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Posts posted by yarrow

  1. We come from a big troop. Almost every COH is an Eagle COH. Sometimes we have 2-3 together. When we joined the troop I thought this was a little odd having gone to a number of individual Eagle ceremonies. I think every Eagle should have their own ceremony with help/advise from the troop. It doesn't have to be an expensive affair. The only thing I have liked about the way our troop does it is that I like all the other younger boys getting their badges and ranks first. It adds importance and suspense and encourages the younger boys to look to the future.

  2. I laughed so hard at all your stories. Wow, makes our campouts seem so normal.


    The boy who cooked his shoes over a fire to "dry" them.


    The boys who broke open light sticks and painted themselves and threw some down the latrine.


    The dry ice problem with solid eggs, milk, and everything else.



  3. The only problems I have with OA at the moment is 1) the youth elected aspect and 2) activities replacing the troop activities in importance.


    1) We have a boy in our troop who attends all the activities, has advanced regularly, and has a number of badges beyond. He is a little slower than the rest of the boys but not enough to be considered mentally challenged....the boys don't like him well and he could never be considered popular. As a result I don't think the poor kid will ever be elected and I have seen less qualified/more popular boys elected. Some do the ordeal, some don't get around to it. Most never attend OA after. I think this kid wants to join, I know he always looks disappointed. Really don't like the poopularity contest OA uses.


    2) Not in our troop, but in some the older boys are more active and more interested in OA. I hate to see it replace troop activities in their minds.

  4. Have you ever heard of this. My boy laid out a hike for the troop on a recent campout. He is working on his Hiking MB. The SM didn't want to do the hike as planned because it was not a circular hike.......no big deal. However my boy had laid out the 10 mile hike to not only accommodate the Hiking badge requirement but to help scouts with the Camping MB requirement about a hike with a 2000 ft elevation gain. In this area everything is high and the only way to get this requirement was to start at the lowest point in the park and hike to the highest point on a trail and then bushwack up a mountain for 1/4 mile. The SM did another hike and counted all the ups and downs for the 2000 ft. I am sure that many times during the day they made 200 ft climbs and probably did 1500 ft anyway, but I don't read the requirement the same way. Weird huh?

  5. Sounds like you ran a quality program for Cubs Sctmom, and are still suffering some possible disappointment in the current troop. Hope you can stay involved. We lost several new boys whose parents were very involved in Cubs and just started dropping off their boys now that they were in Boy Scouts. The boys missed the parents involvement and the attached pretige. Good luck. Refocus into being a merit badge counselor. Sounds like organization is a real strength for you.

  6. Pretty sure my boy earned merit badges at summer camp when he was 11. Must be able to. I know he was working on Eaglebound but also earned canoeing that summer.


    Our troop policy is a year, but it is unenforcible by BSA. We recommend a year because it is hard to imagine what a scout is doing not finishing a badge within a year (camping, cycling, hiking, backpacking notible exceptions).

  7. My boy has been a Life for about 9 months now and has finished all his eagle required and the extra badges plus. He was signed off for his current POR but was told that when (and it will be a while, he's just turned 13) he does his Eagle he will need another POR. Getting a POR is not a problem, he's active anyway, but where is it written??

  8. Our council/district encourages JLT by providing incentives. Troops rechartering get a certain number of points for various items such as registering for district activities on time, scheduling one long term camp per year, certain % of rank advancement per year, providing a budget, staff for some district activities, selling a certain minimum of $ of popcorn per scout etc. One of the point tallies is JLT training for the scouts not by a rank level but for thoses in leadership positions. You need certain levels for the council to provide rank patches for free for the troop. None of this is policy or required but most troops shoot for the points required to get the rank patches,ribbons,plaques, and special temp. patched. Does your council or district do this type of thing?

  9. Camping in Colorado. Usually above 9000. They do camp in the winter but he just used our 3 man dome tent. He would generally be with another scout because it is more fun, but for backpacking I wouldn't want him to carry more than a 1-2 person tent. He is 13, 5'-0", and 95 lb. I know I can get the Colman Cobra at the outlet for a good price. How do the Eureka's run.

  10. I am going to pick up a backpacking tent for my boy for Christmas. He will use it at canoe base and for other campouts. Is it prudent to get a 4 season tent? What is your favorite 1-2 man tent? A lot of boys like the Cobra, do you have a favorite? Does the Cobra hold up? I appreciate your input from the real world. I just don't know about extreme camper reviews in those magazines and sites.

  11. Well said Sagerscout, and in keeping with everything I have read from National. It is; however, widely held that Girls Scouts have thrown God out. Girl Scouts allow for a broader and more personal expression of God in the promise as your reply indicated. In the long run it has kept GSUSA out of the hot water BSA finds itself in all the time and fits with all their views on diversity and tolerance. I must say that when the interpretation first came down I was pretty hot, but later realized that it meshes better with the Girl Scout ideals and I can not force Christianity down anyones throat nor would I want to.

  12. Unlike Boy Scouts, it is just not possible to earn a Gold award before high school. The program doesn't allow for it. Plus the amount of work it takes to do a Gold Award pushes it into 11th and 12th grade. I know way too many 13-15 year old "Eagles" Very few 15-16 year old Gold Awards. The 12-14 year olds work on a Silver Award. A whole lot of work too.

  13. I run Girl Scout troops too. What to wear or not wear with the uniform is less of an issue as it is almost impossible to get a girl to wear a uniform. For my troops I require a sash. Anything else, uniformwise, is up to the girl. National says you are in uniform when you wear your pin. For formal occasions such as Flag ceremonies, awards presentations, etc. I ask for plain and modest clothing. White blouse/shirt and black skirt/pants to be worn with the sash. It has worked for us. At meetings the girls wear what they wear to school. On campouts I insist on studs or nothing for safety, bag the makeup(it's work anyway), appropriate shoes and clothing for the weather(no sandals, spaghetti straps, or too much skin for the sun or bugs). I confiscate gum, candy, electronics, and clothing with inappropriate expressions in meetings or campouts, hikes etc. Tatoos cover them if they are inappropriate. Tongue studs, ok, for meetings not for campouts. We may be too far away for medical help if there is a problem. My best guess is many of these young people will be sorry they did all this junk to their bodies someday.


    As for me and mine. The girls have earrings, the boy does not. They have all had their hair dyed off and on. I dye too, covers the gray. They stick to natural colors and they have to pay for it.....which, by the way, generally puts an end to it. They seldom wear earrings or makeup...boring and too much work after a while. Young people don't need it anyway. One of mine pierced her own bellybutton....ugh. I had her remove it and it closed up. I'm sure she will again when she is out of the house in a few years. Silly fads. Good luck restricting tatoos and piercings in Boy scouts, in Girl Scouts we just get on with the program and leave the style choices to the girls and parents of the girls. I am sure I'll hear about why that's what is wrong with Girl Scouts, but control it isn't the point of scouting anyway.

  14. It is unfortunate but true that LOTS of troops get in these kinds of spitting contests. You can build a wall of rules 100 ft high to keep you and your boy in this troop, but I have to wonder why. Doesn't sound like an environment I would want my son in. You did or didn't do something "wrong".....at this point it doesn't even matter and pushing to prove that you are wronged or to prove a point is toxic to your peace of mind. Shake the dust from your sandals and move on. Join a troop and involve your son in only the fun stuff until he and you lose the bad taste. I think the SM will destroy the troop anyway. Eagle isn't the only thing we get out of scouting. Go have some fun.

  15. I have had Webelos dens and Girl Scout troops of various ages. If you have a Junior Girl Scout 9,10,11 and sometimes a little on either side.......think Webelo. That is about the age level and activity expectation. My troop of 8-10 year olds does some crafts. They like them. Some community service, not quite as fun. A little bit of leadership. About 10 -15 badges a year......think Webelo pins. They also camp. We camp in lodges, platform tents and pitch our own depending on the site. I recently took about 1/2 the troop to a state park with a wonderful trail system (at about 9000 ft elevation) and pitched tents. They cooked and slept out (no pads) for two nights. We had an all day hike with minimal whining, orienteering, crafts, cooking, ecology work, future planning and fishing. The troops are what ever the girls want and what the troop leader....think Den leader because that's the size, wants to do. Because of the size of a Girl Scout troop there is a problem of variety. With a bigger group you can have those that want to do leadership and community service, those interested in camping and those who are badge collectors. Ideally you can do it all in a small troop but only if the Troop leader is interested and willing.

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