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Posts posted by shemgren

  1. Fundraising activities of the unit need to, ideally, not only earn money, they also advance the cause of Scouting by giving the boys involvement in meaningful activities.


    The Scoutmaster's Handbook on page 163, states "Is your plan free from any suggestion of gambling? Is it fully consistent with the ideals of the BSA?"


    By applying the above test, your idea doesn't pass. With the units I give guidance to as an ADC, I suggest that all fundraisers give value for the money given, such as a meal, a christmas tree, a candy bar, etc.


    If your CO wishes to conduct this raffle and give to your unit the proceeds, this allowed, but be aware, the Scouts should perform some service work for the CO. Ths Scouts should learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Again back to the value given.


    Scott(This message has been edited by shemgren)(This message has been edited by shemgren)

  2. My DE is in the Army National Guard and will be reporting in June for service in Bosina.


    Keep him and his family in your prayers.


    In addition, the Legion I belong to is providing bears to the spouses of the servicemen and women staying behind stateside. These are intended to give the spouse a tangable reminder of their serving spouse.(This message has been edited by shemgren)

  3. I had a website here for both the troop and pack I am COR for and after several trys to fix the problems here including unable to access site at all, formating lost in uploading, etc. and no response from multiple messages to the administrator, I got new sites from Tripod, and they work much better.


    (This message has been edited by shemgren)

  4. Try contacting your local VFW or Legion Post for advise on marching as a unit. Even Cub Scouts can march an average parade route with the right motivation. The crowd loves to see them in the parade and usually clap and cheer, raising the Scout's spirits. As for the flags, have the Webelos carry them and rotate throughout the route.

  5. In addition to the reasons stated by the esteemed forum members, by allowing the Webelos to cross in February - March, they have the opportunity to participate in the Troop's spring fundraiser to help off set the cost of Summer Camp. The Webelos Scouts who cross then have a strong chance of still being in the troop a year latter when it is time to bring the next group.


  6. The "Class A" uniform is actually called the field uniform. The activity uniform is often what is called the "Class B" uniform.


    The field uniform consists of the tan offical BSA shirt, olive offical BSA pants or shorts, offical belt and offical socks.


    The activity uniform consists of a Scouting related t-shirt (has the words "Boy Scouts of America", BSA, the fleur-de-lis, or the BSA universal logo on it), offical pants or shorts, offical belt and offical socks.


    District insignia is limitted to the temporary patch location on the right pocket, nowhere else.


    I am member of the uniform police. The uniform should be worn correctly.

  7. The BSA uniform has three forms: The Dress Uniform, The Field Uniform and the Activity Uniform.


    The Dress Uniform consists of a blue blazer, white shirt, grey pants, red, white and blue tie, Scout emblem on left pocket. (illustrated in the Insignia Guide, page 47.)


    The field uniform consists of the the BSA tan shirt, BSA olive pants or shorts, offical belt and socks (as illustrated in the offical catalog). Neckerchief and hat as chosen by unit. For formal ocassions (such as a Court of Honor, Eagle Court of Honor, Council Recognition Dinner, etc.) the Scout must add their merit badge sash. Any earned medals can also be worn at a formal occassion.


    The activity uniform consists of a scout related T-shirt(such as a troop T-shirt or red activity shirt in the catalog), BSA olive pants of shorts, official belt and socks.

  8. Our sponsor provides money annually for such purposes. The pack and troop handles it the same way; they handle the money discertly to boys who cannot afford the program. The boy and parents contact certian individuals in the unit who decide the matter. This not published to the unit or the sponsor, just a report at the end of the year on how the money was used, not who got it.

  9. If the Scout has met all the requirements of Eagle, then he should be advanced. A Scout I worked with waited almost 3 years after he completed his project to finish the merit badges for Eagle. Scouts just sit out it in many cases. The average age of an Eagle is 17 years, 8 mos. This is because they often wait until the end.


    In this case, the committee should look at the overall goal of the Scouting program and how if they deny the Scout his Eagle, are they fulfilling the purpose of the Scouting advancment program? One of things we are trying to teach the Scouts is how life works in a safe environment where they cannot get hurt by most of the consquences. A Scout who has met the requirements should be advanced to the Board of Review to allow them to make the final determination. The BOR should feret out any problems with the time delay.


    Just my humble opinion.



  10. Rules and Regulations of the BSA, Article XI, Section 1, Clause 2, Paragragh (b), "In the event of the dissolution of a unit or the revocation or lapse of its charter, the unit committee shall apply the unit funds and equipment to the payment of unit obligationsand shall turn the surplus, if any, to the local council....In the case of a charter orgranization, any funds or equipment which may be have been secured as property of the unit shall be held in trust by the chartering organization or the chartered local council, as may be agreed upon ..."


    Other than the aboved named circumstances, the unit retains contol and ownership of its property.

  11. As a commissioner, I encourage the unit scouters I come in contact with to wear the troop scarf when with the troop and the wood badge scarf outside the troop.


    Pack leader, I encourage to wear the scarf of their position, Tiger, Cub Scout, Webelos, or Cub Scouter scarf. Wood Badge outside the unit.


    As a commissioner with no unit affiliation, I wear my Distingished Commmissioner bolo tie most of the time, an Eagle Scout neckerchief for an Eagle COH, or no neck gear the rest of the time.


  12. I have been a Scouter since I got my Eagle, and I get recharged by 1) Scouts who have the spirit!, 2) Training new Scouters (5 or 6 times a year), 3) FOS presentations, 4) Checking out another unit who has to spirit and lastly, 5) a SCOUT CAMPFIRE! I don't have any childern, but I can get the spirit.

  13. The old title of IH and the new title COE are one and the same. A COR respents the CO to Scouting at all levels, the unit, district and council. As a COR myself, I have the responsibility to keep the pulse of of our sponsored units (one pack and one troop), keeping the units updated our our organization, voting on district and council annual ballots, repsenting the BSA to my organization.


    I regularly attend the unit's committee meetings and they accept me with open arms.


    COR's and COE or IH's are not the same thing. COE run the sponsoring ogranization, signs the charter and agreement, appoints a COR who in turn represents to CO to Scouting (hense the title Charter Organization Representative), and supervises the COR in the carring out of the duties of COR.


    Look at a charter, the COE signs, but is not listed as a member of the unit. The COR is listed as a member. I do not wish to disargee with Bob, but COE's do fill out the application, but there is no fee charged. Since the CO I belong to is a American Legion Post, the Commander changes every couple of years or so, I have the new Commander app to change the status on the charter.

  14. As a trainer in my council for number of years, I have seen training been treated with disdain, hositility, open acceptance and gratefullness. Training has a tendency to become very personal, such as, "I was trained in 1993, and I can keep up with the changing program." to "Training? We don't need no stinking training(usually followed by a LOL)" to "Help! How do I do this?"


    The National BSA via ScoutNet, the network that connects all the council offices to Irving, TX, considers that if you have attended training once, you are trained in these areas, as of currently, but this might change down the road. Some training such as Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense have expiration dates.


    I usually recommend and practice that CS or BS leader training should be repeated every 3-4 years or if your postition changes (Committee Member to Den Leader, Den Leader to Webelos Den Leader, Troop Committee to ASM, etc.). I just got back from my council's Boy Scout Leader Training this weekend, having took it last in 1998.


    In my council, we will bring training (Cub Scout, some Boy Scout, Youth Protection, etc.) to the unit if they desire. This has gone a long way to helping to get training to happen. The bottom line to training is that the boys deserve trained leaders (that's B-P's idea, not mine).

  15. A new resource has come out, "Troop Committee Challenge", No. 33643. This has a game setting to teach your troop commitee all the jobs and how to operate. This also considered basic training for troop committees.


    The committee's main function is to support the program that the PLC creates, handling things the Scouts cannot. This includes fianaces, transportation, equipment, proper paperwork filled out, administer the advancement plan. The Scoutmaster insures the program that the PLC develops is carried out to it's full extent, advised the PLC on health and safety issues, and guide them in the Scouting experience.

  16. The uniform is a piece of equipment that is bought for the express purpose of supporting the Boy Scout Movement and in a general, can not used for any other purpose, therefore is tax deductible.


    Your local council and the BSA are 501©(3) non profit orgranizations by nature and any gift given to them is tax deductible (e.g. Friends of Scouting).


    Your local unit(pack, troop, crew) cannot grant tax deductions for gifts, since ALL units are owned by another orgranization, your charter orgranization. If your CO is a non profit orgranization (which there are more flavors then just 501©(3), by the way), they can accept a gift on the unit's behalf to grant the tax deduction.

  17. Leading a group in singing can be tough if you make it so. A couple of tips:


    1) Use well known tunes, someone will always jump in.


    2) Use enthusism! It is hard to frown at a smiling face leading a song with gusto.


    3) Relax! Nobody expects you to be an opera singer, unless you are one of course! If you can't carry a tune in a bucket, but are excited to get the song underway, all will be well.


    4) Have fun!!!


    5) Believe in your enthusism! Your attitude will make you a fantastic song leader, or some nut making noise. The choice is yours.


    I have to admit that although I have a descent voice, I still get somewhat nervous singing solo, but by following this advise, I get through.

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