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Posts posted by ScoutBox

  1. So if I could ask a stupid question:


    The area over teh right pocket of teh uniform, above the BSA Tab, Language Tabs and name Tab is for Jambos only??? I, asking this question because Ive seen District Patches above the pocket before.



  2. Agreed SM Eagle, I like the way this Thread has turned, seemed so negative for so long. And I gree with much that has been said. I got a lot from the course but I was also looking to gain from it. Im involved in a troop that has been poorly run, I was looking for help. I found it, and now am having the support to make the right changes. Our Troop has taken a turn for the positive by now implimenting the Patrol Methed to a Troop that was a one scout show. I also like the work that KUDU has been doing, but since I didnt take the earlier WB courses, can only go by what I know. I have a LOT of outdoor experince, but never enough. I camp more outside of Scouting. over a month this past 2010 year. I think that we as adults need to see what Scouting is really about. The Boys.. And there is only one method that will work to bring those boys into being good men in Scouting, and "it aint management courses". Its the Patrol Method, and getting those boys Camping.. Give them the tools and training to do the PL job, and the rest will work like clock work. We adults are there to help, and help we must. I plan to re-work my Ticket every year, and get more adults to WB, and get their Tickets working in areas where I have missed. One thing I found with WB21C, and that is it has gotten me on the right course, doing the right things, and meeting more people to help me get there. As for wearing the Beads.. well, I havent been awarded them yet. Will I wear them? Sure Will, Why, because I earned them.. Should you as an adult earn yours.. Its up to you. You dont need WB to do the right thing. But it does put some perpective on the task. And has helped me to focus me towards being a better Scouter.. As for the Outdoor Skills, Id love to learn more.. show me the way, Ill do it. I love learning, and I love the outdoors. Sadly, I cant be out there full time working on the things I love. But Ill get there..

  3. Thank you Chass for your great reply. Ive been reading this thread for a year now I beleive, and you have finally written something a bit more tangable. I see very well what your saying. I didnt attend the older WB, I went last year to 21CWB. I learned a LOT! Had a great time, met some many other great people, sure there were a few that brought thier military rank with them, but they were hamless students like myself, and have now ben asked to TG the next course. I cant wait. One thing I am finding as an ASM is that Im having to buy all of the old books to learn how to be a proper SM. The new ones for th emoment arent up to speed. Although I did hear that the new SM Hand Book might be.. anyway, WB Made it possible for me not only to learn more about leading boys, but also let me ask questions and find out what I needed for my level of scouting. I am in contact daily with many of those people from ym course, and not only my Patrol, but also all fo the course leadership. I have heard a lot of people talk down about teh course, and have never taken it. Ive also heard from a few who have taken it, and got a bad taste from it. Thsi I can understand, because there are a lot of factors involved. Patrol members, TG, Upper staff, and of course teh Good Old Boy metality you can find in some people. Your not a good old boy, because you dont have any Knots, and havent been aropund or didnt attend old WB, so you cant be as good as they.. anyway, I didnt have a bad experince in my course, and rcommend it too all Scouters, and 18 and above Venturers. Which we had several on our course. These Scouts learned a lot.. and have taken away that knowledge with them back too school etc.. I have one kid that was on the course who is only 19 years old. Hes the COuncil Lodge Chief, and hasnt finished his German High School Education yet. He is German. Also an Eagle Scout and has earned all fo the advancements for Venturing. Very smart kid, and a good teacher. He will also be Staffing the course is some why. But again this si the future here.


    Anyway, thanks for your reply, and thats for the help in my understanding of what WB was like.. from your point of view.



  4. She might. What you want to do is contactt eh United Nations Archives in Geneva, Switzerland and ask them. Go to the UNOGs website to see.




    then go to (Ask an archavist) on the left side of the page and fill in the blanks..


    Hope this helps..



  5. This interesting. We are lucky to have severl parnets in our troop, and we use sort of a Powderhorn way of contacts to do it all. The Troop is going on a Glasier Hike in Feburary, and will rappell and ice clinb that same day. Will cost some bucks though. But sure to be fun. Id like to go to some of the courses offered through the BSA like COPE etc.. Have to check with my DE..

  6. Medical Librarian, WOW! That must be interesting. My wife got her MA Library Science in Germany and second at SUNY, Fulbrite Scholarship, Then while I was at Bragg, she got here MA International Relations. SHes now the Chief of the United Nations League of Nations Archives. She loves the job, lots of work.. she also gets to meet a lot of people. I was there a couple of months ago, and got to hold two Nobels donated to the Library, and a very only Musket Rifle, along with some very interesting paintings etc.. she headed upa new Muscium in the Main Library about the 1st World War. Ive also had the chance to meet Koffe Anann and his wife one day.

  7. Holy Hell!, That looks like a kindergartener wrote that.

    What I meant to say was my Wife is the chief Archivist witht eh United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Shes a Librarian by Masters in Library Science, and International Relations. Damn...:(

  8. @Eagle; My wife is also a Librarian, and an Arcavist. SHe wrok with teh Unitee Nations in fact. Anyway, good points you made, and thanks for the infomation. On another knot:) By the time this know does come out with the information to earn one, this thread will be long dead:/

  9. Thanks for the information drmbear. This is what I was looking for. I myself would never wear the patch or any thing else I didn't earn, and hate to see anyone else do the same. Probably something I picked up during my youth,:) anyway, the story you tell above is the second story I've heard, and different from the first. Like I said, what I stated was what I had found from a book I have "Philmont Insignia", by John Conley Williams, and Robert Rogers. It's a Collector's Guide to Philmont Patches etc.. There are so many ways the BSA does things, and not all fall under the standard with many people. Hard to find the correct information sometimes. Anyway, thanks for clearing that up..


    And agree on some of the remarks on here, makes me think not only of another forum I'm a member of, but rarely visit, that there are some 13 year olds on here from time to time, and they aren't scouts..

  10. OK, If I can't trust what anyone is saying about it, then why do we have this forum? I know where it goes, was just wondering the rules for wearing it. I read that it was issued with the original Jac Shirts that originated at Philmont. Made me want to ask was this due to it being a Philmont only patch or was it a BSA patch worn with the Jac Shirt.



  11. I read not only Scouting Mag but also my son's Boy's Life Mag each month, and I see all of the publicity in the back about Military Schools and Scouting.


    How do Military Schools charter Scout Troops, and Crews? I was wondering how they run scouting. Do they let it be Boy Lead, with boys voting for PLs etc.. or do they use the current rank system and then only allow ranked boys hold leadership positions.

  12. You have any links that might have a picture of the plaid jacket. I love wearing wool, in fact this year I'm getting a new wool jacket for Christmas. But it has to come from the States so I won't see it until January. I have seen wear the plaid wool jackets are coming back into style so I can't wait.



  13. Thanks, I was reading the same thing today while doing a bit more research. I saw someone with one on, and it wasn't touching the top of the pocket, but was high up on the chest.

  14. I wish mine was the older 100% wool version. I'm looking, but me and e-bay don't get along too well. I also like seeing the older plaid wool jackets boys are wearing int eh old fieldbooks. look sharp. as for another question, the Philmont Bull i read was originally part of the first Jac Shirts as they originated from an Oregon company making them for Philmont, and it came with the bull to be added. Does one have to attend Philmont to be able to wear the bull on the left shoulder? Or can it be treated like the BSA pocket patch and sewn on?





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