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Posts posted by WHEELER

  1. This was printed in the Battle Creek Enquirer before the Iraq war. Furthermore, with the Administration now seeking the UN help this letter is more apropos.


    Dear Editor,


    I hear that a new oath will be administered to new recruits of the military;


    I solemnly swear to defend and uphold the authority and legitimacy of the United Nations (a communist organization whose constitution was written by Alger Hiss who was outed as a communist); it is my duty to further International Law (another communist idea); to protect Israel by destroying hostile Arab nations and be an emissary for American Cultural Imperialism by destroying Islamic teaching by undermining it with our own immoral vulgar, homosexual, baby-killing, woman-controlled democratic culture.


    When our soldiers invade Iraq a message will be broadcast via radio, saying, We are the Borg. We are the United Nations. You will be assimilated into the Global Economy (another Marxist Idea). We are the Borg; We are America; We are the Collective. You will comply. Resistance is futile.


    The new rallying cry of the American soldier will be, Hail Caesar! and march under the Eagle of the Roman Imperium.


  2. Brave is the idea that originally was Greek. The Greek word is 'andrea'. 'Andre' means man.


    So, when one says to instill 'brave' in a boy it means to masculinize him to have fortitude, boldness of character, courage, all these things.


    St. Paul says women are to be taught 'submissiveness'.


    To Two cub Dad please read the post "The training of boys to be men" in the Open discussion section. There it explains all these things in the Scout law and others are part and parcel of the Greek word 'arete' which "best" in the Scout Oath comes from.


    Arete changes characteristics according to what it pertains to. It is a term that applies to all things, animals, human beings, male and female. The arete of a male is very much different from the arete of a female.


    NO, women should not be masculinized. That is what Unisexism is. In order to make equal, women must be masculinized and boys effeminized to make equal.


    But this is what takes the cake, the BSA has adopted language of the feminists and their agenda. The BSA has become 'effeminate' because it can not stand up (be brave) for their boys and call them boys. They are now 'people'. The BSA, an organization started in helping boys, has now adopted the language of hate toward boys. Feminization of the BSA? The BSA cannot stand up for manliness, manhood, or males.

  3. This thread was spun from another thread.Which shall we use?


    Ayn Rand in her book the Fountainhead sketched the details of how a society is moulded or turned in one direction or the other by the simple use of words. Words connate ideas and words are powerfull. To promote an idea or demonize an opponent, use certain words or to make an idea disappear, just stop using the words. Words are like points on a compass: THEY POINT TO A DIRECTION. Ayn Rand plays this concept in her novel. She lived under socialist tyranny; she ought to know. We call these code words.


    Each human organization includes words that are specific to it. Outside these cultures, some words may have no meaning. The military has a special lingo all to itself like deck is naval terminology for floor. The Christian Church has special language all to itself, for instance the word Passion. Jewish culture has terms specific like the term goyim. The ancient Greeks called others barbarian. Each culture has terminology and meanings special to its core philosophy.


    Socialism and leftist ideology is no different.


    The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them values of the Scout Oath and Law.


    The first thing is the word people. It is gender neutral and inclusive. People is also syncretic by nature. Exactly Marxist language.


    Furthermore, if it is the Boy Scout program, Boys is not people and people are not boys. How can Boy, being exclusive and gender specific, include a word that is gender neutral and inclusive? Another Oxymoron. Here is an organization that sends people out into the woods to classify plants by genus and species which are categories of logic developed by Aristotle and the BSA program manages to mangle logic in its very own mission statement. How can people which is a species participate in a whole which is boy? Logic which is an instrument of truth would demand that the BSA be renamed to say People Scouts of America. Boys are a species of the genus people but people can not possibly be a species of the genus boy.


    What really does people represent? It is syncretic therefore embodies the mentality of Equality.


    Over 200 years ago, the French lower classes went on a rampage butchering the monarchy, killing priests, burning religious books, destroying churches, demolishing monasteries all to the cries to the Trinity of Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite.


    The generic and all encompassing word people conjures up this word of Equalite, that over the past two hundred years over 200 million people lost their lives because of leftist ideology. Every philosophy uses words that express its core. The word people expresses entirely the concept of Equalite.


    Do we use socialist words in the BSA or do we use traditional scientific classical words? Do we use the word people or do we use the word boys and man? Do we pander to the feminists in their hatred of boys and men that now their inquisition against these words now appear in the premier boys organization?


    The Scout Law is not an incorporation of values it is an incorporation of virtues. Again, values is gender neutral and non specific. On the other hand, virtues are gender specific and definite to a certain class of human beings.


    Do we use socialist words in the BSA or do we use traditional scientific classical words? For an organization that touts truth and knowledge as being part of what it means to be a scout citizen, these errors show a glaring lack of knowledge. Virtue corrects what Plato calls faults of the soul. These faults of the soul are called Vices. Virtue is what is called when vice is not present. The Scout Law incorporates virtues and these terms are 2300 years old. Values is what? Values do not correct vice. Do we replace a 2300 year old term for a 30 year old term? Value is an economic term originally. Value is also been used as a Marxist term as in labor theory of value. (Oxford English Dictionary XIX Vol) Either a man has virtue and makes him a man, or he has no virtue and therefore is not a man. Virtue makes the man. Values do not make a man.


    Virtues are instilled by habit. They are not as the mission statement says ethical and moral choices. They are behavior PATTERNS, not choices. Character is what is on the soul it is not a choice.


    Words have meaning and this shows that the BSA program has been compromised. And for the two stars on the badge that represent Truth and knowledge, they obviously don't know the meaning of either word.



    (This message has been edited by WHEELER)

  4. Very funny guys but OGE in his response to the post of the Boy Scouts and the United Nations is quoting a mission statement, Boy Scout oath, Boy Scout law, and a vision statement. None of this is included in the Federal Charter. A purpose statement is but not the rest. The Federal Charter is just what the law requires to be submitted and is not the total package, nor the founding documents of any organization. This Federal Charter, though interesting, is not the complete picture.


    So we would like to know where OGE got his information and from what book printed when? Where is the mission and vision statement from?



  5. Isocrates:


    "Athens has in many respects been plunged into such a state of topsy-turvy and confusion that some of our people no longer use words in their proper meaning but wrest them from the most honourable associations and apply them to the basest pursuits."


    Isocrates and Socrates were both reactions against the degradations of democracy. Words lost their meaning and people lost their 'loyalty' to the meanings of those words. That is why most of the time, Socrates went around asking for definitions.


    Human nature does not change and the modus operandi doesn't either. Rome went through this, America is going through this.


    And still am waiting for the original. OGE presented the 'cleansed progressive' version of the charter. But there is a vastly different original somewhere.


    I went through this at Berea College. I was complaining about the character of the college and that it was slipping away from its roots. Everybody harangued me terribly. Until one day in an old building I spied an old book behind the work table and low and behold was the original constitution of the College. Very different from the one they were promoting. One of the planks of the old constitution read, "To be against every wrongful institution and practice". What was Berea College doing? promoting homosexuality, abortion, etc. yada yada.... The original said, "To promote the cause of Christ..." but did every thing but that.


    I wasn't born yesterday you bunch of yahoos. I have already played this game once and it sickens me to see the BSA in it too.


    Bring up the old charter, OGE, I double dare you.

  6. What you are witnessing is the "transformation" of ideals thru the changing of words. Words carry meaning. That is why the word "democracy" is very important. When one uses this word, the mind conjures up the concept of "free to do as one pleases". "Republic" on the other hand conjures up the image of "I have to obey laws".


    I have just demonstrated in the post "On Effeminancy", how this word has been dropped from modern bibles and so has the concept. If one doesn't know the word, then one doesn't know if he is one or not.


    For NJ Cub Scouter, Does Art imitate life or does Art manipulate life?


    There is a big difference between "Man" and "Adult". One is gender specific and the other is gender neutral. One is definite specific meaning and the other is amorphous, one could be talking about an Adult Horse, or an Adult dog, or an Adult male (which species) or an adult Maritian. Who knows? Adult can mean anything and mean nothing.

    This language is terrible. Do you hand a scout amorphous directions? To make a model airplane, are the directions amorphous?

  7. First, many people accuse me of having an agenda. No. There are people who are within the BSA program that do have an agenda. Just like Antonio Gramsci wanted. To convert the BSA program to serve socialist ideology and sociology. That is why the word changes and no references to any thing classical in the BSA literature, the change in modalities, no pictures of historical pictures of men and the oxymorons appearing. They are all signs of this process. (just like Ayn Rand prophesied in Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead.)

     Second, Righteousness is a V-I-Rtue.

     "To Righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert, and to PRESERVE ANCESTRAL CUSTOMS AND INSTITUTIONS and the established laws, and to tell the truth when interest is at stake, and to KEEP AGREEMENTS. First, among the claims of righteousness are our duties to the gods, then our duties to the spirits, then those to country and parents, then those to the departed; and among these claims is piety, which is either a part of righteousness or a concomitant of it. Righteousness is also accompanied by holiness and TRUTH and LOYALTY and hatred of wickedness."

    On Virtues and Vices, Aristotle, Loeb Classical Library, pg 495

    To preserve is righteousness. Furthermore, Truth never changes.  Moreover, loyalty demands it. 

  8. Have any of you read the Federalist papers?


    Full of historical references to prove points. 98% of my books are in storage, but if I remember correctly on of the first 'papers' quoted the necessity of knowing history for it provided foresight.


    Thycidides did the same thing. For him, human nature never changes. same causes produce the same effects. Studying history provided foresight in the conduct of human affairs.


    In conjunction of the saying, "Know yourself", Plato's sixth rule is "for the ignorant to follow and for the wise men to take the lead and rule." I am ignorant and foolish. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are much wiser than me. They lead, I follow.

  9. Now we are getting somewhere! Thanks for the congressional record.


    THANK YOU FOG!!!! We are now uncovering our hidden heritage. Let us continue.


    Now for the hard part. Is there somebody down at Irving TX that can search the archives for the original charter? They have original paperwork. Is there somebody out there with more old paperwork???


    Quick before they hire the shredder!





  10. Will somebody vote the original post 'thumbs down'. I'm losing my reputation if that doesn't happen.


    In answer to 'Be prepared', there was persection and injustice and in Christian ethics there are nine ways to be an accesory to sin. To participate any further in that school would have been sanctioning the things going on there and I could not do it. I voted with my feet. When you are not wanted, it is time to leave.

  11. Ayn Rand wrote an essay titled, The Comprachicos in l970.

     What are Comprachicos? (or comprapequenos in Spanish) A nomadic group in the 17th century, Comprachicos went around buying children so they could purposely physically deform them in order to produce a freak so that they could make a living entertaining kings and city people, i.e. they were turned into court jesters. Miss Rand also quotes from Victor Hugo who relates a similar account in China (The Man Who Laughs).

    But in todays modern world, Ayn Rand sees comprachicos, not in the physical sense but of the mind. She discerns that her fellow professors at college are comprachicos of the mind.

     They are being taught, by implication, that there is no such thing as a firm, objective reality, which mans mind must learn to perceive correctly; that reality, is an indeterminate flux and can be anything the pack wants it to be; that truth and falsehood is determined by majority vote. And more: that knowledge is unnecessary and irrelevant, since the teachers views have no greater validity than the oratory of the dullest and most ignorant studentand, therefore, that reason, thinking, intelligence and education are of no importance or value. To the extent that a student absorbs these notions, what incentive would he have to continue his education and develop his mind? THE ANSWER MAY BE SEEN TODAY ON ANY COLLEGE CAMPUS. (Caps are mine. pg 211)

    Following this method, the teacher abstains from lecturing and merely presides at a free-for-all or bull session, while the students express their views on the subject under study, which they do not know and have come to school to learn. What these sessions produce in the minds of the students is an unbearable boredom. (pg 211)

    I picked up this book AFTER I left college disgusted. The above paragraph was typical of most the classes I took. How did Ayn Rand see my situation?

    In the absence of intellectual content, the students resort to personal attacks, practicing with impunity the old fallacy of ad hominem, substituting insults for argumentswith hooligan rudeness and four-letter words accepted as part of their freedom of speech. (pg 231)

    Her whole essay is a brilliant expose what IS going on in todays colleges and universities. (The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, Ayn Rand, Meridian Book, l975 pg 187f).

    What is going on at this message board is exactly what Ayn Rand observed. Opinions is what is shown but no knowledge. A sign of a learned man is his ability to quote to prove a point. These posters are all products of this educational system. One doesnt have to know anything just spout opinions. They want opinions but not knowledge. Look upon the attacks; they show the character of the men doing them. Knowledge is not important but just give us your opinion. That is all that is necessary. They attack people who quote because they know nothing better. This whole society is about glorifying people to spout their opinion. As Socrates says, Opinion errs while Knowledge is unerring.

  12. This thread was spun from another thread.Titus 2:2 Bid the older men be temperate, serious, sensible, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. (The Greek is semnous.)


    Titus 2:7 Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds and in your teaching show integrity, gravity (semnous), (8) and sound speech that cannot be censured, so that an opponent may be put to shame, have nothing evil to say of us.


    1 Timothy 3.4 He must manage his own household well, keeping his children submissive and respectful (semnous) in every way (KJV 1 Timothy 2:4 One that ruleth his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity.)


    Gravity comes from the Latin word gravitas. This one virtue is especially tied to Roman culture. Gravitas was central to the achievements of the Roman Republic. It is also the breakdown of this virtue that led to its demise and the rise to the Roman Imperialism. Gravitas means solemnity or dignity of manner. Other characteristics of it are being down to earth, appreciative, holy appearance, straight, humility, respect, bearing, and no joking. People who portray this virtue are called squares. The Southern Baptists and other fundamentalist Christian faiths exhibit this and are ridiculed for it. All warrior cultures manifest this virtue. Agrarian people and persons who have a fear of God naturally attain this. Notice that the old Cub Scout oath had the word "square" in it but the new does not.


    Henry Lee delivered the funeral oration for George Washington and describes his character thus:


    Pious, just, humane, temperate and sincereuniform, dignified and commandinghis example was as edifying to all around him as ere the effects of that example lasting (1)


    George Washington had the virtue of gravitas.


    Aristotle defines it thus: Dignity (Semnous) is a middle state between Self-Will and Obsequiousness. A man who in his conduct pays no regard at all to another but is contemptuous is self-willed; he who regards another in everything and is inferior to everybody is obsequious; he who regards another in some things but not in others, and regardful of persons worthy of regard, is dignified. (2)


    Its opposite characteristics are flamboyant, outspoken, talks a lot, buffoonery, superstitious, sloppy in dress, and frivolous. When in college I observed that a good percentage of male students who hung around women, lose their gravitas and act like children, laughing and giggling to keep the attention of the opposite sex. The college party scene is not conducive to this virtue. In the French Foreign Legion anthem, it says that this is for the Swiss and people of other mountainous regions but there is no place in the legion for the Belgian. Why because they had no bearing and they were constantly joking.


    The effect of this is significant on education. This is one reason that education is failing. The lack of seriousness on the part of parents and students alike affects their educational performances. Aristotle observed But it has come about that men make amusements an end. (3)


    This also has political ramifications. A slavish people exhibit poor behavior. Urban societies become more puerile. A free people like the Ancient Greek, Romans, and the founding American generations had gravitas. Gravitas exemplified Victorian England and her Empire. Look at any old picture of American people and Gravitas shines on their demeanor. The principle is Culture defines Politics.






    (1) Magills Quotations in Context, edited by Frank Magill, Harper & Row Publishers, Pg 251.


    (2) Eudemian Ethics, Aristotle, Loeb Classical Library, Vol 285, 1233b 35; pg 351


    (3) Politics, Aristotle, Loeb Classical Library, Vol 264, 1339b 30; pg 655


    (This message has been edited by WHEELER)

  13. Snycretism is also the basis of Unisexism. The inclusion of females in the scouting program is just that---Unisexism and Unisexism is syncretism, making everything the same.

    The Boy Scouts are being closed out by the United Way and being persecuted by the City of San Diego. These people that are persecuting the Boy Scouts and hampering them are the same people that support the United Nations. Isn't there a little duplicity going on here? Is it the conservatives who are persecting the BSA or is it the liberals? This is how foolish the BSA program and its leaders look, they are feeding the hand that is biting them!!!!!!

    Logic is what Logic does.  As Jesus said, "If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  A house divided against itself  that house will not be able to stand".  You can not serve two masters.

    One can see the syncretic modality in the BSA and their trying to ingratiate themselves but it is not working.  The attacks are growing and will intensify.  The house of the United Nations is not divided.  The BSA program is.  One can not be a trainer of men and be a part of the house of the United Nations.  The BSA is trying to serve two masters.  The BSA is full of contradictions that will implode in upon itself.



    PLEASE PUT UP THE ORIGINAL CHARTER OF THE BOY SCOUT PROGRAM.   Lets compare.  Let's see the differences.


  14. Do you know why the oxymorons are not answered?


    Syncretism is the socialist modality. Everything is in greys.


    Socrates is the founder and father of Western Culture. He brought to light the central core of Western Culture and the essence of man and that is Truth. Truth exists and it must be defended.


    Black and White thinking. "To define and divide" is Western Modality. Western Culture is masculine. Hellenism is masculine.


    Syncretism is an Eastern modality. Syncretism is femal thought. Syncretism is the basis of socialist modality. One can be a Hindo and a Christian, doesn't bother them.

  15. Laurie:


    You are the one that voted down the post "The training of boys to be men". Scripture commands the training of men. Yet, you have voted this post down. If you really sought after truth, would you have voted this post down?? If you were really loyal to the original intent of the BSA, would you have voted this post down? All the rest of my posts you have voted down continuously and consistently.


    This is what we call an hypocrite and then you want to attack me. I did not attack anybody with the first post. All I did was present evidence. The second post refuted false preception of a Scoutmaster that said "The BSA is NOT about training boys to men." Then I am castigated over coals.


    The vehemence that I am treated is proof that I am hitting the mark. The only bear that is attacked by bees is the one with his paws in the honey.



  16. Nothing goes "ad infinitum" except maybe space. Cause and effect do not go "ad infinitum". Aristotle said so. He called the Mind of Anaxagoras the Prime Mover. That which can move yet is not moved by itself. The Mind is pure spirit. Aristotle's four causes describe physical change in the universe; does not apply to God. Aristotle is much more smarter than you and I yet he wrote of both the four causes and a prime mover. There is no contradiction here or else Aristotle would have seen it himself. My books are in storage, so I can not do my research on this more thoroughly.

  17. I am wondering if the spin off couldn't stay in the same box as the original.


    Like a tree diretory, one could place things in order to be read. For example, a Post called Virtue. Then, people will comment on the original post. But then someone wants to add something significant like the a post of the virtue of gravitas. Spin off the thread but then it appears as under the original post. So on and so forth. Is that possible?



  18. Old Grey Eagle, I follow an higher Wisdom.


    Acts 5.29 "We must obey God rather than men."


    I John 4.6 "We know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error".


    James 4.17 "Whoever knows what is right and fails to do it for him, it is sin." Keeping silent is not an option.


    Titus 2.15 "Declare these things; exhort and reprove with all authority, let no one disregard you."


    ITim 4.11 "Command and Teach."



    A definition of effeminacy is available for all men so that they will know the truth. Who else provided it?


    A definition of virtue is available for all men so that they will know the truth. Who else provided it? Certainly not the Boy Scouts of America with its marxist gender neutral language. Virtue is a word used for thousands of years and all of sudden it disappears especially from an organization that touts itself as (originally) training boys to be men. How can a boy become a man if he has never heard the word virtue?


    A definition of a Republic is available for all men so that they will know the truth. Who else provided it?


    Who has pointed out the hypocrisy of the BSA with its promotion of the socialist organization, the UN?


    Who provided the original intention of the BSA program?


    You have done none of these things Old Grey Eagle. I have. Who shows a greater love of the organization? One who keeps or the one who obscures?

  19. I do not post for the fun of it or to goad anything. I am deadly serious about everything I write. I stand behind everything I write and say.


    Life is not game that many on this website take it as. It is dangerous serious business. Nature kills fools.


    As Thycidides in his history likes to point out


    "...Like causes are always followed by like effects: that kind of sequence makes experience possible, and therefore allows some sort of foresight of things to come..." Padeia pg 389.


    That is why history does repeat itself because human nature does not change.

  20. The Athenian Oath as is printed in the l948 Boy Scout Handbook pg 119:


    "We will never bring disgrace on this, our city, by an act of dishonesty or cowardice.


    "We will fight for the ideals and Sacred Things of the city both alone and with many.


    "We will revere and obey the City's laws, and will do our best to incite a like reverence and respect in those about us who are prone to annul them or set them at naught. We will strive increasingly to quicken the public's sense of civic duty.


    "Thus in all these ways we will transmit this city, not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.


    What "like revernce and respect" did FDR have for the Constitution? It looks like NJ Scouter and Two cub dad miss the whole point. FDR wanted to shove something thru that would have been unconstitutional but the hell with the law, FDR's opinion was "I don't care about the rule of law, I am going to do what I want." You don't find it scandalous that a president who swore to uphold the constitution, years later wants to undermine it and go around it by "packing" the supreme court with his cronies. FDR's programs were socialistic. Does this sound like the rule of law or anarchy?


    There is a law in the Pentatuch, (The first five books of the Old testament) that states that Hebrews were not to carry anything on the Sabbath. That is work. They can not even carry a book. They can carry things within a house. They can rearrange the furniture but they cannot, outside the house, carry anything.


    In Orthodox Jewish communities in Israel, they tie a ball of yarn from one side of the house and use to encompass the whole neighborhood. The ball of yarn is a "wall". So then, they set about to carry things from one house to another on the Sabbath.


    The moral of the story: Any law can be turned. When men are too weak to obey, they turn the law. They find an excuse or loophole. They find a way around it. This mentality is very dangerous. A hard man obeys, the effeminate man seeks escape.


    FDR practically annuled the constitution and the rule of law. There is no respect for the rule of law in this country.

  21. Nice to see the socialists come out in defense of their organization. Notice in a previous post where Old Grey Eagle wants to make leather britches but doesn't want to read a book.


    Tell me Old Grey Eagle, will any Boy Scout you lead hear the word "virtue" out of your mouth. Or is this term too GENDER SPECIFIC for you? How can a boy know what it means to be a man if he never hears the word 'virtue'?


    Socialists will never use the word 'virtue'. They hate it and will not teach it.


    Notice how none of the respondents answered to the oxymorons as stated. They cannot. They attack the messanger because they cannot answer the oxymoron since it will obviously show that they cannot exist logically.


    Logic is something an effeminate man does not have. Only true men have logic.


    Plato's Republic, the philosophers job is to "define and divide". (sec 454.) This is the encapsulation of "Black and White". An effeminate man sees just like a woman; all in "greys". Everything is melded together.



    Answer the oxymorons.


    One cannot have Duty to God and promote the UN.

    One cannot have Duty to Country and promote the UN.

    One cannot promote virtue and promote unisexism of the UN.


    Paramendes principle of non-contradiction. A subject cannot hold two predicates that oppose each other.


  22. I noticed Laurie that you have quoted nothing to back up your opinion: Life is fun. This is just your opinion. Why should we believe that statement? Where is that stated elsewhere?


    Psalm 118:143 "Afflictions and distresses found me."


    Book of Sirach 40:1 "Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things."


    Sirach 41:14 "My children, keep discipline in peace."


    Titus 2:7 "Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity.


    Do you know why people do drugs? One of the reasons is that they want to continue having fun. Fun is a mentality that drives drug use and recreation.


    We are to be serious with an cheerful attitude. Boys want adventure and challenging things that will push them to excell. Adventure is naturally fun for boys. But fun is not a goal in life. Fun is not an object of life.


    Boy Scouts are about preparing them for manhood not in perpetuating puerileness. One inspires and motivates to do good. One thing is not needed in America is the perpetuating of more childishness.


    Obscurantism is the policy of censorship but there is another way to accomplish this task and that is to get people sidetracked on trivialities.


    Celebrations are fun but that is after the achievement. Having fun is a communist mentality that seeks to keep people childish.

  23. Who were the Zulus?


    They were the largest, strongest tribe who ruled a greater portion of South Africa.


    Why were they that way? Because they were weak or effeminate?


    They ruled because they were hard. They were the best. They got that way because of their training. The good comes through the hard. They were hard and they were number one! Baden-Powell was inspired by the Zulu nation. It had a lot in common with Bristish mentality.


    The Zulus were winners in the game of life and so were good examples to follow. Every Boy Scout is a Zulu Warrior, as he is an Indian Brave, as he is a British Trooper standing on the front line rifle in hand, as he is a Spartan standing in the spearline at Thermopylae.


    (This message has been edited by WHEELER)

  24. Thanks for correcting me. Yes, I wrote fast and myself was imprecise on details. Yes, He was an Archduke. Yes, it was in Saravejo.


    But I stand that WWI was about destroying the monarchies of Europe which it did, so that new forms could take their place. Anarchists were both the assasins of President McKinley and Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. Both to provoke change and destroy the old to bring in the new.


    Socialism seeks the destruction of monarchy. Monarchy is the metaphysical expression of patriarchy.


    If the Boy Scouts are about making men out of boys which is patriarchy how then can it participate in the UN which promotes feminism which destroys patriarchy?


    The UN promotes every thing the Boy Scouts stand against. The United Nations promotes Homosexuality, New Age, Feminism, Atheism, etc.


    How does one square feminism with patriarchy??????


    Why is the BSA promoting an organization that expounds values opposite the Boy Scout program?


    You can not serve two masters. Black and white are mutually exlusive. You can't have them together. Feminism and patriarchy are also mutually exclusive. You can not mix the two. They are mutually antagonistic. Do you live in the clouds or do you live in Reality?


    To say I want to abolish wars is a pipe dream of people who don't live in reality. Truth is in reality. If one doesn't accept reality, one can not accept truth. Elements of Socialism declared that socialists are idealists. Idealists vs Realists. Two different seperate creatures.


    What is there between the lion and the lamb? or the dog and the hyenna?

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