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Everything posted by Tired_Eagle_Feathers

  1. I've been reading up on this "Family Scouting" stuff. https://i9peu1ikn3a16vg4e45rqi17-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Family-Scouting_Infographic_v10-1.pdf I think it's pretty clear that the primary driving force here is decades of declining membership. But the infographic states that the rationale is that families are so busy that they would prefer a "one stop solution" for Scouting. As the father of a son and daughter, and my wife is the troop leader for her Girl Scout troop and my son is in Cub Scouts, I agree, it would be great to have just one activity to juggle
  2. I have to admit, when I first heard "Family Scouting" then a "one stop shop for families" is exactly what I had in mind. Just like Cub Scouts has "family scouting" where everyone, siblings and both parents, can attend activities. I assumed Boy Scout Family Scouting would be the same thing. If it's really just "Separate but Equal" then nothing has changed - my daughter may as well keep going to my wife's Girl Scout Troop and we will continue juggling schedules between two different troops and activities for my son and daughter. It sounds to me like Boy Scouts is trying to ease into
  3. I am brand new at this leadership stuff. In my view, people need to be "voluntold". It's just like when you need someone to call 911 - you don't say, "Somebody call 911!" Instead, you point at a particular person and say, "You call 911!" Generic pleas for help often go unanswered because everyone assumes that someone else is going to step up. Put people on the spot. When you have your parents sitting there go up to a specific parent and ask them, "Will you take the YPT training this week?" Make them commit or shirk publicly. Go right down the row.
  4. Hi all, I'm new to volunteering as a leader. My son is in Weblos 1. Is there a place I can go to read all the different kinds of rules? I took the YPT training, but I'd like to read them all again. Is there a central repository for all BSA training rules and literature?
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