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Everything posted by Rooster7

  1. Does anyone from the Atlanta area, for example, have information that the Scouting professionals there are, instead, doing a stellar, or at least, nominally successful, job? Thats an interesting approach. Sort of sounds like guilty until proven innocent. Does anyone have any information on Prairie_Scouter to indicate hes a good person or at least, someone that should not be held in contempt? Otherwise, what everybody has been saying about him must be true.
  2. Great suggestion CalicoPenn! Let's find more creative ways to hurt the BSA. Is that why you post here? By the way, I love those father & son Scouting storiesthe fond memories you must have.
  3. Does anyone on this board understand the time, effort, and money involved to bid on a large government contract? Is not one of the reasons for a noncompetitive bid, time efficiency? For your edification: Halliburton Contract Originally Awarded In Competitive Bidding Process [H]alliburton Is In Iraq Primarily Because In 2001 It Won A Competitive Bidding Process To Administer The Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, A Multiyear Contract To Supply The Army. (Max Boot, Op-Ed, Dont Blame Halliburton, Los Angeles Times, 4/22/04) Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton
  4. Brent, Pleasewhy allow facts to get in the way? Dont be such a wet blanket! Next youll be telling us that the broadcast and print media is guilty of biased reporting, if not to justify their political posturing, then to pander to the hopeless ideologues who subsidize them.
  5. SR540Beaver, Here's the problem with your comparison - John Spencer who? Is Spencer a household name? How many times has he been elected to office? How many folks would recognize his name if he was brought up in conversation? So, you find this conservative who's a desperate want-a-be, and he makes a few comments that you think are harsh (which by the way, I can't dispute not knowing much about the race in New York). On the other hand, Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, and Dean are leaders of their party. They are not only recognizable, but the party faithful lift them up as models.
  6. Lisa, First, I meant what I said to you as a compliment. You did present a good logical argument. As to my quip about other liberals, I was focused on those in the movement that speak for the Democratic Party - Kennedy, Dean, Pelosi, and the like. In general, I like all people despite their party affiliation. However, I do feel that those who speak for the left are out in left field. You are welcome to feel the same way about conservatives, but I would argue that there is much more evidence to support my claim.
  7. Lisa, Thanks for a well reasoned reply. That's something that I have found to be rare coming from your side of the political spectrum. And frankly, your argument is so well presented and unemotional, I cannot offer a rebuttal at this time. Most in your party like to stoop to claims of racism, imperalism, capitalism, and the like. I find your response to be refreshing, if not enlightening.
  8. For the record, my disdain for what the Olympics has become, goes beyond last nights music selection. Also for the record, my disdain is not directed at those who embrace these games, as if the Olympics represent some sort of pinnacle of human bonding. My disdain is for the idea, which is promoted shamelessly throughout Europe, and more recently the United States, that peace on earth and the resolution of all the worlds problems are within the grasp of mans good nature. The fact is - the best that man has to offer cannot change the hearts of other men and make the world a better place to li
  9. With each passing year, more countries either trample or ignore principle in favor of self-serving politics. This fact alone has caused my fond memories of the Olympics to fade. I enjoyed the Olympics better when the worlds countries knew they were accountable to God, and acted accordingly. While the world's history has been riddled with wars and other cataclysmic events, the Olympics have become a godless celebration of individual human achievement. Furthermore, if/when the games attempt to speak to world unity, it too is celebrated as a potential reality which can only be brought about t
  10. Beavah, Again - I'd like to congratulate you on another well constructed post, which eloquently and intelligently addresses conservative thought. You've quickly made my short list of favorite folks on this forum. Of course, now that I have identified you as such, you will no doubt become the focus of liberal scorn, which abounds on this board as of late. Your mission - ignore the babble and press on. Good Luck.
  11. SR540Beaver, Wars and hurricane spending aside I cant tell you how ridiculous of a disclaimer that isits beyond comprehension. Perhaps on par with, Other than that, how did you like the play Mr. Lincoln? You might not agree as to why we are there, but you can't ignore the fact that we are there. Its impact on the budget is huge. GB, This Everlasting War on Terror will drain our economy and send us into the history books to follow the great empires of the Soviet Union, the Romans, the Greeks and the British Empire. Id rather see us go broke fighting the good fight,
  12. As President, Bush represents the entire country. For that, I am thankful. For the most part, I appreciate his thoughts and the direction he is leading us. Whether or not every action he takes reflects the conservative movement needs to be looked at on a case by case basis. He is an individual as much as anyone else and has on occasion veered off course from his base. SR540Beaver, You are comparing apples and oranges. Regardless, would you prefer Bush to only fight wars which are economically viable? Was the United States economically irresponsible because we chose to get involv
  13. GB, If its hypersensitive to ask someone to back up an accusation with fact, then I guess Im guilty as charged. But, perhaps youre on the defensive - because you cannot justify your slander against conservatives. And since when do the actions of the current president or any one president represent the ideology of an entire political/social movement. While I admire Bush, I dont think every deed or word of his, in or out of office, necessarily reflects the thoughts those who support him. Nevertheless, lets look at the current budget and how it conforms to big government Bush just
  14. GernBlansten, Okay, so now youve made an accusation against the current conservative movement. Fine, so now lets see how you substantiate that claim. Explain to us how the conservative movement is guilty of this charge. Otherwise, your words are just another slur.
  15. johndaigler, Beavah's retort to Lisabob was a well thought out response. It was intelligent and addressed the issues point by point as defined by Lisa. On the other hand, your response ignores all reason, makes a baseless emotional plea, and then accuses Beavah of some how lowering the bar of debate. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y? To add insult to injury you propose that my compliment of his post is proof of the same. Unbelievable. I don't know if you're overly sensitive or not. However, you're definitely not responding with reason, to reason.
  16. Beavah, As Mr. Smithers says, "Excellent!" That was a very astute evaluation. As a certified Red C, I must say - Bravo...and Amen.
  17. Yeah...when he sings "start me up", I can't get the image of a defibulator out of my mind.
  18. What's truly sad...while we mock their inane behavior and politics, SF is not embarrassed they celebrate their deeds as if they are the light on the hill...a beacon of hope. I am reminded of an old Andy Griffin show - the episode where Barney Fife moves around in choir practice searching for the member singing off key as he screeches his way through the hymn.
  19. Even more likely - they would create legislation giving the invaders health care and drivers licenses, while denouncing the imperialistic attitude of the current administration.
  20. And how dare anybody question their appreciation for the military men and women who defend this country...Certainly, SF had these folks in their hearts and minds when they decided a Navy ship wound stain their landscape.
  21. GB, I can tell that youre a liberal. Not because you found a story that might make the RNC look bad, but because of the masterfully way in which you twist reality to fit your needs. Does anyone else outside of GB, seriously believe those band aides were intended to be used as a symbol to mock Purple Heart recipients? Who was mocked John Kerry or American veterans who deservingly received a Purple Heart? Conversely, can there be any mistake as to who was being booed as they stood on stage to present the flag a stage which Democratic representatives offered up to the BSA. Clearly the
  22. GernBlansten But I think scouting is a great opportunity for our young men to appreciate and respect people from all races, colors and creeds. I think segregating your troop by your faith confounds that goal. The implication of your post is this. The BSA should promote diversity above all else, and not allow churches to use the program to promote their faith and values. I dont see diversity as being paramount to all other values. Also, I think coupling this argument with race and color is a red herring. To my knowledge, no troop is segregated based on race. Even if true, they mu
  23. Some folks forget that the BSA partnership with the chartering organization is exactly that - a partnership. That is to say, the BSA has as much a responsibility to help the CO promote its values, as the CO has to promote the values and goals of the BSA. That said - I see no conflict. If you prefer a CO that has no values to promote, fine - then find one, but don't complain when they take no interest in your activities.(This message has been edited by Rooster7)
  24. GB, No problem. Just don't let any dandruff fall onto the forest floor?
  25. And we have millions of acres of parks. We don't need LNT as much as we need some law enforcement for the real abusers.
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