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Everything posted by ronvo

  1. Mike F Thanks - I didn't spend enogh time there but went back and looked at THEIR troop recognition plan. Now they are a SHARP LOOKING troop - no question about it. And the public will say "now there goes a real Boy Scout troop." HOWEVER they are 'doing their own thing' (troop recognition plan) wearing unapproved ribbons on the sacred BSA uniform. THEREFORE they are not doing BSA Scouting but rather Troop XVII Scouting. THEREFORE they are NOT "a real Boy Scout troop" THEREFORE they should do the honorable thing and surrender their charter. :) :) :) :) :)
  2. I'm interested in knowing about the COs of these large units. Are they more involved with the unit than what many here say their COs are? What type of organization are these COs (church, VFW, etc) Do most of the families associated with these units belong have mmebership with CO. How do these units relate to other groups within the CO? And other questions such as these. Trying to determine what the co-relation might be if any between the CO and the unit. It would seem that LDS units would automatically be large, dependent on the size of the congregation.
  3. Either i dozed off or they didn't talk about that during the 2 New Leader Essential course I attended. ronvo
  4. The one thing I have learned was to ask parents to do a specific task rather than abstractly say we need you to help. Seems like the obvious but it took me couple of years to learn. ronvo
  5. Bob I am well are of BSA's status as a private organizations and the court's decisions. I just wasn't sure whether you were referring to his decision to "come out" (which by the way I agree with you - that WAS "his decision") or that you thought he decided to be gay(in which case I would have had to disagree with you.) thanks for clarifying, ronvo
  6. Bob I am well are of BSA's status as a private organizations and the court's decisions. I just wasn't sure whether you were referring to his decision to "come out" (which by the way I agree with you - that WAS "his decision") or that you thought he decided to be gay(in which case I would have had to disagree with you.) thanks for clarifying, ronvo
  7. You acutlally kick a boy out of the troop. I t must have been really bad! The problem I see with 3 strikes you're out is some boys need a few more strikes. Of tne the ones who need the program most. I am talking idealisitacally of course and do not share the experiences you have had. How many other boys have you had to ask to leave. Not trying to be argumentative - but that sounds really, drastically amazing to me. ronvo
  8. BW stated "So there is nothing unique or mysterious as to why you cannot be a member of the BSA. It was due to a decision you made." Which decision is that?
  9. Miki Thnaks for your reply post. Sorry I didn't pay attention and see it sooner. Regarding B-P's genius I am not one to really say. However what I meant to convey was that most lay scouters have put that label on him and given him ALL the credit. And as time passes we are forgetting more and more about Seton, & Beard. BP was rather sly with his uncle remark, eh? It is just one of those things about history. Like the "argument" I had with my fourth grader on whether or not Ben Franklin "discovered" electricity. What is often passed down gets distorted. I also believe tha
  10. Yes 17 does indeed look sharp there. However looking some other photos at their site it looks like some of the older boys are wearing military style ribbons above their left pocket. What's up with that? ronvo
  11. And what about TIGER CUBS where a parent must register as an adult partner. (Thought I'm sure many here would never consider them Scouters) Here we aren't just talking about a parent on an outing but a REGISTERED MEMBER OF BSA! And if the parents are a same sex couple living together raisng children how can you ignore the fact that they are gay. (As opposed to single gay parent who may have custody) I believe that the BSA will eventually have to give up their useless crusade and and do what is right. Maybe some of the millions $ can then be used for better purpose than payi
  12. In Ed's post form which this is spun he suggested that hot dogs be banned. In another thread it was suggested that "cubbing" wasn't good for SCOUTING. Well I have a little story to tell about cubbing and hotdogs. Sort of. The den of Webelos I have has been together since Tigers. We have attended most Parent&Pal camps and resident camp plus a couple of pack camps. During most of those camps the boys preferred to cook their own hot dogs and "play" in the fire. Ah, boys will be boys. Now this past April we took these Webelos on a camp out to work on the outdoorsman acitiv
  13. EXCELLENT V! If you don't mind I think I'll print it out and post it in our scout room and at the school night! thanks ron
  14. EXCELLENT V! If you don't mind I think I'll print it out and post it in our scout room and at the school night! thanks ron
  15. While this is surely a no brainer - My question is how do large units manage the logistics. A pack with over 80 boys means or should mean around 200 people at Pack Meetings. Where do you meet that can hold that many people comfortably with boy activity? Also if you have BS Troop that large - as a former member of the forum recently declared he had - can you really deliver a quality Boy Scout program? Interestingly an old manual I saw stated a troop's max size was to be 32 boys - 4 patrols with 8 boys each. Hope to have the problem of too many boys someday:) ron
  16. You know when I posted the message with the term "God's Country" I almost changed it to "the Republic". However I'm glad I did not because I enjoyed hearing about other parts of God's Country and why ya'll like them. I actually like the country aorund here in Southern Missouri Northern Arkansas Ozarks better than I do the Texas Gulf Coast. But don't tell the folks back home. YIS ronvo
  17. BW - you just don't seem to understand that scouting is not BSA Scouting. Scouting is a game. Major League Baseball is not japanese baseball nor is it Little League Baseball. BUT the name Little League Baseball is protected as is MLB; however baseball is not. So why can't there be another scouting "league". I know that you will say that the word baseball was around before the Leagues and that scouting was started in this country with BSA. It's the chicken or the egg. You will also say that if peopel don't like it they can go to another program. Well Campfire USA w
  18. Interesting article Oak Tree. My dad bowled in the same league for almost 30 years from the ealry fifties to about 1981. Every Tuesday night from September to May. I know few people who have done that type of "commitment" to anything. We just don't belong to a community anymore - few of us know our neighbors, we move around to better jobs, get laid off, upgrade our home to big and better. We have to drive 10-30 minutes to the SuperStor rather around the ocrner to the neghbor hood grocery where highschool kids we know are checkers and sackers ( sackers: someone -ususally a high
  19. While good leaders for our program are becoming fewer, we are not the only organization facing this probelm as we all know. I think it doesn't have so much to do with willingness to help but the willingness to commit oneself to an organzization. An article I read sometime ago discussed how the numbers in fraternal organizations (e.g. Kiwanis, Lions, etc) have declined. Also if you look at the numbers of men in these organizations that number has declined even further given that they at one time were exclusively male and now allow females, just as BSA does for leaders. So I do
  20. Mr Beaver, sir I live on the border of Oklahoma. I drive often to Oklahoma on my way to Texas. I stayed in Oklahoma Mr Beaver, Oklahoma is NOT God's Country. (Smiley Face ICon here if I knew how to do it.) Actually have any of you ever visited Woolaroc, Frank Phillip's Ranch near Bartlesville. Very interesting. Game preserve. Wonderful museum with LOTS of Native American artifacts and a bit or two of Scout stuff. Frank was of course Waite Phillips brother, the man who donated Philmont to BSA. Alos in Barlesville is a Frank Lloyd Wright building. ronvo
  21. Durndest thang - the past few years we have been seeing armadillos up here in Missouri. Makes ya wonder how they cold get so far north since most of them I do see are squashed on the Old Mother Road - Route 66 trying to cross south to north! ronvo
  22. Will the red cape have a fluer de lis superimposed with a big S Sounds cool! By the way Trev where are you in God's Country? I grew up in the Sam Houston Area Council. ronvo
  23. Not to beat a dead horse about Mr. Juris - but the main thing that bothered me, and I even had acouple of PMs with him, was his reluctance, nay outright refusal, to say where he served - i.e. unit, district/council or even where he was - his profile stated only USA. I also feel that as trustworthy scouts we all might be more open with each other and complete our profiles better. It would often help to understand one's perspective if we knew they were a CM from California or a COR from Utah or a SM from Georgia. Of course as I told Juris anyone can put a bunch of letters up in their p
  24. I am beginning to think that maybe juris is just an OLD OLD SCOUTER who did it his way period. I knew of a troop llike that when I was a kid. They were quite arrogant bunch of boys whom many were eagles but a bit untrustworthy. I had something stolen by one of them in quite a clever fashion that it took me 25 years to figure out that he had acutally stolen it. Juris - your name isn't Mr. Blume is it - naw I'm sure Blume has to be dead by now I bet he would be 100+ ronvo
  25. Dear Juris, With all due respect - I apologize if my replies to your threads were unscoutlike. However- you have expressed your views about the Scouting program which are not aligned with those of either the national council nor the majority of members on this forum. In fact many of your views are against the way any such organization should be run. Furthermore you state how your troop was/is the largest/best in the council and to look at your profile to see what successful experiences you have had. Also your use of terminaolgy is at best dated. Your high ranking
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