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Everything posted by sitrep

  1. Try this link http://www.meritbadge.com/mb/002.htm However this whole idea of watching movies for MB requirements is joke to me. Maybe I'm old fashioned. That being said however I think "Philadelphia" with Tom Hanks is a better choice than Harry Potter or Spiderman 2. These are supposed to realistic examples and not fantasy.
  2. Trevorum: I never said the old scout days were perfect, nice try painting me as an extremist. However the BSA has suffered from enough white liberal guilt and does not need anymore. This thread is the perfect example of the new trend to be so concerned with everyones feelings. I for one have not heard from falcon93, who started thread, (or anyone else) why the saying "Git R Done" is possibly racist or even sexist.(This message has been edited by sitrep)
  3. Please if you are going to misrepresent what I said atleast include the entire quote. Last time I checked the PC crowd had nothing to do with anyhting you mentioned but if I am wrong please correct me.
  4. What would make it racist or sexist? I'm understand the need for sensitivity but lets not try and find things were they dont exist. Scouts has been watered down enough by the PC crowd.(This message has been edited by sitrep)(This message has been edited by sitrep)
  5. I would define an eagle mill as a troop where the adults run everything and spoon feed MBs to the boys to ensure they advance. So far I haven't heard anything that sounds like that. I really doubt one month is long enough to really get to know the troop, at most that is four meeting and one outing. Our troop has fairly regular boards of review, you need them if you have a number of boys that are working on advancement. As for the webelos/scouts at camp I've never heard of webelos taking scouts with them.
  6. ManassasEagle: So far nothing you have described really sounds like a "mill".
  7. I read this thread with some interest, as I'm an ASM for a Troop that is sometimes accused by others in our district as being a mill. Having a plaque with the eagles on it isnt going to tell you much about the Troop, you are actually going to have to get to know them first. Remember, dont judge a book by its cover.
  8. The best way to get him involved and keep him is to ask him what he wants to do. Volunteers are scarce so why would you want to lose him to be a district commish or other position?
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