the pack for you and your son. There are other packs out there. Don't be afraid to check them out.
  11. I would recommend separating the two and having the Webelos Scouts crossover in March. I have attended many B&G's over the years and I have found them to usually be long, drawn out affairs. By the time the crossover happened nobody cared anymore and were more interested in getting home. By putting it off until the next month it allows the focus of the Pack meeting to be on the graduating Webelos Scouts.
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