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Everything posted by ScoutPro

  1. The problem in all this is the DE is responsible for BOTH! Yes, the volunteers are the ones responsible for the program. But, the DE is responsible to ensure the volunteers are established and working. So, like in the picnic example Bob uses, is it the committees fault or is it the person that appointed the committee? Surely, you cannot merely appoint a picnic committee and then wash your hands of it nor can the committee be held blameless. On the other hand, without the money you arent going to be able to do anything and without the volunteers all the money in the world isnt goin
  2. Sctmom, bossing kids around because of rank is not proper and it may (and most likely will) lead to a lot of other problems. So, if youre referring to using rank as a means to becoming a boss thats not proper nor would I consider that leadership. Within the troop you should have a SPL and PL's they are the youths in charge regardless of the rank. We use rank for ways to improve upon the recognition without detracting from the proper patrol method. If you want to reward kids that achieved more, fine. I would not hesitate taking every kid to McDonalds that earned a certain rank, or adva
  3. Bob, maybe I should explain that the merit badge counselor allows troop cooking as one of the many ways to fulfill the requirement. I never said that it was the only way to do it. We offer Troop cooking, Patrol cooking etc. many opportunities throughout the entire year. Again, the same applies for summer camp. It is just one of the many ways to get FC it is NOT the only way in our unit. So, Im doing it the scouting way all the way. Were neither adding nor changing BSA policy. Were offering every chance to complete the FC requirements with every campout and or activity. If a
  4. I use rewards or special privileges for rank advancements, not in having scouts boss others around but instead as rewards toward achieving rank. So does the BSA, for example OA is such a program along with COPE, also many summer camps offer special privileges for rank. Little things make the difference, so kids that advance see rewards associated with advancing while those that dont advance only receive those awards theyve achieved. To make FCFY, in our unit you should attend summer camp, but if you do not then you must attend more of the meetings and attend campouts. Ive found t
  5. Bob, this year my troop has about 45-50% FCFY it is because the kids do NOT show up for the outings and meetings. If you show up at least 75% of the time youll be FC. Now, maybe its different parts of the country, but my first year scouts this year just are not participating enough to make it. It has nothing to do with the program as Im running the highest Eagle rate and retention rate in my council. Unless were just going to just sign off their requirements, theyre not going to make it. They have to earn it before I will give it to them. So, in my case (this year), the reason isnt
  6. Bob, youre not correct in assuming that FCFY is easy nor is it the only method. I work with lots of units in our council and several others and Im the SM in one and have been doing this for 30 years. Nice that you have FCFY working, but this year its 40-50% for me, I provide the means for it and Ive tried things as you suggested sometimes its just the kids. You missed the point in not being able to hike in the patrol. Its because, if your not a certain rank, you do not have the skills (or proven the skills) to hike alone with a patrol which is guided by a youth (COPE would be another e
  7. Bob, Nice that you visit many troops too, like you, I visited several hundred units each year across the country and in the past 30 years Ive seen many different approaches. My troop this year had 9 new boys from the Cub Pack. We push the FCFY program too and you know what, I have 44 percent not going to make it and it maybe more a 50/50 split. I cover everything at least twice, sometimes 3 times so theres plenty of opportunity to get what you need. Unless I pencil whip the requirements, theyre not going to make it and Im not going to just give it to them. I have a very strong pr
  8. Its down because the program needs an overhaul and should be updated to work more in the ways of the youths today. Failure to change is the cause of many business failures. Im not suggesting to abandon any moral believes or principles, but we should be able to update it with what the youth members want. Here are some of the key opportunities presented by the youth members to our council on this very same subject: 1. Uniform, dress code, and overall lack of a more modern look. 2. Lack of funding because of BSA policy of exclusion 3. Lack of trained professional adults, to many pare
  9. Been away for a while, but I have to say it. Bob youre wrong. Dead wrong, and a scout not making it to FC in a year is NOT an indication of a weak program. You cannot make that conclusion. Bob, I admire your dedication to the scouting program, but youre often too quick to quote a regulation, page, or make a comment regarding scouting based on the book. The handbooks in scouting are a guide not a bible. Take a step back and listen to others as they present different points of view, if you and Ed both have good programs then Im happy for you both and for every kid you BOTH keep
  10. ScoutParent, Theres suppose to be no secret societies within your scouting organization so why does the committee not have written policies? Just a question, also whats the issues with your son transferring while youve said others have? Here are some questions: 1. Are they afraid of losing others therefore theyre holding monies as a means to holding membership? a. Has there been a mass exiting of youths leaving for other units? If so why? 2. Have others transferred to the same troop your son is transferring to if so, did these other scouts get their funds and if so
  11. There is no requirement to be a Boy Scout to be awarded an Eagle as long as you earned 1st class in the troop prior to joining the crew and are not 18. I have awarded 2 Eagles, the last one being last month, and they were registered in the Crew only. There is NO reason to stay dual registered. But, it does only cost one dollar.
  12. If you dont succeed try again, you learn from your mistakes. Stick it out and learn from this. I would try to sit down with the committee and ask for some help and not place blame as there is plenty to go around. I find it too often the case that parents like to **** but arent willing to participate. Sometimes they even think I get paid for this and its my job therefore they have the right. I would also get the committee to draft bylaws to cover all these types of issues and get them published and keep them updated. Set rules and expectations for the CC to clearly define what nee
  13. What Im hearing here is ScoutParents sons troop has a general fund for equipment etc. and they also allow the scout to keep a portion (set by the committee I would assume) of fundraisers to be used by that scout only. These are what weve all called scout accounts for years and is what many in my council have; this is what many believe is the best way to run a troop. For example, the profit from the first $200 of popcorn goes to the general fund and any profit from sales greater than $200 goes to the boys account. So, ScoutParents son sold $1,000 in popcorn. $70 goes to the troop (assumes 3
  14. The CO has the right. I agree with you about having a special needs troop. Start one, get a sponsor and start one in your council. They should even welcome the idea, after all they too want scouting to grow. good luck
  15. Yep, protesting and running it in the paper sounds sad and hopefully the threat of such action makes them think twice and willing to at least make them listen. But sadly this is my profession and what gets results when dealing with these types of situations. Do the means justify the results? I dont know. Were only hearing one side of the story and I realize this but I can sympathies with ScoutParent as in my council we dont get involved in troops and we run the other direction during these types of situations. We cannot afford not to. But, I will also tell you that if a parent makes enoug
  16. Bob, youre correct. My point is the CO owns it and operates it within the BSA policy which only covers how the unit is chartered. The internal working of the troop is left to the CO. BSA will not get involved in these types of matters at any level therefore parents need to be involved and leaders need to be trained. Just because these parents are volunteers does not make them immune to legal proceedings. If the committee states they allow youths to transfer funds and now do not then this is fraudulent (and before someone asks, Im a business attorney and I purse these types of cases
  17. Theres your answer than. If you can buy stuff at the scout store than go purchase $500 in equipment, since your son is Life purchase the stuff required for Eagle and some stuff for your new unit. Your new unit needs to purchase badges etc. all the time. Ask them what they need and buy it and ask them to purchase it from you when they need it putting it in is new account with his new troop (assuming they too have scout accounts). Problem solved.
  18. Continued . . . It is a shame that youre mentioning what happens to often in scouting. The committee, SM, or COR run the organization as something other than the way BSA suggests. Bob White is 100% correct. Unless the troop is volatizing National BSA policy youre left at the mercy of your charting organization and by the way National BSA policy doesnt cover anything in regards to how the unit should be run or manage funds. This should be a lesson for anyone thats in scouting. Get to the troop committee meetings, ask for by-laws, and if that unit doesnt have any or the committee
  19. Sounds like the man is jealous of your son and experience has taught me that usually this type of SM has a son in the program that wants to be Eagle therefore they hold others back. Also their program probably lacks merit to keep youths interested. Id look for a troop that pushes the kids to advance and make Eagle and offers lots of activities after that therefore they want to continue in scouting and do summer camp as Eagles etc. I would also make it known that theyre not the only game in town and inform others why your leaving and what else is available and educate the parents how the tro
  20. We use sales and popcorn is just part of it but we also have a raffle. To get around BSA policy our sponsor holds the raffle and says the money will be donated to youth organizations. Mattter of fact, council came out and complained or at least tried. Our sponsor sent them packing saying they cannot tell the sponsor what to do. Our sponsor asks all members to help and if they do a donation will be made to their camping fund. Our troop benefits but so does the Girl Scout's etc. They distributed the money based on % of tickets sold. So yep, you cannot do a raffle but your church can, or le
  21. Your son worked for those funds for scouting under the understanding he could use these funds for such. If the governing bodies, your committee, leaders, church, and council refuse to acknowledge this then youve been mislead therefore you have the potential to imply theft by deception on your sons behalf. Therefore, I would file criminal charges first thing naming each leader in your troop. Since you will be filing criminal charges it will have to be addressed by the police. Do not talk to your local police if you have State Police. File with your State Police under the guidelines of expl
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